WWE taped August 2nd's edition of RAW from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Thanks to readers Pablo M. and Josh for providing us with text-message updates. Below are full results:
WWE RAW (Airing Monday, August 2th on the USA Network):
* The show starts with the announcement that Randy Orton will face The Miz later tonight.
* Edge comes out and says his SummerSlam team is falling apart. He challenges Wade Barrett for a match later tonight. R-Truth comes out and interrupts. R-Truth says they're fighting for their lives, the WWE Universe. Edge says he will spear Truth out of the ring. The General Manager emails in and announces Edge vs. Barrett for right now.
* Edge vs. Wade Barrett. The match ends in no contest when Barrett gets out of the ring when Edge attempts the Spear. Barrett motions for The Nexus to come out but Edge leaves through the crowd.
* WWE Divas Champion Alicia Fox, Jillian Hall & Tamina vs. Natalya, Gail Kim & Eve Torres. Winners after Alicia pins Natalya following an Axe Kick, Alicia Fox, Jillian, & Tamina. Alicia gets on the mic and says she's the best Diva on thee Raw roster. Melina comes out and gives Alicia her Sunset Split finisher to a huge pop from the crowd.
* Backstage, Edge asks John Cena where he was when Nexus interfered. Edge says he quits Team Cena. Chris Jericho tells Cena he should quit as well. Jericho proposes a match - Jericho vs. Cena and the loser quits the SummerSlam team.
* Backstage, John Morrison tells The Great Khali that seven samurais work together. Khali says there were seven dwarfs too. It's announced Khali will face Ted DiBiase tonight. The Nexus try to recruit Khali.
* Sheamus beat Goldust in a squash match after hitting the Celtic Cross. Sheamus got on the mic after the match and said he beat Goldust last year on ECW. He said he's a two-time WWE Champion and he did it without a briefcase or being a third generation Superstar. He ended Triple H's career. He doesn't need the fans and he has what he needs, the WWE Championship.
* Chris Jericho vs. John Cena in a loser must quit Team Cena at SummerSlam. Cena beat Jericho when he reversed the Walls of Jericho into the STF, making Jericho tap immediately (I'm told he tapped the second Cena hooked it). After the match, Cena told Jericho he doesn't want him off Team Cena at SummerSlam because he is the best in the world at what he does. He says if he leaves he's letting everyone else down, even himself. Jericho gets out of the ring and heads to the back up the ramp.
* A vignette airs for the debut of Alberto Del Rio.
* Backstage, Chris Jericho enters Edge's locker room. They say Cena needs both of them more than they need Cena. Jericho and Edge let bygones by bygones and hug. The General Manager emails in and says Edge & Chris Jericho will face John Cena & Bret Hart on Raw next week (8/9) with The Nexus as lumberjacks.
* Randy Orton invites Sheamus to ringside for his match against The Miz tonight.
* The Great Khali vs. Ted DiBiase w/Maryse. Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield come out during the match. They grab the Million Dollar Belt which distracts DiBiase. Khali applies the Vise Grip to win the match. Barrett gives the belt to Maryse. Khali and Barrett look at each other then Khali exits the ring and leaves.
* The Miz comes out and cuts a promo and tells Randy Orton his moment is after his match at SummerSlam. Orton comes out. The Miz vs. Randy Orton. WWE Champion Sheamus watches the match from the ramp. The Miz hits a lot of offense in the match but ends up getting hit with the RKO, allowing Orton to pickup the victory. After the match, Sheamus tries to get into the ring but Orton stares him down from viper position.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
**SPOILERS** TNA iMPACT! Results For Thursday
I got to the Impact Zone a little late tonight. When I walked in, there was an in-ring segment with the Hardcore Originals (including Team 3D), Hulk Hogan and Abyss to set up Dreamer vs. Abyss in the main event. Hogan noted Tommy Dreamer was there as a guest of TNA.
*Sarita vs. Angelina Love. Love defeated Sarita.
*We are shown a video clip with Orlando Jordan and Eric Young setting up a tag match tonight. Young seems to be doing a deal where he's acting goofy because he was kicked in the head.
*Ink, Inc. defeated Orlando Jordan and Eric Young. Jordan kissed Socal Val while making his way to the ring. Young brought a male fake model in pink feathers down to the ring with him and put it in their corner.
*A Universal employee warned everyone not to hop the rail as a kid did last time. Dixie Carter and Hermie Sadler are in the house.
*Tommy Dreamer did a promo backstage saying that he might not have a TNA contract, but tonight he's going to show Abyss what Extreme is. The Abyss vs. Dreamer bout is a Hardcore match.
*Ric Flair came out and announced Beer Money were the final two members of Fortune. So, it's Beer Money, AJ Styles and Kazarian in the group. Flair announces he will return to the ring against Jay Lethal next week. Robert Roode says that when they defeat the Motor City Machineguns in a Steel Cage tonight, they will be the new Tag Team champions. Kazarian cut a promo about being in Fortune. Styles cut a promo about being the Global champion. Kurt Angle came out and told Styles he was next on Angle's list.
*As they set up the Steel Cage, Jeremy Borash pushed fans to order VIP packages for TNA Hardcore Justice as they are close to selling out at www.shoptna.com.
*Beer Money vs. Motor City Machineguns in a Steel Cage (Match 3 of 5 match series). They are doing traditional tag rules inside the Cage. Roode is busted open. The crowd is into this one big time. The roof came off the Impact Zone after Alex Shelley flew from the top of the cage to land on Beer Money. James Storm nailed Roode with the beer bottle accidentally and both members of BM were pinned. 2-1 now and the Guns are still alive. Awesome match.
*Matt Morgan comes to the ring to Mr. Anderson's music. He mocks calling for the mic but doesn't get it until his third try. Morgan mocks Anderson introducing himself and makes up a bunch of fake info about himself calling himself 8 foot tall and 484 pounds. Ken Anderson comes out on the ramp and has a mic lowered for him. Anderson comes down to the ring. Morgan makes fun of the attack on him last week. Morgan dares Ken to hit him which Anderson eventually does. Morgan gets the upper hand again and chokes Anderson with the mic chord. Jeff Hardy comes down to make the save and unloads. Security comes in to break them up. Morgan gets a couple cheap shots in until D'Lo Brown, Simon Diamond and Al Snow come in and yell at security to end the segment.
*They air a graphic listing an Eric Bischoff announcement as well as Jeff Hardy & Ken Anderson vs. Matt Morgan and...a TNA security guard.
*Rob Terry pinned Kazarian in 30 seconds.
*Anderson & Hardy vs. Morgan & Security Guard. Morgan walks off and leaves the Guards to fend for themselves. Hardy pins one with a Twist of Fate.
*Eric Bischoff announced that the 8/12 edition of Impact will be a special episode featuring former ECW stars. The main event of that episode will be TNA champion Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss with Janice hanging above the ring in a Hardcore Match. Abyss came out and tried to use Janice on Bischoff but Rob Van Dam made the save. Abyss got the upper hand but TNA management came out. Finally, Tommy Dreamer hit the scene and the main event kicked off....
*Dreamer vs. Abyss. Dreamer is in control but they go to ringside. Dreamer uses a beer can on Abyss, then throws the trash can full of weapons into the ring. The crowd is totally behind Dreamer. Dreamer does the whole ECW baseball slide into Abyss with the trash can in front of abyss' face. Dreamer brings out a barbed wire board. Dreamer picks up the trash can but Abyss punches it in his face, then chokeslams Dreamer to get the pinfall victory.
*Sarita vs. Angelina Love. Love defeated Sarita.
*We are shown a video clip with Orlando Jordan and Eric Young setting up a tag match tonight. Young seems to be doing a deal where he's acting goofy because he was kicked in the head.
*Ink, Inc. defeated Orlando Jordan and Eric Young. Jordan kissed Socal Val while making his way to the ring. Young brought a male fake model in pink feathers down to the ring with him and put it in their corner.
*A Universal employee warned everyone not to hop the rail as a kid did last time. Dixie Carter and Hermie Sadler are in the house.
*Tommy Dreamer did a promo backstage saying that he might not have a TNA contract, but tonight he's going to show Abyss what Extreme is. The Abyss vs. Dreamer bout is a Hardcore match.
*Ric Flair came out and announced Beer Money were the final two members of Fortune. So, it's Beer Money, AJ Styles and Kazarian in the group. Flair announces he will return to the ring against Jay Lethal next week. Robert Roode says that when they defeat the Motor City Machineguns in a Steel Cage tonight, they will be the new Tag Team champions. Kazarian cut a promo about being in Fortune. Styles cut a promo about being the Global champion. Kurt Angle came out and told Styles he was next on Angle's list.
*As they set up the Steel Cage, Jeremy Borash pushed fans to order VIP packages for TNA Hardcore Justice as they are close to selling out at www.shoptna.com.
*Beer Money vs. Motor City Machineguns in a Steel Cage (Match 3 of 5 match series). They are doing traditional tag rules inside the Cage. Roode is busted open. The crowd is into this one big time. The roof came off the Impact Zone after Alex Shelley flew from the top of the cage to land on Beer Money. James Storm nailed Roode with the beer bottle accidentally and both members of BM were pinned. 2-1 now and the Guns are still alive. Awesome match.
*Matt Morgan comes to the ring to Mr. Anderson's music. He mocks calling for the mic but doesn't get it until his third try. Morgan mocks Anderson introducing himself and makes up a bunch of fake info about himself calling himself 8 foot tall and 484 pounds. Ken Anderson comes out on the ramp and has a mic lowered for him. Anderson comes down to the ring. Morgan makes fun of the attack on him last week. Morgan dares Ken to hit him which Anderson eventually does. Morgan gets the upper hand again and chokes Anderson with the mic chord. Jeff Hardy comes down to make the save and unloads. Security comes in to break them up. Morgan gets a couple cheap shots in until D'Lo Brown, Simon Diamond and Al Snow come in and yell at security to end the segment.
*They air a graphic listing an Eric Bischoff announcement as well as Jeff Hardy & Ken Anderson vs. Matt Morgan and...a TNA security guard.
*Rob Terry pinned Kazarian in 30 seconds.
*Anderson & Hardy vs. Morgan & Security Guard. Morgan walks off and leaves the Guards to fend for themselves. Hardy pins one with a Twist of Fate.
*Eric Bischoff announced that the 8/12 edition of Impact will be a special episode featuring former ECW stars. The main event of that episode will be TNA champion Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss with Janice hanging above the ring in a Hardcore Match. Abyss came out and tried to use Janice on Bischoff but Rob Van Dam made the save. Abyss got the upper hand but TNA management came out. Finally, Tommy Dreamer hit the scene and the main event kicked off....
*Dreamer vs. Abyss. Dreamer is in control but they go to ringside. Dreamer uses a beer can on Abyss, then throws the trash can full of weapons into the ring. The crowd is totally behind Dreamer. Dreamer does the whole ECW baseball slide into Abyss with the trash can in front of abyss' face. Dreamer brings out a barbed wire board. Dreamer picks up the trash can but Abyss punches it in his face, then chokeslams Dreamer to get the pinfall victory.
Huge **SPOILERS** For Next Week's RAW - Big Return
Melina made her return to WWE RAW at last night's TV taping from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. She returned at the conclusion of Alicia Fox, Jillian & Tamina vs. Eve, Gail Kim & Natalya, taking out Alicia Fox. The return can be seen on next Monday's edition of RAW on the USA Network. Melina has been out since December 2009 after suffering a torn ACL. She underwent surgery in January and has been rehabbing for months. Melina spent last week in Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa working out.
Bret Hart was not at last night's double RAW taping from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas as he is in Hawaii on his honeymoon with his new wife Stephanie that he married this past Saturday in Calgary. It was announced Hart will team with John Cena to face Edge and Chris Jericho with The Nexus as lumberjacks on the 8/9 edition of WWE RAW from ARCO Arena in Sacramento, California.
Bret Hart was not at last night's double RAW taping from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas as he is in Hawaii on his honeymoon with his new wife Stephanie that he married this past Saturday in Calgary. It was announced Hart will team with John Cena to face Edge and Chris Jericho with The Nexus as lumberjacks on the 8/9 edition of WWE RAW from ARCO Arena in Sacramento, California.
WWE Is Looking For Divas
-- WWE has sent out a request to agents and managers, asking them to submit female actresses as potential WWE Divas. The casting will go on until this October, with sessions taking place in New York City, LA and Las Vegas, among other cities. Contracts will be offered to certain women, with the deals being "specific to each woman." The request stated that the company was looking for women of all ethnicities and that successful candidates would be involved in varied aspects of WWE programming, including wrestling, dancing, singing, interviews and more.
**SPOILER** - TNA's ECW Faction Gets A Name
It was announced at tonight's TNA tapings that the ECW faction will be named "EV2.0" (Extreme Version 2.0). The name is said to be a suggestion from Eric Bischoff.
As noted earlier, Eric Bischoff announced that the August 12 episode of iMPACT! would be a special show featuring the former ECW talent. Main eventing that show will be Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss in a hardcore match with Janice suspended above the ring.
As noted earlier, Eric Bischoff announced that the August 12 episode of iMPACT! would be a special show featuring the former ECW talent. Main eventing that show will be Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss in a hardcore match with Janice suspended above the ring.
WWE Ruins TNA’s Plans + Major Hard Justice **SPOILERS**
In a segment taped for this week's iMPACT!, Eric Bischoff announced that the August 12 episode of iMPACT! would be a special show featuring the former ECW talent. Main eventing that show will be Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss in a hardcore match with Janice suspended above the ring.
In related news, there is talk that TNA will run some shows in the Northeast with the ECW talent in the fall.
Jeff Jarrett had previously stated that he wanted to run a TNA PPV on June 19th, 2011, since that is the anniversary of the company's first event. Unfortunately for TNA, WWE has already secured that date for the 2011 WWE Fatal Four Way PPV.
In related news, there is talk that TNA will run some shows in the Northeast with the ECW talent in the fall.
Jeff Jarrett had previously stated that he wanted to run a TNA PPV on June 19th, 2011, since that is the anniversary of the company's first event. Unfortunately for TNA, WWE has already secured that date for the 2011 WWE Fatal Four Way PPV.
Hulk Hogan's ex-wife Linda Hogan is engaged to her 21-year old boyfriend, Charlie Hill.
That means Brooke Hogan's new stepdad will be one year younger than her. Charlie was also good friends with Linda's son Nick before he started dating his mom. The couple has been together since Charlie was 19. Linda just turned 50.BARF!
Linda and Charlie plan on marrying next year aboard Linda's new yacht, aptly named "Alimony."
Hulk, also currently engaged, has yet to comment.

That means Brooke Hogan's new stepdad will be one year younger than her. Charlie was also good friends with Linda's son Nick before he started dating his mom. The couple has been together since Charlie was 19. Linda just turned 50.BARF!
Linda and Charlie plan on marrying next year aboard Linda's new yacht, aptly named "Alimony."
Hulk, also currently engaged, has yet to comment.

Former WWE Diva Admits To Steroid Use - Who Is It?
Dawn Marie Damatta, who performed for World Wrestling Entertainment from 2002 to 2005, admitted to the Connecticut Post that she used steroids during the course of her tenure in the organization.
"I chose to take that shortcut," the former WWE Diva said. "Did Vince (McMahon) tell me to take that shortcut? No. Did WWE? No. Why did I do it? Because I thought that's what I needed to do in order to keep up ... There was no testing policy."
"I chose to take that shortcut," the former WWE Diva said. "Did Vince (McMahon) tell me to take that shortcut? No. Did WWE? No. Why did I do it? Because I thought that's what I needed to do in order to keep up ... There was no testing policy."
Major News & **SPOILERS** From The iMPACT! Tapings
Jason Hervey is backstage at the iMPACT! tapings alongside Hogan and Bischoff. All three are performing normal duties as noted earlier.
As far as "ECW" performers appearing on iMPACT!, at this time, only the usual performers associated with the angle are backstage. The company plans to continue along with their current angles, while also promoting the Hardcore Justice PPV. The last we heard several former ECW stars were set for tomorrows TV tapings but that is not confirmed.
Rob Van Dam, as previously reported, will wrestle at the Hardcore Justice PPV, but the TNA Title will not be defended in his match with Jerry Lynn.
Scheduled for tonight's TNA iMPACT! taping is a main event featuring Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss. This will be Dreamer's first official match with TNA, and it is also believed to be the first meeting between Dreamer and Abyss. This will be the main event of Thursday's show.
As far as "ECW" performers appearing on iMPACT!, at this time, only the usual performers associated with the angle are backstage. The company plans to continue along with their current angles, while also promoting the Hardcore Justice PPV. The last we heard several former ECW stars were set for tomorrows TV tapings but that is not confirmed.
Rob Van Dam, as previously reported, will wrestle at the Hardcore Justice PPV, but the TNA Title will not be defended in his match with Jerry Lynn.
Scheduled for tonight's TNA iMPACT! taping is a main event featuring Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss. This will be Dreamer's first official match with TNA, and it is also believed to be the first meeting between Dreamer and Abyss. This will be the main event of Thursday's show.
Bret Hart Marries 27-Year-Old Stephanie Washington - Details

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart was married over the weekend to his fiancé Stephanie Washington. This is the third time down the aisle for Bret.
Stephanie Washington is a 27 year old woman from San Francisco, California. She now goes to school up in Calgary. They began dating earlier this year..
The couple is expected to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. Since WWE will be taping the next 2 weeks of RAW shows tonight (due to the upcoming international tour), it's likely that Bret and Stephanie will not leave for Hawaii until later this week at the earliest.
Report: Vince McMahon Reportedly Places Ban On HBK
WWE employees involved with the company's marketing division were issued a directive a few weeks ago from Vince McMahon prohibiting them from using anything relating to the image of Shawn Michaels.
A marketing idea concerning Michaels had previously been approved by top WWE officials, reportedly including Vince McMahon, but was later nixed by the company chairman — with the ban set.
Meanwhile, those close to Michaels say he is mentally through with the professional wrestling industry and has it engrained in his mind that he will never return — in any form.
A marketing idea concerning Michaels had previously been approved by top WWE officials, reportedly including Vince McMahon, but was later nixed by the company chairman — with the ban set.
Meanwhile, those close to Michaels say he is mentally through with the professional wrestling industry and has it engrained in his mind that he will never return — in any form.
A Double RAW Taping Tonight, WWE's Latest Ban Is?, 'Taker
-- WWE has placed a ban on talent wrestling with gloves on. Dolph Ziggler revealed this tidbit today on Twitter when was asked why he no longer wears gloves when he competes. He said, "DZBabe, I don't wear gloves anymore! They have been banned from ringside! Hopefully we can atleast High-5!"
-- During last Friday's SmackDown broadcast on The Score in Canada, a SummerSlam commercial was shown featuring The Undertaker. Triple H, who is also out nursing an injury, was not. Undertaker was originally scheduled to return at the event, but it now appears as though he will not return in a wrestling capacity until Night of Champions in September as we noted earlier.
-- WWE tapes two episodes of RAW tonight in San Antonio, TX due to the company touring is Australia. The tour stars July 31st, and ends August 4th. They will also tape matches for two weeks of WWE Superstars tonight and tomorrow. As noted earlier, TNA also tapes TV tonight and tomorrow so it's going to be a BUSY next few nights.
-- During last Friday's SmackDown broadcast on The Score in Canada, a SummerSlam commercial was shown featuring The Undertaker. Triple H, who is also out nursing an injury, was not. Undertaker was originally scheduled to return at the event, but it now appears as though he will not return in a wrestling capacity until Night of Champions in September as we noted earlier.
-- WWE tapes two episodes of RAW tonight in San Antonio, TX due to the company touring is Australia. The tour stars July 31st, and ends August 4th. They will also tape matches for two weeks of WWE Superstars tonight and tomorrow. As noted earlier, TNA also tapes TV tonight and tomorrow so it's going to be a BUSY next few nights.
Orton Speaks On Anderson, McCool-WWE, Austin/Stallone, More
-- Since opening an account on Twitter (http://twitter.com/RealRKOrton) last week, Randy Orton has made numerous comments of note. For starters, he was asked to give his thoughts on Bryan Danielson as a performer as well as his sudden firing from World Wrestling Entertainment. "I understand why it happened. But he def deserves to be there, I'm sure he'll b back," Orton responded. "Very talented in my opinion." Orton also continues to bring up former WWE performer Ken Anderson's name, whom he recently ranted about on a message board post in regards to claims concerning his dismissal from the company last year. He laughed at a fan noting he already had more Twitter followers than Anderson and threatened to send the former WWE star after an Orton poser if he didn't shut down his account. However, it would appear that Orton has since had a change of heart in regards to the current TNA star as he now feels that last year's incident was a misunderstanding. In response to a question this morning asking if he would ever make peace with Anderson, he wrote, "I think what happened is a misunderstanding and at this point there is peace. Hell......we used to ride together." Finally, Orton revealed that he will have a new shirt out within thirty days.
-- Michelle McCool says it's hard for her to see the celebrity others see in her. Though she is former middle school teacher turned wrestling star, in her eyes, the important stuff has stuck around: Family, friends, passions and herself. "I'm still the same person," she told the St. Augustine Record in an interview. "I just happen to be on TV now." She wants her fans to know that even though she plays a villain on television, she's just a regular girl. "I'm real," she said. "I'm genuine."
-- A photo has surfaced of actor Sylvester Stallone placing a headlock on Steve Austin at San Diego Comic-Con International. Stallone and Austin were promoting The Expendables, an upcoming film they are both starring in, when the snapshot occurred.
-- Michelle McCool says it's hard for her to see the celebrity others see in her. Though she is former middle school teacher turned wrestling star, in her eyes, the important stuff has stuck around: Family, friends, passions and herself. "I'm still the same person," she told the St. Augustine Record in an interview. "I just happen to be on TV now." She wants her fans to know that even though she plays a villain on television, she's just a regular girl. "I'm real," she said. "I'm genuine."
-- A photo has surfaced of actor Sylvester Stallone placing a headlock on Steve Austin at San Diego Comic-Con International. Stallone and Austin were promoting The Expendables, an upcoming film they are both starring in, when the snapshot occurred.
Mickie James vs. Awesome Kong Set
-- In a match pitting a former WWE Women's Champion against a former TNA Women's Knockout Champion, it has been announced that Mickie James will square off against Awesome Kong on Oct. 1 at Mike O'Brien's Northeast Wrestling's 15th Anniversary event in Waterbury, Connecticut. This would be their first-ever meeting. Also scheduled to take place is a match fit for an episode of Monday Night RAW in 2005, Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin. For more information on the event, visit www.northeastwrestling.com. Bryan Danielson is also scheduled to appear.
**SPOILERS** - Major Names For HardCORE Justice & Last Week's iMPACT! Ratings
-- The July 22nd edition of TNA iMPACT! scored a 1.07 rating, with 1,441,000 viewers.
-- We’ve got an update on the former ECW stars that will be appearing at TNA’s upcoming “Hardcore Justice” pay-per-view, which will be a [another] special “farewell ECW” show.
At this time, the wrestlers confirmed to appear are Jerry Lynn (who announced on his website that he’ll be fighting TNA Champion Rob Van Dam in the main event), Sabu, The Sandman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Johnny Swinger and Bill Alfonso.
It’s confirmed that Lance Storm, Tajiri, Super Crazy and Amish Roadkill will not be appearing.
Former ECW stars who are currently working in TNA scheduled to appear include Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Team 3D, Mick Foley, Raven, Rhino, Stevie Richards, Al Snow, and Simon Diamond.
Stars from the original ECW that are still active in wrestling include Shane Douglas, Terry Funk, Justin Credible, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, The Blue Meanie, CW Anderson, Danny Doring, Kid Kash, Guido, Spike Dudley and Steve Corino.
-- TNA President Dixie Carter wrote the following on Twitter over the weekend regarding the PPV: “HardCORE Justice pay-per-view card looks amazing. Not sure who Tommy is going to announce. Stay tuned.”
-- We’ve got an update on the former ECW stars that will be appearing at TNA’s upcoming “Hardcore Justice” pay-per-view, which will be a [another] special “farewell ECW” show.
At this time, the wrestlers confirmed to appear are Jerry Lynn (who announced on his website that he’ll be fighting TNA Champion Rob Van Dam in the main event), Sabu, The Sandman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Johnny Swinger and Bill Alfonso.
It’s confirmed that Lance Storm, Tajiri, Super Crazy and Amish Roadkill will not be appearing.
Former ECW stars who are currently working in TNA scheduled to appear include Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Team 3D, Mick Foley, Raven, Rhino, Stevie Richards, Al Snow, and Simon Diamond.
Stars from the original ECW that are still active in wrestling include Shane Douglas, Terry Funk, Justin Credible, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, The Blue Meanie, CW Anderson, Danny Doring, Kid Kash, Guido, Spike Dudley and Steve Corino.
-- TNA President Dixie Carter wrote the following on Twitter over the weekend regarding the PPV: “HardCORE Justice pay-per-view card looks amazing. Not sure who Tommy is going to announce. Stay tuned.”
The Latest On Paul Heyman's New Project Inside Here
I was at the Top Cow presentation on Saturday, and was there for the Paul Heyman announcement of his new project with former New Line Cinema exec Jeff Katz, who used to work for WCW in the late 1990s. The presentation was opened up by the legendary Marc Silvestri, who ran down Top Cow's big projects for 2010, and then it was Katz's turn.
I need to say that if you haven't seen the footage from the Wowio Yacht on Friday, go out of your way to see it. Heyman, Samoa Joe, Shane "Hurricane" Helms, Katz, and several others were on a panel, and when Katz started to hype the announcement, Heyman got all sarcastic and started saying "oh yeah, it'll redefine the industry, biggest announcement ever, no one will ever be the same, it's so huge we can't contain it, we're going to make the announcement on a pay per view."
So Katz brings up Heyman, who joked about the people who preceded them, since they would curse, and then apologize. Heyman said "this is a pretty cool f****** idea, and if I offended anyone with my language, I don't apologize for it." That got a lot of laughs.
So, the project is based on the social networking applications "Mafia Wars" and "Farmville," which are super popular on Facebook and other social networking sites. Heyman described the project as "all fighting and fight-entertainment forms, from MMA to Wrestling to Boxing" and gave a bunch of "what if" scenarios of UFC fighters against pro wrestlers or top big time boxers against wrestlers or MMA fighters. Heyman said the project is scheduled to launch 4th quarter of 2010. Katz said he originally wanted to do a wrestling-only game, but Heyman said he wanted it to be bigger better stronger.
That may have been a tribute to Chris Bell, who was there talking with Heyman, Samoa Joe, and Hurricane Helms. Bell was the writer and director of the documentary "Bigger Stronger Faster."
In the hallway outside the room, they were all very accommodating with autographs and posing with fans. Katz said he has been trying to get this going for almost 2 years. Samoa Joe was joking with a lot of fans about his kidnapping and re-appearance. Heyman said he was "lost as hell" at Comic Con and "woefully ill-informed on the entire culture," but that he was getting a 1st class education on the entire Comic Con life from Helms.
Katz kept stressing the gaming app would debut on his website, www.geekweek.com by the end of the year.
I need to say that if you haven't seen the footage from the Wowio Yacht on Friday, go out of your way to see it. Heyman, Samoa Joe, Shane "Hurricane" Helms, Katz, and several others were on a panel, and when Katz started to hype the announcement, Heyman got all sarcastic and started saying "oh yeah, it'll redefine the industry, biggest announcement ever, no one will ever be the same, it's so huge we can't contain it, we're going to make the announcement on a pay per view."
So Katz brings up Heyman, who joked about the people who preceded them, since they would curse, and then apologize. Heyman said "this is a pretty cool f****** idea, and if I offended anyone with my language, I don't apologize for it." That got a lot of laughs.
So, the project is based on the social networking applications "Mafia Wars" and "Farmville," which are super popular on Facebook and other social networking sites. Heyman described the project as "all fighting and fight-entertainment forms, from MMA to Wrestling to Boxing" and gave a bunch of "what if" scenarios of UFC fighters against pro wrestlers or top big time boxers against wrestlers or MMA fighters. Heyman said the project is scheduled to launch 4th quarter of 2010. Katz said he originally wanted to do a wrestling-only game, but Heyman said he wanted it to be bigger better stronger.
That may have been a tribute to Chris Bell, who was there talking with Heyman, Samoa Joe, and Hurricane Helms. Bell was the writer and director of the documentary "Bigger Stronger Faster."
In the hallway outside the room, they were all very accommodating with autographs and posing with fans. Katz said he has been trying to get this going for almost 2 years. Samoa Joe was joking with a lot of fans about his kidnapping and re-appearance. Heyman said he was "lost as hell" at Comic Con and "woefully ill-informed on the entire culture," but that he was getting a 1st class education on the entire Comic Con life from Helms.
Katz kept stressing the gaming app would debut on his website, www.geekweek.com by the end of the year.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Stacy Keibler Hangs Out w/ TNA Talent (Pic), Velvet Sky-TNA
As reported on earlier, TNA President Dixie Carter revealed that Knockout Velvet Sky had signed a new long-term contract with TNA. Her new contract with the company gave her a raise from $300 per date to around $600. While the pay for women in general is a lot lower than the men on the roster, the one positive about being in TNA is when someone like Sky works on the indy or autograph scene (something she works very hard at getting) they can charge more being listed as current television stars.
-- Stacy Keibler noted on her Twitter that she got to hang out with Samoa Joe and Hurricane Helms this weekend at Comic-Con. She posted a pic of it as well.

-- Stacy Keibler noted on her Twitter that she got to hang out with Samoa Joe and Hurricane Helms this weekend at Comic-Con. She posted a pic of it as well.

CM Punk Undergoes Surgery, New Diva?, Backstage News
» CM Punk is expected to be kept out of the ring for 2-4 more weeks. He had floating particles in his elbow which was causing it to lock up. He underwent minor surgery as a result.
» There is no word yet on who the new WWE SmackDown! Diva is but the rumors are that it's AJ Lee, developmental talent. WWE was planning to air her first promo video on last week's SmackDown! but it was cut due to time constraints.
» Eliminated NXT Rookie Titus O'Neil (real name Thaddeus Bullard) said he chose his ring name because of its Biblical reference as Servant to God, not to mention that he's a fan of NBA Superstar Shaquille O'Neal.
» There is no word yet on who the new WWE SmackDown! Diva is but the rumors are that it's AJ Lee, developmental talent. WWE was planning to air her first promo video on last week's SmackDown! but it was cut due to time constraints.
» Eliminated NXT Rookie Titus O'Neil (real name Thaddeus Bullard) said he chose his ring name because of its Biblical reference as Servant to God, not to mention that he's a fan of NBA Superstar Shaquille O'Neal.
Report: Kevin Sullivan Interested In Joining TNA
Kevin Sullivan, 60, reportedly spoke with TNA President Dixie Carter while she was in New Jersey a few weeks ago expressing interest in getting back into wrestling and showing interest as a booker for TNA. He even spoke with some in the company he knows well and said he already has an entire year booked out.
Whether or not TNA will show interest in making an offer remains to be seen, especially when they are still aggressively going after Paul Heyman.
It should be noted that Sullivan hasn't heard back from TNA lately in regards to him coming in to work on the creative team.
Steve Corino At TNA Hardcore Justice?
-- Former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Steve Corino, who declined appearing at ECW reunion shows in the past, says he has not been contacted to appear at Hardcore Justice.
Report: Backstage Heat On Desmond Wolfe & Matt Morgan
Those within TNA suggest Desmond Wolfe is currently in the doghouse. The British wrestling star has developed a reputation for being difficult to work with (ego), which has affected his push in the organization.
Company officials are also down on Matt Morgan, who has been discussed as being part of Ric Flair's Fortune group. Hernandez' two botched Border toss attempts during their Steel Cage bout at Victory Road were blamed on "The Blueprint" since Hernandez is a favorite among management.
On the other hand, company officials are said to very high on The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money, Inc. following their stellar tag team bouts at Victory Road at iMPACT!. This is why they are doing the 'best of five' series between the two teams.
Company officials are also down on Matt Morgan, who has been discussed as being part of Ric Flair's Fortune group. Hernandez' two botched Border toss attempts during their Steel Cage bout at Victory Road were blamed on "The Blueprint" since Hernandez is a favorite among management.
On the other hand, company officials are said to very high on The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money, Inc. following their stellar tag team bouts at Victory Road at iMPACT!. This is why they are doing the 'best of five' series between the two teams.
Brother Of WWE Star Injured At ROH Event Last Night
Mike Sydal, the brother of WWE star Evan Bourne, suffered a head and/or neck injury at last night's ROH show.
Ring of Honor tweeted an update on Mike today: Update on Mike Sydal. He suffered a Severe Concussion last night in Chicago.
Evan Bourne also tweeted an update: "Thx for the concern about my bro. He's fine. Lesson learned the hard way. This isn't ballet."
Ring of Honor tweeted an update on Mike today: Update on Mike Sydal. He suffered a Severe Concussion last night in Chicago.
Evan Bourne also tweeted an update: "Thx for the concern about my bro. He's fine. Lesson learned the hard way. This isn't ballet."
Mickie James & 6 Others Free To Join TNA Wrestling
Seven wrestlers released by World Wrestling Entertainment on April 22, 2010 are now free to join TNA Wrestling (or any wrestling promotion for that matter) as their respective 90-day no-compete clauses have expired. Among those let go that fateful day were Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Katie Lea Burchill, Jimmy Wang Yang, Slam Master J, Kung Fu Naki and Mike Knox.
The contractual clause was put in place to prohibit wrestlers from immediately competing with nationally televised promotions following their release.
The contractual clause was put in place to prohibit wrestlers from immediately competing with nationally televised promotions following their release.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Big Name Confirmed For TNA Hardcore Justice, Heyman
-- Johnny Swinger has confirmed that he will be at TNA's Hardcore Justice PPV on August 8th. Swinger previously worked for TNA when it was emanating from the Asylum in Nashville. We were the first to report that Swinger would be at the PPV teaming up with his former partner Simon Diamond, who is an agent in TNA.
-- Paul Heyman is expected to announce a new digital gaming project tonight at Comic-Con. Heyman has been working with Jeff Katz, a former WCW employee, on the project. Katz has also worked with New Line Cinema and has produced several films. He has also tried to make a wrestling film.
-- The main event for ICP's Gathering of the Juggalos will feature Bryan Danielson & Todd Bridges vs. Corporal Robinson & Terry Funk vs. Mike Knox & Scott D'Amore.
-- Shelton Benjamin will face Ray Gonzalez for the WWC Universal title a week from today in Bayamon, PR.
-- Paul Heyman is expected to announce a new digital gaming project tonight at Comic-Con. Heyman has been working with Jeff Katz, a former WCW employee, on the project. Katz has also worked with New Line Cinema and has produced several films. He has also tried to make a wrestling film.
-- The main event for ICP's Gathering of the Juggalos will feature Bryan Danielson & Todd Bridges vs. Corporal Robinson & Terry Funk vs. Mike Knox & Scott D'Amore.
-- Shelton Benjamin will face Ray Gonzalez for the WWC Universal title a week from today in Bayamon, PR.
The Real Reason Triple H Underwent Surgery + Return Update
To specify the injury Triple H most recently underwent surgery for, he suffered a torn biceps. The current belief is that it could be as late as December before "The Game" is healthy enough to make his much anticipated return to the squared circle, with late October being optimistic.
Nonetheless, officials are still contemplating turning the multi-time champion heel and aligning him with Nexus, though if it were to happen, the angle would be required to continue for at least a few more months.
It should be noted that 'H' has wanted to turn heel for quite some time now so we'll see what happens upon his return to World Wrestling Entertainment.
Nonetheless, officials are still contemplating turning the multi-time champion heel and aligning him with Nexus, though if it were to happen, the angle would be required to continue for at least a few more months.
It should be noted that 'H' has wanted to turn heel for quite some time now so we'll see what happens upon his return to World Wrestling Entertainment.
Another Former ECW Star Turns Down TNA - Details
Lance Storm, who has been highly critical of TNA Wrestling's creative process in recent years, posted a blog on his official website saying he declined their offer to appear at next month's Hardcore Justice pay-per-view event. Here is his full statement:
I was hoping to write a bigger article about the TNA: ECW Themed PPV, because I am getting bombarded with questions, but I've got a very busy schedule for the next week, so I'll just address this here and now.
I was asked if I would be interested in taking part in the TNA: One Last Stand PPV. I think it was big of them to extend me the offer, considering my general opinion of the TNA product, and want to I thank them for that, but I will not be taking part.
I feel it would be hypocritical of me to work the show, considering my out outspoken views of the TNA product. I have a great deal of respect for the boys who will be working the show as well as the great workers on the TNA roster, but I have no desire to be a part of the TNA creative process. As for ECW, One Night Stand in 2005 was my farewell and am content in letting sleeping dogs lie.
Lance Storm
As noted last week here on the site, former ECW performer Michael Depoli (a/k/a Amish Roadkill) has reportedly declined TNA Wrestling's offer to appear at next month's Hard Justice pay-per-view event. His reason for declining their offer is that he considers himself retired from professional wrestling and simply has no interest in returning.
I was hoping to write a bigger article about the TNA: ECW Themed PPV, because I am getting bombarded with questions, but I've got a very busy schedule for the next week, so I'll just address this here and now.
I was asked if I would be interested in taking part in the TNA: One Last Stand PPV. I think it was big of them to extend me the offer, considering my general opinion of the TNA product, and want to I thank them for that, but I will not be taking part.
I feel it would be hypocritical of me to work the show, considering my out outspoken views of the TNA product. I have a great deal of respect for the boys who will be working the show as well as the great workers on the TNA roster, but I have no desire to be a part of the TNA creative process. As for ECW, One Night Stand in 2005 was my farewell and am content in letting sleeping dogs lie.
Lance Storm
As noted last week here on the site, former ECW performer Michael Depoli (a/k/a Amish Roadkill) has reportedly declined TNA Wrestling's offer to appear at next month's Hard Justice pay-per-view event. His reason for declining their offer is that he considers himself retired from professional wrestling and simply has no interest in returning.
The Latest On The Undertaker's Return + Where's Tony Atlas?
-- Tony Atlas, who was released by World Wrestling Entertainment on April 30, is now working as a personal trainer at the Health Club and Spa in Lewiston, Maine. The WWE Hall of Famer is also still wrestling as he took part in World Wrestling Council's 37th anniversary weekend on July 11, losing to former WWE developmental wrestler Black Pain in a five minute match.
-- During SmackDown! last night on The Score in Canada, a commercial for SummerSlam aired showing the Undertaker. The original plan was for Taker to return at SummerSlam, but it is now expected that he won't return in a wrestling capacity until Night of Champions in September. However, it is believed that 'Taker could appear at SummerSlam and let everyone know that it was Kane who attacked him.
-- Speaking of Kane, he will be appearing on the Fox Business Network at 8PM Eastern today, and Sunday at 7 and 11PM Eastern.
-- During SmackDown! last night on The Score in Canada, a commercial for SummerSlam aired showing the Undertaker. The original plan was for Taker to return at SummerSlam, but it is now expected that he won't return in a wrestling capacity until Night of Champions in September. However, it is believed that 'Taker could appear at SummerSlam and let everyone know that it was Kane who attacked him.
-- Speaking of Kane, he will be appearing on the Fox Business Network at 8PM Eastern today, and Sunday at 7 and 11PM Eastern.
Reid Fliehr To Sign w/ TNA?, TNA-ECW Hardcore Justice News
-- TNA has opened up a website for its August PPV Hardcore Justice, at HardcoreJustice.com. So far the site has Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Mick Foley, Al Snow, Raven, Stevie Richards and Simon Diamond as appearing.
-- For those who missed it last week here on the website, former ECW talent Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy are booked to appear at an event in Japan on August 8 and thus will not be appearing at Hardcore Justice.
-- Reid Fliehr, son of Ric, will be visiting Orlando later this month and is expected to begin wrestling training with Terry Taylor. He has yet to sign a contract with the organization.
-- For those who missed it last week here on the website, former ECW talent Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy are booked to appear at an event in Japan on August 8 and thus will not be appearing at Hardcore Justice.
-- Reid Fliehr, son of Ric, will be visiting Orlando later this month and is expected to begin wrestling training with Terry Taylor. He has yet to sign a contract with the organization.
Former WWE Diva Rena 'Sable' Mero Gives Birth - Details
Former WWE Women's Champion Sable gave birth to a 9 pound boy this past Wednesday, according to www.renamerofans.com. This would be her third child, and second with husband Brock Lesnar.
Lesnar said at the post-UFC 116 press conference that she was due to give birth in two weeks.
Lesnar said at the post-UFC 116 press conference that she was due to give birth in two weeks.
Joey Mercury Returns To WWE - Details Inside
While squashing the unidentified member of The Straight Edge Society on Friday night's episode of SmackDown!, Big Show unmasked him, revealing former Tag Team Champion Joey Mercury.
Mercury re-signed with WWE earlier this year and had been working as the masked man of CM Punk's group since April. It's possible that they could be getting this angle in gear/over now so that when Melina returns in the fall they can have him free to re-form 'MNM' with Morrison and Melina.
We'll keep you posted as we get more.
Mercury re-signed with WWE earlier this year and had been working as the masked man of CM Punk's group since April. It's possible that they could be getting this angle in gear/over now so that when Melina returns in the fall they can have him free to re-form 'MNM' with Morrison and Melina.
We'll keep you posted as we get more.
Steamboat Health Update
-- Jim Ross announced on his official website that Ricky Steamboat has been released from the hospital. The WWE Hall of Famer is convalescing at a relative's home in Florida and slated to return to Florida Championship Wrestling to continue training developmental talent in a month or so.
Steve Austin Returning To TV, Savage, Shad/Hassan, More
-- It was announced yesterday during San Diego Comic-Con International that Steve Austin's Hugo Panzer character would make another guest appearance on the NBC action-comedy television show Chuck this season. He was last seen in the episode "Chuck vs. First Class" where he combats Chuck inside an airplane.
-- RingsideCollectibles.net has released a high quality video of the "Macho Man" Randy Savage WWE Mattel action figure announcement at San Diego Comic-Con International. Also released is complete video of WWE writers Ed Koskey and Brian Gewirtz answering questions concerning the company's creative process alongside Eve Torres and The Miz. Finally, several photos of Mattel's WWE action figure line on display at Comic-Con.
-- SmackDown! star Shad Gaspard has released the synopsis and cover art of the crime/action adventure graphic novel Assassin & Son: Path of Vengeance, created and written by himself and former WWE performer Marc Caponi (a/k/a Muhammad Hassan).
-- RingsideCollectibles.net has released a high quality video of the "Macho Man" Randy Savage WWE Mattel action figure announcement at San Diego Comic-Con International. Also released is complete video of WWE writers Ed Koskey and Brian Gewirtz answering questions concerning the company's creative process alongside Eve Torres and The Miz. Finally, several photos of Mattel's WWE action figure line on display at Comic-Con.
-- SmackDown! star Shad Gaspard has released the synopsis and cover art of the crime/action adventure graphic novel Assassin & Son: Path of Vengeance, created and written by himself and former WWE performer Marc Caponi (a/k/a Muhammad Hassan).
Saturday, July 24, 2010
3 WWE Stars Join Twitter, Maryse Pics
-- Three more WWE stars have joined Twitter in MVP (http://twitter.com/The305MVP), William Regal (http://twitter.com/RealKingRegal) and Todd Grisham (http://twitter.com/todd_grisham).
-- The WWE website has posted new studio photos of "The Sexiest of Sexy," Maryse.
-- The WWE website has posted new studio photos of "The Sexiest of Sexy," Maryse.
What Was In ODB's Flask?
-- Alex Marvez has an interview up with former TNA Knockout ODB, discussing her TNA days and more at http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/55341 Here is a highlight, discussing what she would put in her flask…"(TNA management) didn't really know what was in it so I could fill it up. Every time I entered the ring, there was something in there. It depended who I was working against. If I was going against (Amazing) Kong, I would fill it with Jagermeister. That's one big (woman)."
Mickie James Off Big Japan Event
-- You can follow Shawn Michaels and his wife Rebecca on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mrandmrshbk
-- Mickie James has had to pull out of her appearances for Tajiri's SMASH promotion, due to a family emergency. She posted the following on her Twitter… Unfortunately due to emergency family matters my trip to Tokyo was cancelled. =( I'm so sorry to all my fans in Japan who were expecting me. I promise to make it up to you.
-- Mickie James has had to pull out of her appearances for Tajiri's SMASH promotion, due to a family emergency. She posted the following on her Twitter… Unfortunately due to emergency family matters my trip to Tokyo was cancelled. =( I'm so sorry to all my fans in Japan who were expecting me. I promise to make it up to you.
Stacy Keibler & Maria Menounos Are Hot (Pics), Booker T Returning?

-- Former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler and former RAW guest host Maria Menounos attended a party for 'Lia Sophia' last week. The two met up on the red carpet and looked absolutely amazing. The two seemed to get along great and were chatty while the cameras were flashing.
-- Booker T is the latest name linked with the new wrestling promotion starting up in Florida. We'll keep you posted as we get more.
Goldberg Wants One Final Match... Only If The Money Is Right
In an interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, former wrestling champion Bill Goldberg said he wants one final wrestling match because he wants his family to see him wrestle live. "If the money was right, I'd go out there and do it in two seconds," Goldberg said. Ego x 100000. "I'd have to be totally prepared for it, because I wouldn't want to tarnish my image, but I'd like to be in the ring one more time so that my wife and my son can see me wrestle live."
He also discussed his love/hate relationship with the wrestling industry in the interview. "I don't ever want to say that I miss anything about the wrestling business," Goldberg said. "I miss the ability to put a smile on a kid’s face, more than one at a time. That was a true charge for me."
He also discussed his love/hate relationship with the wrestling industry in the interview. "I don't ever want to say that I miss anything about the wrestling business," Goldberg said. "I miss the ability to put a smile on a kid’s face, more than one at a time. That was a true charge for me."
How Old Is HBK + A WWE Return?, Mark Henry Injured?
-- Shawn Michaels' celebrates his birthday today. "The Heartbreak Kid" turns 45 years old. There have been no talks of him coming back to WWE in any role as of late.
-- Today would have also marked as WWE Hall of Famer The Fabulous Moolah's 87th birthday.
-- After the scary bump he took Monday night, Mark Henry was sent for examination on his shoulder. This is the reason that he missed NXT on Tuesday. No word on how severe the injury is as of this writing.
-- Today would have also marked as WWE Hall of Famer The Fabulous Moolah's 87th birthday.
-- After the scary bump he took Monday night, Mark Henry was sent for examination on his shoulder. This is the reason that he missed NXT on Tuesday. No word on how severe the injury is as of this writing.
Recently Fired TNA Star Signs With WWE - Who Is It?
-- Platinum Championship Wrestling has announced that Austin Creed, known as Consequences Creed in TNA Wrestling, has signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. "We at PCW want to congratulate our own AUSTIN CREED on the recent signing of his WWE developmental contract! Congratulations Austin," the PCW website announced. The one-time World Tag Team Champion was quietly released from TNA Wrestling in late March. Earlier this month, Creed won ECWA's annual Super 8 Tournament in Delaware, defeating Tommaso Ciampa.
-- WWE has also signed Ohio Valley Wrestling performer Brent "Beef" Wellington to a developmental deal.
-- WWE has also signed Ohio Valley Wrestling performer Brent "Beef" Wellington to a developmental deal.
Randy Orton News: Reaction To Danielson's Firing + Movie
-- Randy Orton revealed on his newly launched Twitter account (http://twitter.com/RealRKOrton) that his first starring film, That's What I Am, will be released in theaters this January. He also noted that he will be on hand for a taping of George Lopez' late night talk show Lopez Tonight on Tuesday, August 10. Orton also noted that he's never had accounts on Facebook or MySpace.
-- In regards to Bryan Danielson's firing, Randy Orton stated the following when asked on his Twitter… "I understand why it happened. But he def deserves to be there, I'm sure he'll b back. Very talented in my opinion."
-- In regards to Bryan Danielson's firing, Randy Orton stated the following when asked on his Twitter… "I understand why it happened. But he def deserves to be there, I'm sure he'll b back. Very talented in my opinion."
Prospective WWE Diva's Debut Delayed, The Fink Dislikes Eve
-- Monday's RAW saw Eve Torres become the No. 1 contender to Alicia Fox's Divas Championship as a result of her victory over Maryse. Immediately following the bout, Howard Finkel expressed his disapproval for the RAW Divas division, and more specifically, the new No. 1 contender. "I have had it with the Raw Diva division," the WWE Hall of Famer remarked during the live RAW chat on WWEUniverse.com. He added, "I DO NOT hate Divas…..I am not a fan of who is the # 1 contender."
-- At the July 6th Friday Night SmackDown! television taping, WWE ran a vignette before the Atlanta crowd introducing a new Diva by the name of AJ Lee. The vignette, however, was cut from the broadcast. According to a source a decision was made to introduce one new character at a time — Alberto Del Rio — thus explaining why vignettes introducing Lee have yet to surface. Once Del Rio makes his official debut in WWE, the company will begin promoting her.
Lee, who's real name is believed to be April Jeanette, is 23 years old and has been under contract to World Wrestling Entertainment since May 2009. At 5 foot 2 and 99 pounds, she is the smallest female performer affiliated with either major wrestling organization. Prior to joining WWE, Lee worked independent wrestling shows throughout the Northeast. She has been wrestling since 2007.
-- At the July 6th Friday Night SmackDown! television taping, WWE ran a vignette before the Atlanta crowd introducing a new Diva by the name of AJ Lee. The vignette, however, was cut from the broadcast. According to a source a decision was made to introduce one new character at a time — Alberto Del Rio — thus explaining why vignettes introducing Lee have yet to surface. Once Del Rio makes his official debut in WWE, the company will begin promoting her.
Lee, who's real name is believed to be April Jeanette, is 23 years old and has been under contract to World Wrestling Entertainment since May 2009. At 5 foot 2 and 99 pounds, she is the smallest female performer affiliated with either major wrestling organization. Prior to joining WWE, Lee worked independent wrestling shows throughout the Northeast. She has been wrestling since 2007.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Bret Hart Returning To The Ring At Madison Square Garden
-- After thirteen years, WWE Hall of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart is returning to Madison Square Garden.
In what is being billed as Bret "The Hitman" Hart Appreciation Night, the official MSG website has announced that Hart will team up with The Hart Dynasty to wrestle three unspecified members of Nexus in a Six Man Tag Team Match at the September 25 SmackDown live event.
The match will mark as Hart's first appearance at Madison Square Garden since a September 1997 Monday Night RAW taping, which saw him work a dark match against Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.
The rest of the announced card is as follows:
* Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Jack Swagger - Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
* Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Christian vs. Matt Hardy - Fatal Four Way Match for the Intercontinental Championship
* Big Show vs. CM Punk*
* MVP vs. Cody Rhodes
* Kelly Kelly and Tiffany vs. Michelle McCool and Layla
In what is being billed as Bret "The Hitman" Hart Appreciation Night, the official MSG website has announced that Hart will team up with The Hart Dynasty to wrestle three unspecified members of Nexus in a Six Man Tag Team Match at the September 25 SmackDown live event.
The match will mark as Hart's first appearance at Madison Square Garden since a September 1997 Monday Night RAW taping, which saw him work a dark match against Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.
The rest of the announced card is as follows:
* Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Jack Swagger - Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
* Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Christian vs. Matt Hardy - Fatal Four Way Match for the Intercontinental Championship
* Big Show vs. CM Punk*
* MVP vs. Cody Rhodes
* Kelly Kelly and Tiffany vs. Michelle McCool and Layla
WWE NXT Rating Is In, Orton Tweets, TNA vs. WWE
-- The July 20th edition of NXT did a 1.07 (1.1) cable rating, with 1,396,000 viewers. That's down a touch from last week's 1.11 rating.
-- WWE.com has added Dean Malenko to their Alumni section.
-- Randy Orton tweeted that he will be taping an appearance on George Lopez's talk show on August 10th. He also said that his WWE movie 'That's What I Am' will come out in January and it will be different than most WWE films to date.
-- TNA has announced they will be running live events in Canton, OH on Sept. 10th, Toledo, OH on Sept.11 and Windsor, ON on Sept. 12. WWE will have a RAW live event in Peterborough, ON on the 12th as well.
-- WWE.com has added Dean Malenko to their Alumni section.
-- Randy Orton tweeted that he will be taping an appearance on George Lopez's talk show on August 10th. He also said that his WWE movie 'That's What I Am' will come out in January and it will be different than most WWE films to date.
-- TNA has announced they will be running live events in Canton, OH on Sept. 10th, Toledo, OH on Sept.11 and Windsor, ON on Sept. 12. WWE will have a RAW live event in Peterborough, ON on the 12th as well.
Jeff Jarrett's Past w/ The Miz
-- Former TNA personality Jonny Fairplay congratulated fellow reality television alum Mike "The Miz" Mizanin on winning RAW's Money in the Bank Ladder Match in a Facebook post Sunday night. He followed up his post Monday morning with a remark TNA Wrestling official Jeff Jarrett made a few years ago concerning The Miz. "Is remembering back to 2004 when Jeff Jarrett told me there was no money in The Miz," Fairplay wrote. "Thanks, Jeff." At the time, Mizanin was working independent wrestling shows in California for Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW). He would catch a break a few months later when he landed a spot on the fourth season of Tough Enough. Despite losing the reality based contest to Daniel Puder, Mizanin piqued the interest of WWE officials and was eventually offered a developmental contract.
Big TNA-ECW Update #5 - Shane Douglas Return?, Rumors
-- Shane Douglas has been contacted to work the event, but he has not agreed to terms. Douglas is reportedly pushing the idea of wrestling Ric Flair on the show to play off of Douglas always calling him out in ECW.
-- There is no truth to the rumored Sandman, Dreamer and New Jack vs. Rhino, Richards and Raven match that has been reported on. We never reported that here.
-- There is no truth to the rumored Sandman, Dreamer and New Jack vs. Rhino, Richards and Raven match that has been reported on. We never reported that here.
Big TNA-ECW Update #4 - Tajiri & Super Crazy?, Travel Plans
-- Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy are booked in Japan on August 8th, and will not be appearing at the show.
-- Talent with independent bookings on Saturday will be flown into Orlando on Sunday morning. Others that can be there will be doing a Saturday meet and greet with fans at the NASCAR restaurant at Universal Citiwalk.
-- TNA is trying to take the approach of the first One Night Stand show, booking who they can to make it an authentic feeling event, including referees and managers. There has even been discussion of honoring former ECW talent that cannot be there on the show.
-- Talent with independent bookings on Saturday will be flown into Orlando on Sunday morning. Others that can be there will be doing a Saturday meet and greet with fans at the NASCAR restaurant at Universal Citiwalk.
-- TNA is trying to take the approach of the first One Night Stand show, booking who they can to make it an authentic feeling event, including referees and managers. There has even been discussion of honoring former ECW talent that cannot be there on the show.
Big TNA-ECW Update #3 - Heyman Update, Backstage Reaction
-- Paul Heyman has nothing to do with the angle at this time.
-- The response of the former ECW wrestlers has been interesting. Some feel excited about the possibility, while others are just acting like it is just another show since they have been down this road before. Some have been extremely thankful for the chance to work the event, while some have tried to get as much as they can from the company for their appearance. One talent, who has been off of TV for years, is refusing to come in unless is was granted a multi-year contract by TNA.
-- At this time, the PPV is the only event planed with the ECW theme. But there could be more appearances from ECW alumni after the show, if they can be integrated into TNA storylines.
-- The response of the former ECW wrestlers has been interesting. Some feel excited about the possibility, while others are just acting like it is just another show since they have been down this road before. Some have been extremely thankful for the chance to work the event, while some have tried to get as much as they can from the company for their appearance. One talent, who has been off of TV for years, is refusing to come in unless is was granted a multi-year contract by TNA.
-- At this time, the PPV is the only event planed with the ECW theme. But there could be more appearances from ECW alumni after the show, if they can be integrated into TNA storylines.
Big TNA-ECW Update #2 - Major Names To Appear?, Surprise?
-- Talent expected to appear are Jerry Lynn, The Sandman, Sabu, Spike Dudley, The FBI, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney and Swinger. No contracts have been signed and many people booked have asked that their name be kept quiet.
-- They plan is to headline the PPV with an RVD vs. Jerry Lynn match. The plan is to announce two or three matches ahead of time, and then fill the card out via surprise, like ECW used to most of the time.
-- The show is also not the big surprise mentioned previously by Dixie Carter.
-- They plan is to headline the PPV with an RVD vs. Jerry Lynn match. The plan is to announce two or three matches ahead of time, and then fill the card out via surprise, like ECW used to most of the time.
-- The show is also not the big surprise mentioned previously by Dixie Carter.
Big TNA-ECW Update #1 - Original Plans, Dreamer, More
-- The idea to make the TNA Hard Justice PPV an "ECW" themed event happened at the Monday tapings. There was a planned direction for the ECW crew, but they along with Tommy Dreamer pitched a new direction which Dixie Carter approved. Carter also signed off on Dreamer running the show, which at this time is planned to be a "one off" ECW show. Many are impressed with how much trust Dreamer has been given by management.
-- The August 8th PPV has been renamed "Hardcore Justice: One Last Stand," and a new commercial has been sent out to PPV providers. The commercial reportedly features an ECW chant, something the company will have to be very careful about using for legal reasons.
-- As noted earlier, Tommy Dreamer has been contacting talent about doing the show, while TNA's Terry Taylor is handling the financial side of things.
-- The August 8th PPV has been renamed "Hardcore Justice: One Last Stand," and a new commercial has been sent out to PPV providers. The commercial reportedly features an ECW chant, something the company will have to be very careful about using for legal reasons.
-- As noted earlier, Tommy Dreamer has been contacting talent about doing the show, while TNA's Terry Taylor is handling the financial side of things.
Rumor: TNA To Hold 'ECW'-Only Live Events?
TNA officials have discussed the possibility of holding select house show events featuring former ECW talent in markets where the defunct promotion was most popular. The feeling amongst those pushing for it is that the ECW alumni will work cheap, thus resulting in a profitable venture for the company.
However, it doesn't appear that officials have mentioned the venture to those contacted for Hard Justice. It should be noted though that both Tommy Dreamer and Terry Taylor have asked ECW talents who have been contacted what their work schedules are like following the PPV. Tommy Dreamer is said to be the lead-man behind everything ECW in TNA these days.
We'll keep you posted as we get more but please take this only as a RUMOR right now.
However, it doesn't appear that officials have mentioned the venture to those contacted for Hard Justice. It should be noted though that both Tommy Dreamer and Terry Taylor have asked ECW talents who have been contacted what their work schedules are like following the PPV. Tommy Dreamer is said to be the lead-man behind everything ECW in TNA these days.
We'll keep you posted as we get more but please take this only as a RUMOR right now.
Former ECW Star Turns Down TNA - Details Inside
Former ECW performer Michael Depoli (a/k/a Amish Roadkill) has reportedly declined TNA Wrestling's offer to appear at next month's Hard Justice pay-per-view event.
His reason for declining their offer is that he considers himself retired from professional wrestling and simply has no interest in returning.
His reason for declining their offer is that he considers himself retired from professional wrestling and simply has no interest in returning.
How Much Is TNA Paying ECW Talents?, RVD vs. Lynn Confirmed
-- It has been confirmed that the main event of next month's Hard Justice will feature TNA World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn. It is unknown at this time whether the title will be on the line.
-- While Tommy Dreamer has been contacting ECW alumni to work Hard Justice, Director of Talent Relations Terry Taylor has handled the financial negotiations. The rumored payoff for non-contracted performers is said to range from $500 to $1,000.
-- While Tommy Dreamer has been contacting ECW alumni to work Hard Justice, Director of Talent Relations Terry Taylor has handled the financial negotiations. The rumored payoff for non-contracted performers is said to range from $500 to $1,000.
**SPOILER** - 2 Former ECW Stars Set For Hard Justice
Johnny Swinger will be appearing at next month's Hard Justice pay-per-view. He is expected to reunite with former tag team partner Simon Diamond in a tag match. Pat 'Simon Diamond' Kenney is an agent in TNA.
Diamond and Swinger were a most notably seen in ECW as well as TNA Wrestling. During their time in ECW, they were managed by Dawn Marie. The duo have won both the NWA World Tag Team Championship and the MPW Tag Team Championship.
No word on whether Dawn Marie will appear at the PPV as of this writing. Stay tuned as we get more.
Diamond and Swinger were a most notably seen in ECW as well as TNA Wrestling. During their time in ECW, they were managed by Dawn Marie. The duo have won both the NWA World Tag Team Championship and the MPW Tag Team Championship.
No word on whether Dawn Marie will appear at the PPV as of this writing. Stay tuned as we get more.
Former ECW Star Possibly At Hard Justice - Who Is It?
-- TNA Wrestling officials have discussed using former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Justin Credible at next month's Hard Justice pay-per-view. However, it has not been confirmed that he will be working the show, or if he has even been contacted to appear. Credible briefly appeared with TNA in 2003, forming a stable with several other ECW alumni and reviving his feud with Jerry Lyn
TNA Declines Signing Mia Yim
-- TNA Wrestling officials have declined signing Washington D.C. based independent women's wrestler Mia Yim to a contract following her tryout match with Taylor Wilde before an iMPACT! television taping last month. The reason cited was that there were no open spots for her in the company's Knockouts division. "No open spots for me at TNA," Yim wrote on her Twitter account. "It's ok, keep an eye out for me because I am just getting started.…Who knows what will happen in the future."
More Live Notes & **SPOILERS** From SD! Last Night
After the tag match there still seemed to be some tension between Christian & Hardy. Christian offered his to Hardy but Matt seemed reluctant but shakes Christian's hand.
Jack Swagger is in the back & Josh Matthews said that Swagger was fortunate to have a shot at the #1 contender shot. Swagger says that he was robbed by Mysterio and says that he will dominate and shatter Rey's ankle, then at SummerSlam put Kane in the same place as his father, the hospital.
LayCool is shown celebrating in the back. They exchange gifts with each other. Teddy Long shows up and says congratulations for now and that next week Layla will defend against Tiffany.
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler is next. Kofi attempts Trouble In Paradise but Dolph moves out of the way. Vickie distracts Kofi and Ziggler applies the sleeper on Kofi for the win.
Big Show is shown in the back watching Rosa Mendes jumping rope.
Big Show vs. Luke Gallows is announced but The Mystery Man enters the ring to wrestle. Show unmasks The Mystery Man to reveal Joey Mercury and puts the mask on him and then Chokeslams him for the pin.
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes grooming tips is next. Cody says that he is showing us one step closer to becoming "Dashing".
Rey is shown in the back and Josh Matthews interviews him about his match tonight. Rey says that he is feeling a lot of pain. He says that he wouldn't have done the same thing that Kane did but he is not him. Rey says that he has to beat Swagger twice tonight.
Alberto Del Rio video is next. He says that he takes great pride in himself unlike everyone else.
Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Rey wins the 1st fall by DQ after Swagger applies the ankle lock and Rey gets to the ropes but will not break the hold on the 5 count. Swagger misses Rey and then goes full steam into the corner head first. Rey knocks Swagger into the ropes and attempts the 619. Swagger catches Rey and applies the ankle lock for the win in the 2nd fall. Swagger hits a Dr. Bomb on Rey on the outside. Swagger does the running second rope springboard twice but only gets a 2 count. Swagger tries it again but gets a boot. Swagger attempts a Dr. Bomb but Rey gets out of the hold and applies a crucifix roll for the pin in the 3rd fall. Swagger attempts the ankle lock on Rey again but Kane runs out and chokeslams Swagger, Kane then confronts Rey and helps him up from the mat and raises his hand up. Kane then goes after Rey and tries to chokeslam him but Rey slips out and hits a 619 on Kane,.
Teddy Long then comes out to announce the dark match main event as Kane vs. The Big Show in a cage match for the World Heavyweight Title. Kane wins after he escapes through the cage door.
Jack Swagger is in the back & Josh Matthews said that Swagger was fortunate to have a shot at the #1 contender shot. Swagger says that he was robbed by Mysterio and says that he will dominate and shatter Rey's ankle, then at SummerSlam put Kane in the same place as his father, the hospital.
LayCool is shown celebrating in the back. They exchange gifts with each other. Teddy Long shows up and says congratulations for now and that next week Layla will defend against Tiffany.
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler is next. Kofi attempts Trouble In Paradise but Dolph moves out of the way. Vickie distracts Kofi and Ziggler applies the sleeper on Kofi for the win.
Big Show is shown in the back watching Rosa Mendes jumping rope.
Big Show vs. Luke Gallows is announced but The Mystery Man enters the ring to wrestle. Show unmasks The Mystery Man to reveal Joey Mercury and puts the mask on him and then Chokeslams him for the pin.
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes grooming tips is next. Cody says that he is showing us one step closer to becoming "Dashing".
Rey is shown in the back and Josh Matthews interviews him about his match tonight. Rey says that he is feeling a lot of pain. He says that he wouldn't have done the same thing that Kane did but he is not him. Rey says that he has to beat Swagger twice tonight.
Alberto Del Rio video is next. He says that he takes great pride in himself unlike everyone else.
Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Rey wins the 1st fall by DQ after Swagger applies the ankle lock and Rey gets to the ropes but will not break the hold on the 5 count. Swagger misses Rey and then goes full steam into the corner head first. Rey knocks Swagger into the ropes and attempts the 619. Swagger catches Rey and applies the ankle lock for the win in the 2nd fall. Swagger hits a Dr. Bomb on Rey on the outside. Swagger does the running second rope springboard twice but only gets a 2 count. Swagger tries it again but gets a boot. Swagger attempts a Dr. Bomb but Rey gets out of the hold and applies a crucifix roll for the pin in the 3rd fall. Swagger attempts the ankle lock on Rey again but Kane runs out and chokeslams Swagger, Kane then confronts Rey and helps him up from the mat and raises his hand up. Kane then goes after Rey and tries to chokeslam him but Rey slips out and hits a 619 on Kane,.
Teddy Long then comes out to announce the dark match main event as Kane vs. The Big Show in a cage match for the World Heavyweight Title. Kane wins after he escapes through the cage door.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Smackdown Taping Results ** SPOILERS **
WWE SmackDown (Airing Friday):
* This week's SmackDown starts with Kane cutting a promo about Money In The Bank. Kane pumps the crowd about becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion.
* Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio in a two out of three falls match is announced for later.
* Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes b. Matt Hardy & Christian
- Hardy & Christian lose after a miscommunication. After the match they exchange a handshake and a hug.
* Jack Swagger cuts a promo backstage. He says he'll beat Rey Mysterio tonight and then make sure Kane is in the hospital after SummerSlam.
* Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger in a number one contenders match is announced for SummerSlam.
* Laycool is backstage with Teddy Long. It is announced that Layla will defend the Women's Championship next week against Tiffany.
* Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero b. Kofi Kingston w/his rookie
- Ziggler gets the win with a sleeper hold. He dominates Kofi throughout.
* Big Show is shown walking backstage.
* Big Show b. A Masked Man w/SES
- Gallows is replaced with a masked man. Big Show unmasks him and gets the win. The unmasked man is Joey Mercury.
* Dashing Rhodes' segment on grooming is shown in a pre-made video.
* Rey Mysterio does a backstage segment.
* An Alberto Del Rio video segment is shown.
* Rey Mysterio b. Jack Swagger in a two out of three falls match
- Rey wins the first fall via DQ when Swagger fails to release an ankle lock despite Rey having the ropes. Jack wins the second fall with the ankle lock when he caught Rey's legs when he was attempting the 619. Rey wins the third fall with a roll-up pin.
Rey Mysterio will face Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.
After the match Swagger attacks Rey but Kane comes out and connects with a chokeslam. Kane goes back into the ring to attack Rey but gets a 619. Rey leaves Kane in the ring to end this week's edition of SmackDown.
* This week's SmackDown starts with Kane cutting a promo about Money In The Bank. Kane pumps the crowd about becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion.
* Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio in a two out of three falls match is announced for later.
* Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes b. Matt Hardy & Christian
- Hardy & Christian lose after a miscommunication. After the match they exchange a handshake and a hug.
* Jack Swagger cuts a promo backstage. He says he'll beat Rey Mysterio tonight and then make sure Kane is in the hospital after SummerSlam.
* Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger in a number one contenders match is announced for SummerSlam.
* Laycool is backstage with Teddy Long. It is announced that Layla will defend the Women's Championship next week against Tiffany.
* Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero b. Kofi Kingston w/his rookie
- Ziggler gets the win with a sleeper hold. He dominates Kofi throughout.
* Big Show is shown walking backstage.
* Big Show b. A Masked Man w/SES
- Gallows is replaced with a masked man. Big Show unmasks him and gets the win. The unmasked man is Joey Mercury.
* Dashing Rhodes' segment on grooming is shown in a pre-made video.
* Rey Mysterio does a backstage segment.
* An Alberto Del Rio video segment is shown.
* Rey Mysterio b. Jack Swagger in a two out of three falls match
- Rey wins the first fall via DQ when Swagger fails to release an ankle lock despite Rey having the ropes. Jack wins the second fall with the ankle lock when he caught Rey's legs when he was attempting the 619. Rey wins the third fall with a roll-up pin.
Rey Mysterio will face Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.
After the match Swagger attacks Rey but Kane comes out and connects with a chokeslam. Kane goes back into the ring to attack Rey but gets a 619. Rey leaves Kane in the ring to end this week's edition of SmackDown.
SD! Dark Match, Morrison/DiBiase Feud, Austin Update, Orton
-- A dark match between Alberto Del Rio and Kaval took place before tonight's Friday Night SmackDown taping in Little Rock, Arkansas. The WWE newcomer scored the victory following a jumping spin kick to the NXT Rookie, who was tied up on the ropes.
-- Regarding the John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase program, it is expected to be prolonged through at least September as tentative creative plans call for the two RAW Superstars to face off at Night of Champions as we noted earlier here on the website.
-- WWE confirmed on its website this afternoon that Randy Orton has joined Twitter. As noted earlier, his account is located at twitter.com/RealRKOrton Following Orton's Triple Threat Match victory over Chris Jericho and Edge last night on RAW, "The Viper" was the No. 1 most-popular trend on Twitter for more than 15 hours. During this time, John Cena persisted Orton to join the social networking site. "CeNation. I have told Randy about the overwhelming demand 4 him on Twitter. What he does now is up to him," Cena posted this morning. Later that afternoon, Cena tweeted, "The Viper lurks. [Orton] is seriously considering joining very soon."
-- Stone Cold Steve Austin will be appearing at Comic-Con in San Diego this year, adding his name to an already long list of wrestlers who will be at the event. Austin will be appearing on Friday July 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Anchor Bay Entertainment booth #3345, promoting DVD releases of The Stranger and Hunt to Kill on DVD. He will be signing posters of The Stranger during the appearance. Followers of the @headlockedcomic Twitter account will be able to get special deals at Comic-Con this week, a different one each day. Wednesday's deal gives you $5 off the Headlocked trade paperback with the limited-edition Jerry Lawler cover.
-- Regarding the John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase program, it is expected to be prolonged through at least September as tentative creative plans call for the two RAW Superstars to face off at Night of Champions as we noted earlier here on the website.
-- WWE confirmed on its website this afternoon that Randy Orton has joined Twitter. As noted earlier, his account is located at twitter.com/RealRKOrton Following Orton's Triple Threat Match victory over Chris Jericho and Edge last night on RAW, "The Viper" was the No. 1 most-popular trend on Twitter for more than 15 hours. During this time, John Cena persisted Orton to join the social networking site. "CeNation. I have told Randy about the overwhelming demand 4 him on Twitter. What he does now is up to him," Cena posted this morning. Later that afternoon, Cena tweeted, "The Viper lurks. [Orton] is seriously considering joining very soon."
-- Stone Cold Steve Austin will be appearing at Comic-Con in San Diego this year, adding his name to an already long list of wrestlers who will be at the event. Austin will be appearing on Friday July 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Anchor Bay Entertainment booth #3345, promoting DVD releases of The Stranger and Hunt to Kill on DVD. He will be signing posters of The Stranger during the appearance. Followers of the @headlockedcomic Twitter account will be able to get special deals at Comic-Con this week, a different one each day. Wednesday's deal gives you $5 off the Headlocked trade paperback with the limited-edition Jerry Lawler cover.
WWE's YouTube Agreement
-- The sports tech website TMCNet.com has an article up about WWE's agreement with YouTube that will result in full episodes of RAW, NXT, Superstars and SmackDown! being posted. This is the first time that the site will have complete episodes of a current prime-time series. In includes comments from WWE Executive Vice President of WWE Interaction Brian Kalinowski.
Orton’s Original SummerSlam Plans, Why Is Bret in the Main Event?
- WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat was originally set to be the 7th man for Team RAW in the match against Nexus at SummerSlam. Steamboat was hospitalized a few weeks back, which is why they chose Bret Hart instead.
- Randy Orton was also scheduled for the match against Nexus at SummerSlam. The decision was made to put Orton in a WWE Title match against Sheamus when they got word about Triple H’s condition. Triple H was originally set to face Sheamus at SummerSlam.
- Randy Orton was also scheduled for the match against Nexus at SummerSlam. The decision was made to put Orton in a WWE Title match against Sheamus when they got word about Triple H’s condition. Triple H was originally set to face Sheamus at SummerSlam.
Vickie Guerrero Has Travel Problems, Randy Orton on Twitter
- Vickie Guerrero just noted on Twitter that she got "flown to the wrong city" and is now boarding a small aircraft to fly her to Little Rock, Arkansas for tonight's WWE TV tapings.
- Randy Orton has opened an official Twitter account at http://twitter.com/RealRKOrton.
- Randy Orton has opened an official Twitter account at http://twitter.com/RealRKOrton.
This Week's RAW Rating Is In + John Cena Tweets
-- This week's WWE RAW did a 3.4 cable rating. The show did hours of 3.09 (3.1) and 3.68 (3.7) for an average of 3.39. That second hour is a huge number.
-- John Cena posted the following on Twitter: CeNation. The viper lurks. He is seriously considering joining very soon. Hope u guys enjoy. I'm doing work for gillette drafted season 2.. Right now. It will air in the land of tim hortons on sept 13
-- John Cena posted the following on Twitter: CeNation. The viper lurks. He is seriously considering joining very soon. Hope u guys enjoy. I'm doing work for gillette drafted season 2.. Right now. It will air in the land of tim hortons on sept 13
Scott Hall Health Update
-- The following was posted on Scott Hall's Twitter page: Home, and feeling much better :)
Report: Former TNA Star Set To Return + Dixie/Styles News
-- As announced earlier, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles has been named Pro Wrestling Illustrated's "PWI 500" winner for 2010. He is the first TNA wrestler to top the annual chart, which is now in its twentieth year. On Twitter, TNA president Dixie Carter congratulated Styles on his achievement, writing, "Congrats to AJ Styles on being TNA's 1st ever PWI 500 #1 Wrestler in the World. So deserved."
-- TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that many within TNA feel its "only a matter of time" before Christopher Daniels returns to the organization. For what it's worth, he is still listed on the company website's roster section. It was speculated that Daniels was going to be part of the mystery tag team at Victory Road, though it turned out to be Samoa Joe and Rob Terry. It's said that Joe and Terry were planned for the event all along.
-- TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that many within TNA feel its "only a matter of time" before Christopher Daniels returns to the organization. For what it's worth, he is still listed on the company website's roster section. It was speculated that Daniels was going to be part of the mystery tag team at Victory Road, though it turned out to be Samoa Joe and Rob Terry. It's said that Joe and Terry were planned for the event all along.
Major Backstage Update: 2 Recent TNA Firings
Although Ross Forman was let go from his position in public relations with TNA Wrestling several weeks ago, Forman has been at recent iMPACT! TV tapings because he works for Tristar, who currently has a license with TNA. Awkward.
TNA officials have been quiet regarding creative writer Ed Ferrera's recent departure from the organization. In fact, those who would be aware of the details surrounding his departure have declined to comment on the matter. The early word on Ferrara's firing was that it was done due to budget reasons but it appears to be something more now. We're just not sure what that is as of this writing.
Ferrara's departure means that more work is being put on Vince Russo. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan not appearing at recent TV tapings have also created more work for Russo these days.
Report: 2 TNA Pay-Per-Views Draw Less Than 10,000 Buys
It is believed that TNA Wrestling's May and June pay-per-view events, Sacrifice and Slammiversary, drew approximately 8,000 buys apiece. The gross sum per event would total to approximately $111,000 for the company, though that is before the expense of running a live pay-per-view event is factored in.
By comparison, TNA drew in the neighborhood of 25,000 to 30,000 pay-per-view buys when iMPACT! was airing at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. And when World Championship Wrestling was on its death bed, the company was still garnering approximately 40,000 buys per pay-per-view.
To draw another comparison, illegal live streams of TNA Wrestling pay-per-view events are nowhere near as popular as that of World Wrestling Entertainment and UFC. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually thirty to fifty unique live streams for wrestling pay-per-view events with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to its termination. For last week's Victory Road pay-per-view, there were only five streams across the major live streaming sites — Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). Victory Road garnered less than 1,500 viewers. Live streams for WWE events are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC events tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.
By comparison, TNA drew in the neighborhood of 25,000 to 30,000 pay-per-view buys when iMPACT! was airing at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. And when World Championship Wrestling was on its death bed, the company was still garnering approximately 40,000 buys per pay-per-view.
To draw another comparison, illegal live streams of TNA Wrestling pay-per-view events are nowhere near as popular as that of World Wrestling Entertainment and UFC. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually thirty to fifty unique live streams for wrestling pay-per-view events with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to its termination. For last week's Victory Road pay-per-view, there were only five streams across the major live streaming sites — Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). Victory Road garnered less than 1,500 viewers. Live streams for WWE events are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC events tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.
TNA's WWE-Inspired Name For Hard Justice, iMPACT! Edits
-- Apparently playing off WWE's one night reunion show five years ago for ECW alumni, One Night Stand, TNA Wrestling is promoting its own reunion show as Hard Justice: One Last Stand. There is a commercial running on cable and satellite providers promoting the event as such. The commercial features TNA footage of ECW alumni such as The Sandman, New Jack and Raven. We noted that the current planned name for the ECW faction in TNA is 'The Riot Makers'. Of course, that can always change. Furthermore, an audible "ECW!" chant is heard at one point during the commercial. Years ago when Shane Douglas ran the ECW reunion show Hardcore Homecoming, WWE's legal team demanded they edit out the fans' "ECW!" chants off the DVD release. We'll see if WWE goes after TNA here shortly.
-- As noted last week here on the website, the conclusion to last Thursday's iMPACT! was greatly edited. While nothing major was cut, the segment went far longer than what was broadcast.
-- As reported earlier, last Thursday's episode of iMPACT! scored a 1.09 cable rating, with 1.44 million viewers. The rating stayed steady throughout the show as it drew quarters hours of 0.96, 1.04, 1.14, 1.11, 1.16, 1.12, 1.08 and 1.09. The show did a 0.72 in Males 18-49 and 0.51 in Males 18-34.
-- As noted last week here on the website, the conclusion to last Thursday's iMPACT! was greatly edited. While nothing major was cut, the segment went far longer than what was broadcast.
-- As reported earlier, last Thursday's episode of iMPACT! scored a 1.09 cable rating, with 1.44 million viewers. The rating stayed steady throughout the show as it drew quarters hours of 0.96, 1.04, 1.14, 1.11, 1.16, 1.12, 1.08 and 1.09. The show did a 0.72 in Males 18-49 and 0.51 in Males 18-34.
Bret Hart To Get Married This Weekend - Details Inside
According to Bret Hart's Facebook, he will be getting married on Saturday. Here is what he posted…
"As for other news, I should mention that I'll be getting married again to my girlfriend on July 24. I don't say much about us but I can honestly say that God has looked out for me and, this time around, I know I'll be forever happy and content. In closing, I think of when Steph and I went riding around Calgary a couple of days ago and, lo and behold, I saw a real beaver flagging me down on the bike path along Memorial Drive, then another beaver stepped out to greet me. The Hitman in me was thinking "if these beavers want some trouble, I'm more than prepared to run them over." But as I cruise up to them, they barely take notice of me. They scampered down the steep embankment and slipped into the Bow River and I smirked at the recollection of the countless times I've asked Steph to show me her beaver. How funny it was that it was me who ended up showing my beaver to her. Just kidding!"
"As for other news, I should mention that I'll be getting married again to my girlfriend on July 24. I don't say much about us but I can honestly say that God has looked out for me and, this time around, I know I'll be forever happy and content. In closing, I think of when Steph and I went riding around Calgary a couple of days ago and, lo and behold, I saw a real beaver flagging me down on the bike path along Memorial Drive, then another beaver stepped out to greet me. The Hitman in me was thinking "if these beavers want some trouble, I'm more than prepared to run them over." But as I cruise up to them, they barely take notice of me. They scampered down the steep embankment and slipped into the Bow River and I smirked at the recollection of the countless times I've asked Steph to show me her beaver. How funny it was that it was me who ended up showing my beaver to her. Just kidding!"
Jarrett Talks Failed Monday Night Move
-- The Miami Herald has an interview up with Jeff Jarrett, discussing the failed move to Monday nights, bringing in Hogan and Bischoff and more. You can read the full article at http://www.miamiherald.com/ Here are some highlights… "We all went into the Monday night experiment with our eyes wide open, and we dove in head first. In reality, our viewers only missed two Thursdays. We were on replay every week. So the time-slot never really went away. We've listened to our fans. We've listened to our focus groups. We've listened to numbers, and we would never have gotten to where we are today had we not tried that experiment."
WWE Announces Two New RAW Guest Hosts - Details
WWE.com announced that Bobb'e J. Thompson (who stars with Big Show in Knucklehead) will host RAW on October 18th.
Also, country singer Toby Keith will host the show on October 25th.
Also, country singer Toby Keith will host the show on October 25th.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Two WWE SummerSlam Matches Announced - Details
The following matches were announced on RAW for the WWE Summerslam PPV:
* John Cena, Edge, John Morrison, R-Truth, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho and Bret Hart vs. Nexus (Wade Barrett, Darren Young, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield)
* WWE TITLE MATCH: Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton
* John Cena, Edge, John Morrison, R-Truth, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho and Bret Hart vs. Nexus (Wade Barrett, Darren Young, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield)
* WWE TITLE MATCH: Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton
TNA Hard Justice Plans - Major ECW Invasion News
-- TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that the current planned name for the ECW faction in TNA is 'The Riot Makers'. Of course, that can always change.
Initial plans for TNA Hard Justice called for the event to be headlined by a TNA vs. "ECW" bout. Officials have since decided to make the event an "all-ECW" show similar to WWE's One Night Stand in 2005.
Wrestlers from the original ECW are being contacted and major TNA stars such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Ric Flair are not currently not scheduled to appear on the show.
TNA Hard Justice is largely being put together by Tommy Dreamer, who has been contacting numerous former ECW talents alongside Terry Taylor.
Initial plans for TNA Hard Justice called for the event to be headlined by a TNA vs. "ECW" bout. Officials have since decided to make the event an "all-ECW" show similar to WWE's One Night Stand in 2005.
Wrestlers from the original ECW are being contacted and major TNA stars such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Ric Flair are not currently not scheduled to appear on the show.
TNA Hard Justice is largely being put together by Tommy Dreamer, who has been contacting numerous former ECW talents alongside Terry Taylor.
Report: WWE Furious Over 'Taker's Wedding Photo Surfacing

According to a report on Examiner.com, WWE officials are allegedly furious over a wedding photo of The Undertaker and Michelle McCool surfacing online.
While WWE officials have nothing against their marriage, they are said to be displeased with the release of photo as it "distorts" the company's ongoing "vegetative state" storyline. 'Taker — a big MMA fan — reportedly did not attend UFC's 116 event due to his WWE storyline status. He had wanted to attend the event.
The Undertaker, who's real name is Mark Calaway, married Michelle McCool (real-name) on June 26, 2010 in Austin, Texas.
Report: TNA Interested In JBL
There has been some interest in TNA's part on John "Bradshaw" Layfield. The former WWE Champion has met with Dixie Carter in the past and the two get along. Carter has wanted to bring him in since his retirement last year, so much so that she offered to help co-produce the mixed martial arts promotion he briefly ran.
However, those close to Layfield don't expect him to join TNA. In fact, he declined an offer from the organization back in January when they were loading up on talent for the move to Monday nights.
We'll keep you posted as we get more.
However, those close to Layfield don't expect him to join TNA. In fact, he declined an offer from the organization back in January when they were loading up on talent for the move to Monday nights.
We'll keep you posted as we get more.
Who's Playing 'Suicide' These Days?, Tomko Update, Pope
-- As noted earlier, Tomko is out of action due to an ankle injury.
-- The Suicide character has been brought back since TNA has its action figure coming out. The character is being portrayed by Kiyoshi (Akira Raijin).
-- Essie Lloyd, grandfather of "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, passed away on July 8. We send our condolences to family and friends.
-- The Suicide character has been brought back since TNA has its action figure coming out. The character is being portrayed by Kiyoshi (Akira Raijin).
-- Essie Lloyd, grandfather of "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, passed away on July 8. We send our condolences to family and friends.
More ECW Talent Headed To TNA
-- As we noted yesterday here on the website, TNA's Terry Taylor is currently booking former ECW stars for the August 8th TNA Hard Justice PPV. As of now they are being booked just for the PPV, but TNA is checking their ability for the TV after the PPV as well. Tommy Dreamer has also been calling numerous former ECW talents.
The Miz Channels Rapper Drake, Watson-NXT, SummerSlam
-- There's a new "NXT" interview up on WWE.com for Percy Watson. He talks about the competition, MVP, The Nexus and some more.
-- The Miz's promo last night after his RAW Money In The Bank Ladder Match win may have borrowed a line from Drake's song "Show Me A Good Time". Miz said people call him "overrated or created" and that now he's "made it". Drake raps in the song "call me over rated or created or too jaded / because any way you put it bitch I made it…"
-- 7-Eleven has five Super Big Gulp WWE cups for its Summerslam promotion. They feature Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Eve, Edge and Randy Orton. There are also four hologram Slurpee cups that feature John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Triple H and The Undertaker. FYI - if you move The Undertaker cup up and down the right way, it really looks like he's humping something.
-- The Miz's promo last night after his RAW Money In The Bank Ladder Match win may have borrowed a line from Drake's song "Show Me A Good Time". Miz said people call him "overrated or created" and that now he's "made it". Drake raps in the song "call me over rated or created or too jaded / because any way you put it bitch I made it…"
-- 7-Eleven has five Super Big Gulp WWE cups for its Summerslam promotion. They feature Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Eve, Edge and Randy Orton. There are also four hologram Slurpee cups that feature John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Triple H and The Undertaker. FYI - if you move The Undertaker cup up and down the right way, it really looks like he's humping something.
Updates - Steamboat & Hall Still Both Hospitalized
-- Jim Ross noted the following yesterday on Twitter regarding WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat's health: "Ricky Steamboat still hospitalized. Stable, improving, & hopes 2 b out of hospital this week. More good days than bad."
-- Scott Hall is still hospitalized, due to his bout with double pneumonia. The hope is that he will be released in about a week. Hall has canceled several appearances, but is still listed for appearances next month.
-- Scott Hall is still hospitalized, due to his bout with double pneumonia. The hope is that he will be released in about a week. Hall has canceled several appearances, but is still listed for appearances next month.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Live Notes & Off-Air WWE MITB PPV Report Inside Here
Thanks to reader Patrick R./PWI for sending these results in…
Dark Match before it went on air Santino pinned William Regal with the Cobra.
Some notes from the match: All I can say is bad, it was more of a comedic thing than a wrestling match. Although Santino did do some pretty good comedy with his behavior it was a bad way to get fans riled up for some wrestling. Especially considering both wrestlers can work with serious behavior.
After the Pay Per View Ended, Nexus went back to the ring and Wade Barrett picked up the microphone he started talking about how pathetic this night was with the results. He then talked about how this business needs a new world champion soon. He suggested it be someone from the nexus, Wade smirked as he said you should see Monday Night Raw tomorrow. I believe it was something like this, as I don't have that strong of a memory remembering word for word.
Biggest Crowd Pops
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
John Cena
Biggest Crowd Heat
Jack Swagger
The Miz
Thanks to reader Nic Flair for sending these results in…
* House was probably 80% full minus the area that gets curtained off. TV side was totally packed and only a few empty seats on the non-TV side. One of the bigger crowds I've seen at the Sprint Center.
* Santino defeated Regal with the Cobra in a pure comedy dark match opener. I won't hate on this because the crowd was insane for Santino and it really got everyone fired up.
* A few notable Daniel Bryan chants during both Divas matches. Not sure if those made it to TV.
* 2nd biggest pop of the night was Kane cashing in. People went nuts.
* Hate on Cena all you want, but the man is $$. Certain people were getting excited for certain wrestlers, but the roof damn near came off the place for Cena's entrance (pop of the night, and #2 was waaaay behind).
* Hot crowd tonight, hope we came off well on TV. Lots of dueling Cena and Sheamus chants during the main event.
* After the feed ended, Wade Barrett came out with the other members of NXT. They stood over Gabriel (who I really thought was dead after that bump). Wade grabbed a mic and told everyone in attendance that he was sickened and disgusted by what he'd just seen and that tomorrow 'there would be payback'
Dark Match before it went on air Santino pinned William Regal with the Cobra.
Some notes from the match: All I can say is bad, it was more of a comedic thing than a wrestling match. Although Santino did do some pretty good comedy with his behavior it was a bad way to get fans riled up for some wrestling. Especially considering both wrestlers can work with serious behavior.
After the Pay Per View Ended, Nexus went back to the ring and Wade Barrett picked up the microphone he started talking about how pathetic this night was with the results. He then talked about how this business needs a new world champion soon. He suggested it be someone from the nexus, Wade smirked as he said you should see Monday Night Raw tomorrow. I believe it was something like this, as I don't have that strong of a memory remembering word for word.
Biggest Crowd Pops
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
John Cena
Biggest Crowd Heat
Jack Swagger
The Miz
Thanks to reader Nic Flair for sending these results in…
* House was probably 80% full minus the area that gets curtained off. TV side was totally packed and only a few empty seats on the non-TV side. One of the bigger crowds I've seen at the Sprint Center.
* Santino defeated Regal with the Cobra in a pure comedy dark match opener. I won't hate on this because the crowd was insane for Santino and it really got everyone fired up.
* A few notable Daniel Bryan chants during both Divas matches. Not sure if those made it to TV.
* 2nd biggest pop of the night was Kane cashing in. People went nuts.
* Hate on Cena all you want, but the man is $$. Certain people were getting excited for certain wrestlers, but the roof damn near came off the place for Cena's entrance (pop of the night, and #2 was waaaay behind).
* Hot crowd tonight, hope we came off well on TV. Lots of dueling Cena and Sheamus chants during the main event.
* After the feed ended, Wade Barrett came out with the other members of NXT. They stood over Gabriel (who I really thought was dead after that bump). Wade grabbed a mic and told everyone in attendance that he was sickened and disgusted by what he'd just seen and that tomorrow 'there would be payback'
WWE MITB Dark Match + More MITB News Inside Here
-- The dark match before last night's WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view saw Santino Marella defeat William Regal.
-- WWE's United States Champion The Miz won the RAW Money in the Bank match at last night's pay-per-view. Miz's WWE Title shot contract is good for one year. Miz was nearly in tears after winning the title shot as he knew this was his breakout moment in WWE. He's done a lot to earn his current push and it's good to see a new fresh face.
-- Kane is your new World Heavyweight Champion after defeating Rey Mysterio at last night's pay-per-view. Kane won SmackDown!'s Money in the Bank match to start the show and later cashed in his contract after Mysterio successfully defended against Jack Swagger.
-- WWE's United States Champion The Miz won the RAW Money in the Bank match at last night's pay-per-view. Miz's WWE Title shot contract is good for one year. Miz was nearly in tears after winning the title shot as he knew this was his breakout moment in WWE. He's done a lot to earn his current push and it's good to see a new fresh face.
-- Kane is your new World Heavyweight Champion after defeating Rey Mysterio at last night's pay-per-view. Kane won SmackDown!'s Money in the Bank match to start the show and later cashed in his contract after Mysterio successfully defended against Jack Swagger.
Kane Makes History Last Night
With his WWE World championship win last night, Kane would become the first person to the win the WWF (now WWE) title, the World championship and the now-defunct ECW belt while all three were under the auspices of WWE. Big Show is technically considered the first but his "World" title victory was in WCW as The Giant.
Horsemen Member Inducted to a Hall
- Merrick sent the following: Former WCW US Champion and Horseman member Steve Mongo McMichael was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame this past Saturday for his career with the University of Texas.
Chris Jericho Puts Over Kane and WWE as a Company
Chris Jericho wrote the following last night after Money in the Bank:
“Great ppv tonight! Congrats to Kane for his hard work and dedication to his company for 15 yrs. My company is a powerhouse that will never be beat. All other companies need to watch and learn…”
“Great ppv tonight! Congrats to Kane for his hard work and dedication to his company for 15 yrs. My company is a powerhouse that will never be beat. All other companies need to watch and learn…”
Jim Ross Posts an Update on Ricky Steamboat’s Health Condition
Jim Ross posted the following on Twitter:
Ricky Steamboat still hospitalized. Stable, improving, hopes 2 b out of hospital this week. More good days than bad.
Ricky Steamboat still hospitalized. Stable, improving, hopes 2 b out of hospital this week. More good days than bad.
What Happened After Money In The Bank Went Off The Air
After the Pay Per View Ended, Nexus went back to the ring and Wade Barrett picked up the microphone he started talking about how pathetic this night was with the results. He then talked about how this business needs a new world champion soon. He suggested it be someone from the nexus, Wade smirked as he said you should see Monday Night Raw tomorrow. I believe it was something like this, as I don't have that strong of a memory remembering word for word.
Who Played 'Doink' On RAW Last Week?, Danielson News
» Doink the Clown was portrayed by WWE producer Steve Lombardi (a/k/a Brooklyn Brawler) on last Monday's RAW. He took part in the eight-wrestler "Brady Bunch" themed tag match. It's interesting to note that the official WWE website referenced Lombardi's past personas in its write-up for the match, saying: "In the end, the "Santino Bunch" proved too strong for the "Regal Bunch," despite the clever recruitment of Doink the Clown, a staple of the ’90s, who competed alongside such unlikely ring warriors as Brooklyn Brawler, Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz and Kim Chee."
» Bryan Danielson asked to face Bobby Fish at the show. Danielson has been a fan of Fish's work since they toured NOAH together. Danielson was originally supposed to be one of the three partners of the promotion, but that changed when he signed his WWE deal.
» Bryan Danielson asked to face Bobby Fish at the show. Danielson has been a fan of Fish's work since they toured NOAH together. Danielson was originally supposed to be one of the three partners of the promotion, but that changed when he signed his WWE deal.
Backstage News: John Cena Or Triple H Heel Turn Planned?
WWE is toying with the idea of turning a top Superstar heel and have them be the person behind The Nexus angle. Current creative plans call for the top WWE star to be revealed in the fairly near future. The main people being pitched for a heel turn are Triple H and believe it or not, John Cena.
Cena turning heel would be a risk because of his popularity with kids and everything else, including merchandise. It also appears unlikely after Money in the Bank that he is turning heel. It's almost confirmed now but never say never.
Triple H has wanted to turn heel for a few years now but with injuries to him and his co-workers, they haven't had the right time to turn him. This appears fairly likely but nothing is confirmed. WWE doesn't have long-term Nexus storylines in place yet. They are going on a week to week basis these days.
Cena turning heel would be a risk because of his popularity with kids and everything else, including merchandise. It also appears unlikely after Money in the Bank that he is turning heel. It's almost confirmed now but never say never.
Triple H has wanted to turn heel for a few years now but with injuries to him and his co-workers, they haven't had the right time to turn him. This appears fairly likely but nothing is confirmed. WWE doesn't have long-term Nexus storylines in place yet. They are going on a week to week basis these days.
A New WWE Diva?, MITB-WrestleMania Plans, Eve Torres Note
-- As noted earlier here on the website, the WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view event will determine next's year WrestleMania, in part. Should tonight's show be considered a success in terms of pay-per-view buys, the event will be brought back as a separate event next year. If it doesn't do well, the bout would be kept to WrestleMania.
-- Eve Torres has opened a fan page on Facebook. The WWE Diva also has plans to open an official website in the near future.
-- Saturday night's WWE live event in Omaha, Nebraska featured an eight-man dual brand main event pitting John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Big Show against Chris Jericho, Edge, Sheamus and Jack Swagger. The match was a ruled a no decision due to interference from Nexus.
-- A female by the name of Celeste has surfaced in Florida Championship Wrestling.
-- Eve Torres has opened a fan page on Facebook. The WWE Diva also has plans to open an official website in the near future.
-- Saturday night's WWE live event in Omaha, Nebraska featured an eight-man dual brand main event pitting John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Big Show against Chris Jericho, Edge, Sheamus and Jack Swagger. The match was a ruled a no decision due to interference from Nexus.
-- A female by the name of Celeste has surfaced in Florida Championship Wrestling.
Major Possible **SPOILERS** For Tonight's MITB PPV Jul 18 2010 by Ryan Clark Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter Just about everyone expects
Just about everyone expects the Nexus to do a run-in during the Sheamus vs. John Cena cage match for the WWE title tonight.
Randy Orton is the favorite to win the RAW Money in the Bank ladder match. Edge is also a possibility since they are the two most pushed stars of the eight in the match. The Miz and Evan Bourne are also possible, especially Bourne, because he's been buried on TV the last few weeks and this would be a way to 'save face'. Miz has also been pushed hard in recent weeks. DiBiase is also possible with help from Maryse. A Morrison win would only be to swerve people. Chris Jericho is not confirmed long-term so he's unlikely to win it.
Most expect Drew McIntyre to go over in the SmackDown! Money in the Bank match. Christian and Hardy are there to have a good match. Rhodes and Ziggler would be dark horses in the match.
Tonight's MITB PPV will play a part in WrestleMania next year. If tonight's show does a good buyrate, obviously MITB will be brought back as a separate PPV next year. If it doesn't do well, MITB will be brought back for 'Mania and 'Mania only.
This show looks good on paper and usually Money in the Bank matches deliver.
Randy Orton is the favorite to win the RAW Money in the Bank ladder match. Edge is also a possibility since they are the two most pushed stars of the eight in the match. The Miz and Evan Bourne are also possible, especially Bourne, because he's been buried on TV the last few weeks and this would be a way to 'save face'. Miz has also been pushed hard in recent weeks. DiBiase is also possible with help from Maryse. A Morrison win would only be to swerve people. Chris Jericho is not confirmed long-term so he's unlikely to win it.
Most expect Drew McIntyre to go over in the SmackDown! Money in the Bank match. Christian and Hardy are there to have a good match. Rhodes and Ziggler would be dark horses in the match.
Tonight's MITB PPV will play a part in WrestleMania next year. If tonight's show does a good buyrate, obviously MITB will be brought back as a separate PPV next year. If it doesn't do well, MITB will be brought back for 'Mania and 'Mania only.
This show looks good on paper and usually Money in the Bank matches deliver.
Backstage TNA News: ECW Originals Wanted, Dixie Carter Nervous
-- Tommy Dreamer has been making phone calls to his former co-workers from the ECW days to appear at TNA's Hard Justice pay-per-view.
-- TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that Jeff Hardy is scheduled to return to court for his drug charges in North Carolina on Thursday, September 9th of this year.
-- Dixie Carter was said to be very nervous about her segment with Dreamer at Tuesday night's iMPACT tapings. Dixie asked for feedback from several people after the show and word is that Vince Russo was over-the-top with his praise for Dixie's work.
-- TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that Jeff Hardy is scheduled to return to court for his drug charges in North Carolina on Thursday, September 9th of this year.
-- Dixie Carter was said to be very nervous about her segment with Dreamer at Tuesday night's iMPACT tapings. Dixie asked for feedback from several people after the show and word is that Vince Russo was over-the-top with his praise for Dixie's work.
Backstage WWE News: Early SummerSlam Plans?, & More
With Triple H out of action again and The Undertaker's return not confirmed now, nothing is solid for this year's SummerSlam pay-per-view. The show was going to be built around Taker and Triple H's returns.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio has been discussed but it's not a lock. Months ago, WWE wanted to do a mask vs. mask match to expose CM Punk's bald head but obviously that won't be happening now. Other matches discussed include Big Show vs. Jack Swagger and The Harts vs. The Usos.
WWE has also been thinking about doing John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase, with Melina reuniting with Morrison to even up the odds since DiBiase has Maryse now.
We'll keep you posted as we hear more.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio has been discussed but it's not a lock. Months ago, WWE wanted to do a mask vs. mask match to expose CM Punk's bald head but obviously that won't be happening now. Other matches discussed include Big Show vs. Jack Swagger and The Harts vs. The Usos.
WWE has also been thinking about doing John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase, with Melina reuniting with Morrison to even up the odds since DiBiase has Maryse now.
We'll keep you posted as we hear more.
Original NXT Storyline Plans Revealed + Alicia Fox's Sister
-- Apparently there was no direction for the first NXT run-in a few months ago where they invaded RAW, the same angle that led to Bryan Danielson's departure from the company. The Rookies were told to go out and put on an angle that didn't look like normal WWE beatdowns and to take out the WWE employees. Justin Roberts didn't know to leave the area and didn't know he was going to be attacked or choked with the tie by Danielson. The incident where Danielson spit on John Cena was not approved. The story is that the Rookies weren't aware of the limitations that they had to work with.
-- Alicia Fox's sister Christina Crawford worked her second WWE developmental show at FCW on Wednesday night in a bikini contest. Melina made an appearance at the end of the contest and got into it with developmental Diva AJ Lee.
-- Alicia Fox's sister Christina Crawford worked her second WWE developmental show at FCW on Wednesday night in a bikini contest. Melina made an appearance at the end of the contest and got into it with developmental Diva AJ Lee.
TNA Testing WWE w/ 'Hardcore Justice'
-- New promotional material sent out for TNA's ECW-themed August pay-per-view has a new name for the show - Hardcore Justice: One Last Stand. A new commercial for the show features fans chanting "ECW." It will be interesting to see how WWE reacts, if they do at all, to TNA using ECW to promote their product.
Two NXT Rookies Win & Lose The FCW Tag-Team Titles
As noted earlier, WWE NXT Rookies Kaval and Michael McGillicutty won the FCW Tag Team Titles at last Thursday's developmental show.
Kaval wrote the following on Twitter: "FCW Tag Team Champions! My first taste since arriving, it is a great nite!!"
While McGillicutty wrote this: "Michael McGillicutty and Kaval... New FCW Tag Champions! This now makes me a 4 time FCW Tag Champion! Very exciting night!"
It should be noted that NXT Rookies Michael McGillicutty and Kaval lost the FCW Tag Team Titles on Friday night, just one night after winning them from Los Aviadores. There was some speculation that the title change wasn't supposed to happen on Thursday night as there may have been some confusion when the referee counted for Kaval and McGillicutty's win. The Rookies lost the belts in a rematch against Los Aviadores on Friday night in Sebring, Florida.
Kaval wrote the following on Twitter: "FCW Tag Team Champions! My first taste since arriving, it is a great nite!!"
While McGillicutty wrote this: "Michael McGillicutty and Kaval... New FCW Tag Champions! This now makes me a 4 time FCW Tag Champion! Very exciting night!"
It should be noted that NXT Rookies Michael McGillicutty and Kaval lost the FCW Tag Team Titles on Friday night, just one night after winning them from Los Aviadores. There was some speculation that the title change wasn't supposed to happen on Thursday night as there may have been some confusion when the referee counted for Kaval and McGillicutty's win. The Rookies lost the belts in a rematch against Los Aviadores on Friday night in Sebring, Florida.
Who Played Jack Swagger's 'Father'?
-- Jack Swagger's father on this past Friday's SmackDown was played by none other than Jimmy Golden, better known as former WCW star Bunkhouse Buck.
WWE Supershow Results From Last Night: Omaha, NE
Results from last night's WWE Supershow in Omaha, NE. Report courtesy Joe O. and the pro wrestling torch:
The Qwest Center was only about 65 percent full, but the crowd was hot all night. A lot of John Cena shirts were in the crowd.
(1) Christian defeated Cody Rhodes. Pretty solid opener. Christian won with the Killswitch. Cody had a lot of heat, and is stronger on the mic compared to former Legacy mate Ted DiBiase.
(2) Santino defeated Zach Ryder. It wasn't even that much of a comedy match, but a joke move, The Cobra, won the match for Santino. It looks ridiculous in person.
(3) U.S. champion The Miz defeated Mark Henry and Evan Bourne in a three-way match to retain the U.S. Title. Originally, it was Miz vs. Evan, but the Raw GM "emailed" Justin Roberts's cell phone and announced Mark Henry was added to the match. Evan hit the Air Bourne on Henry, but Miz made the cover for the win.
Jillian Hall asked a kid to name Sunday's PPV. He got it right, so he was special bellringer for the next match.
(4) John Morrison defeated Ted DiBiase (w/Maryse). Basic match between the two and Morrison won with Starship Pain. During the match, Maryse took a fan's clown wig and gave it to DiBiase, who rubbed it on his butt. Morrison then later wore it and paraded around with it.
(5) Unified tag champions Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & D.H. Smith w/Natalya) defeated the Uso Brothers (Jey & Jimmy Uso w/Tamina). Basic match we've seen between the two teams in the past. I will say Natalya looks even better in person compared to TV. Smith won via the Sharpshooter.
Jillian came out again to help throw shirts into the crowd.
(6) Intercontinental champion Kofi Kingston defeated Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre in a fatal four-way match to retain the Intercontinental Title. Drew worked the mic early on, but he was rather sloppy, I thought. Maybe it was a bad microphone. Hardy and Mac brawled, then Dolph ran in until Kofi came out to jumpstart the match. After the match, Kofi and Matt shook hands while Drew threw chairs around. Ziggler was selling being out cold from Kofi's kick and referees helped him to the back. The crowd gave him a round of applause.
(7) Divas champion Alicia Fox defeated Eve. Another basic match.
(8) John Cena & Randy Orton & Big Show & World Hvt. champion Rey Mysterio vs. WWE champion Sheamus & Edge & Chris Jericho & Jack Swagger ended in a No Contest when Nexus ran in. Very fun eight-man tag. Swagger played to the Nebraska crowd by wearing an Oklahoma hat that a fan tossed him. The heels had a lot of heat and the faces received all of the biggest pops of the night. In a funny moment, Big Show asked for Justin Roberts to hold up the mic, then he shushed the crowd and told them "I'm hittin' Swagga" in an Elmer Fudd voice. Cena had Sheamus in the STF when Nexus ran in. Kane's music then hit and he joined other faces to make the save. They cleared out Nexus to send the crowd home happy.
Biggest pop of the night: John Cena
Most Heat of the night: The Miz
The Qwest Center was only about 65 percent full, but the crowd was hot all night. A lot of John Cena shirts were in the crowd.
(1) Christian defeated Cody Rhodes. Pretty solid opener. Christian won with the Killswitch. Cody had a lot of heat, and is stronger on the mic compared to former Legacy mate Ted DiBiase.
(2) Santino defeated Zach Ryder. It wasn't even that much of a comedy match, but a joke move, The Cobra, won the match for Santino. It looks ridiculous in person.
(3) U.S. champion The Miz defeated Mark Henry and Evan Bourne in a three-way match to retain the U.S. Title. Originally, it was Miz vs. Evan, but the Raw GM "emailed" Justin Roberts's cell phone and announced Mark Henry was added to the match. Evan hit the Air Bourne on Henry, but Miz made the cover for the win.
Jillian Hall asked a kid to name Sunday's PPV. He got it right, so he was special bellringer for the next match.
(4) John Morrison defeated Ted DiBiase (w/Maryse). Basic match between the two and Morrison won with Starship Pain. During the match, Maryse took a fan's clown wig and gave it to DiBiase, who rubbed it on his butt. Morrison then later wore it and paraded around with it.
(5) Unified tag champions Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & D.H. Smith w/Natalya) defeated the Uso Brothers (Jey & Jimmy Uso w/Tamina). Basic match we've seen between the two teams in the past. I will say Natalya looks even better in person compared to TV. Smith won via the Sharpshooter.
Jillian came out again to help throw shirts into the crowd.
(6) Intercontinental champion Kofi Kingston defeated Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre in a fatal four-way match to retain the Intercontinental Title. Drew worked the mic early on, but he was rather sloppy, I thought. Maybe it was a bad microphone. Hardy and Mac brawled, then Dolph ran in until Kofi came out to jumpstart the match. After the match, Kofi and Matt shook hands while Drew threw chairs around. Ziggler was selling being out cold from Kofi's kick and referees helped him to the back. The crowd gave him a round of applause.
(7) Divas champion Alicia Fox defeated Eve. Another basic match.
(8) John Cena & Randy Orton & Big Show & World Hvt. champion Rey Mysterio vs. WWE champion Sheamus & Edge & Chris Jericho & Jack Swagger ended in a No Contest when Nexus ran in. Very fun eight-man tag. Swagger played to the Nebraska crowd by wearing an Oklahoma hat that a fan tossed him. The heels had a lot of heat and the faces received all of the biggest pops of the night. In a funny moment, Big Show asked for Justin Roberts to hold up the mic, then he shushed the crowd and told them "I'm hittin' Swagga" in an Elmer Fudd voice. Cena had Sheamus in the STF when Nexus ran in. Kane's music then hit and he joined other faces to make the save. They cleared out Nexus to send the crowd home happy.
Biggest pop of the night: John Cena
Most Heat of the night: The Miz
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