-- Triple H and Stephanie McMahon appeared at the Danbury Get Out The Vote Rally yesterday in Danbury, Connecticut to support Linda McMahon's Senate campaign. The former WWE CEO was also on hand for the event.
-- As noted yesterday here on the website, Sean Morley (a/k/a Val Venis) is telling people he has re-signed with World Wrestling Entertainment. We still don't have any update on this.
-- The Bella Twins hosted Nickelback's pool party concert yesterday at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Triple H Makes In-Ring Return Yesterday - Details & Photos
Triple H made his in-ring return at Saturday's Fan Appreciation Supershow in Hartford, Connecticut.
Alberto Del Rio informed the crowd that his scheduled opponent, Rey Mysterio, was not on hand for the event, and that he won by forefit. Just as the referee was going to raise the SmackDown star's hand, Triple H's music cued. The Game, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, entered the ring, and Del Rio told him he'd fight him at another time. Del Rio tried to run away, but The Game gave chase, dragging him back to ringside.
The match concluded in short order as the multi-time champion hit Del Rio with the facebreaker knee smash, spinebuster and Pedigree for the three count. Then, when Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, tried to save his boss, "The King of Kings" delivered a second Pedigree.
Triple H looked like he lost some weight since the last time we've seen him.

Alberto Del Rio informed the crowd that his scheduled opponent, Rey Mysterio, was not on hand for the event, and that he won by forefit. Just as the referee was going to raise the SmackDown star's hand, Triple H's music cued. The Game, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, entered the ring, and Del Rio told him he'd fight him at another time. Del Rio tried to run away, but The Game gave chase, dragging him back to ringside.
The match concluded in short order as the multi-time champion hit Del Rio with the facebreaker knee smash, spinebuster and Pedigree for the three count. Then, when Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, tried to save his boss, "The King of Kings" delivered a second Pedigree.
Triple H looked like he lost some weight since the last time we've seen him.

Mick Foley Appears At Huge Rally In Washington, DC
Mick Foley made an appearance at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear in Washington, DC yesterday.
Foley got a medal for standing up for a kid who was made fun of at school early this year. He did a humor-oriented acceptance speech and appeared at the end of the rally.
Foley got a medal for standing up for a kid who was made fun of at school early this year. He did a humor-oriented acceptance speech and appeared at the end of the rally.
Quick WWE Fan Appreciation Day Results 10.30.10
* Howard Finkel is the ring announcer.
* Big Show won a 24-Man Battle Royal, to face Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship, eliminating Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre.
* Daniel Bryan beat The Miz to retain US Championship.
* Melina won a Diva Dance off which included Santino Marella.
* Vince McMahon made an appearance.
* Sheamus defeated John Morrison.
* Randy Orton defeated Wade Barrett with an RKO to retain WWE title.
* Dolph Ziggler beat Big Show by countout to retain IC Championship.
* Triple H beat Alberto Del Rio with the Pedigree.
* Main Event was Kane defending the World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena. Nexus invades. Orton makes the save but gets beat down. Entire WWE roster led by Triple H makes the save.
* Big Show won a 24-Man Battle Royal, to face Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship, eliminating Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre.
* Daniel Bryan beat The Miz to retain US Championship.
* Melina won a Diva Dance off which included Santino Marella.
* Vince McMahon made an appearance.
* Sheamus defeated John Morrison.
* Randy Orton defeated Wade Barrett with an RKO to retain WWE title.
* Dolph Ziggler beat Big Show by countout to retain IC Championship.
* Triple H beat Alberto Del Rio with the Pedigree.
* Main Event was Kane defending the World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena. Nexus invades. Orton makes the save but gets beat down. Entire WWE roster led by Triple H makes the save.
Chris Jericho Speaks - 'Taker, NXT Rookies, Undisputed Title
Credit: Mike Johnson
Chris Jericho made his first domestic appearance since taking a hiatus from World Wrestling Entertainment with a Q&A at Ringsidefest 2010 in New York City.
If he had to wear someone else's gear, who would it be. He feels the Undertaker has the best gimmick of all that and sometimes he thinks if he was a foot and a half taller and way cooler, that could have been him.
When asked who he would have liked to have wrestled that he won't get the chance to wrestle, he said he's blessed to wrestle everyone he has, but Owen and Bret Hart come to mind.
Jericho discusses Jericho vs. The Old Man extra on the WWE Jericho DVD and doing some improve comedy to close out TV Tapings for the live crowd. He got the word that night that Vince McMahon wanted Jericho to mess with an older fan who was really angry at Jericho. He said he wanted it on th DVD because it was so preposterous and unique.
When asked about the change from pants to trunks, Jericho said he wanted to reinvent himself for his return 2007. He talked about being inspired by The film No Country for Old Man and how one villain was psycho but talked slowly and methodically, so he incorporated it into his WWE persona. He wanted to make a lot of changes and was nervous walking out of the locker room in his tights.
When asked if he was impressed with the newer stars, he said Miz is doing a real good job and is great. He knew Wade Barrett was going to be a star right off the bat. He talked about John Morrison, Jack Swagger and Sheamus. He said Swagger hasn't even tapped into what he has yet.
He talked about the promo where he gave a list of everyone he had beaten and how it was a take on his WCW Man of 1004 holds promo.. He said Vince wanted to see how long he could go with the promo and they cut Jericho off.
On TNA, Jericho said you have to be happy TNA exists because a monopoly isn't good for the fans or the wrestlers. He said he's familiar with it but doesn't watch it a lot today. He said you never want to say never because he could get into a huge fistfight with Vince McMahon tomorrow or something but at this stage in his life he only wants to wrestle for WWE and that includes Japan and anywhere else.
In regard to tips for being a wrestler, he said just keep doing it if that's your dream. People mocked him when he wanted to be a wrestler but they were the ones that were bitter or failed at their dreams. He said that he kept working at it and he's been able to accomplish his wrestling and music dreams. He said if his "dumb ass" can do it, anyone can.
Jericho was asked about the horror film "Albino Farm". He said during his first break, he did a lot of studying for acting, which greatly helped him when he returned to WWE. It was a fun role he was able to do and play a unique character.
When asked about advice asked by NXT Rookies, he said that Wade Barrett really didn't need advice because he obviously had it. He said that some of them asked but he offered to everyone because he has the experience and has been wrestling longer than most of the roster except Goldust and Undertaker. He said that he'd tell them the truth and sort of has the reputation of being a Simon Cowell type who gives harsh criticism but when someone improves, you know when he praises them, its earned.
Jericho said that he wishes the old Christopher Reeve hockey benefit in the Garden was still taking place.
When asked about favorite Tag partners, Jericho said his favorite was Big Show. He said that online fans wanted to see a young guy and it needed to be a young guy when Edge was hurt, but the Jericho character would want the biggest guy. He suggested Kane but Vince McMahon wanted Big Show. He said he had to eliminate a lot of the comedy that Big Show was doing because he's a big monster. Jericho said he really enjoyed the team but hated the Jerishow name, although he never told anyone how much he hated it at the time.
When asked who beat him up the most by a child, Jericho said Rob Van Dam gave him 35 stitches and its usually Rob's kicks and punches that get him the most.
When asked about preferring to return as a face vs. Heel, he didn't care because the secret is to get people to keep hating you but at some point, the time is right and people turned you. He purposely didn't want merchandise other than action figures the last run because fans shouldn't be supporting his character.
Jericho noted he is now 39 years old.
When asked about the night he became Undisputed champion, Jericho said that winning a belt is like winning an Oscar but in that situation it was really huge because of the scenario. He said he was floundering at the time and even being in the tournament was huge. He didn't believe he was going to win and didn't have his family there because he thought WWE would change their minds. He said that he thought it wasn't his best work as that came later.
When asked about his favorite match of the Attitude era, he asked when that ended. A fan yelled, "When Cena won the belt" and Jericho said they aren't allowed to be called belts anymore and they are titles. He also said the fans are now the WWE Universe and he'll never say that term on TV.
Jericho was asked about the intercontinental championship and winning it nine times. Jericho talked about how the IC belt used to mean you were the workhorse of the company and that was one of the only goals he had coming into the business because Ricky Steamboat was the IC champ.
His favorite Wrestlemania match was Mania 19 vs. Shawn Michaels.
His inspirations were Owen Hart and Ricky Steamboat although before them he was a Hulk Hogan fan. He talked about his love for 80s metal frontmen like David Lee Roth and Paul Stanley and how he would incorporate it into his work because he loved them and was inspired by it all.
A fan asked about the Dairy Queen incident in SMW. Jericho joked about how archaic the tape trading scene was with the changes in technology and told the infamous Jim Cornette story.
He was asked about how your mindset changes when the fans reverse who's being cheered and booed, like his John Cena match where fans backed Jericho. He said it doesn't effect your mindset but you know its magical and you have to keep your wits about you. He said its hard as a babyface even if one or two people are booing you. He said Austin would freak if even a few weren't cheering him in a 19,000 seat building and you start to question yourself.
Jericho was asked about training under Stu Hart. He said that he trained with Stu a few years in but he learned discipline at the Hart Family camp which used a Stu Hart written training manual. He talked about some of the crazier stuff that he did while training which was designed to show that you had the mental discipline. He talked about all the insane things and that once they endured that and were allowed into the ring, taking bumps was way easier. He said that fans online ripped the NXT thing where Rookies had to cut a promo on a word and that fans didn't understand it was about showing you could be ready for anything.
Jericho was asked about balancing WWE and Fozzy. Jericho said that he's been in a band since he was 12 years old and its part of who he has been his entire life. He said he'll be doing it when he's 65. He said that he built Chris Jericho in wrestling and he's trying to build Fozzy now. He's happy fans overseas have really taken to the band.
Jericho was asked if Ronnie James Rio or Alberto Del Rio is a bigger star. Jericho liked that one and had a funny promo about how Del Rio may be bigger in stature but when he's back selling tacos, James Dio will still be known as one of the best singers of all time.
Jericho was asked about his book and said he's in the final revision now and it will be out in February.
Jericho said he prefers Raw to Smackdown as he likes it being live and even when he was on Smackdown, he felt that way.
Jericho talked about Fozzy having great gigs in NYC and loving playing here.
He was asked about a WWE return and said he has no time table and when the time is right, everyone will know.
Jericho said the last question had to be one he was never asked before. The question was why did you work in McDonalds. He said TMZ wanted to interview him, so Jericho came up with the idea of filming him working in McDonalds and the second person who came in was a Jericho fan that recognized him and asked if he was Jericho. Jericho said that it was and since leaving WWE, times were tough.
An extremely entertaining back and forth discussion where Jericho seemed to really enjoy himself.
Chris Jericho made his first domestic appearance since taking a hiatus from World Wrestling Entertainment with a Q&A at Ringsidefest 2010 in New York City.
If he had to wear someone else's gear, who would it be. He feels the Undertaker has the best gimmick of all that and sometimes he thinks if he was a foot and a half taller and way cooler, that could have been him.
When asked who he would have liked to have wrestled that he won't get the chance to wrestle, he said he's blessed to wrestle everyone he has, but Owen and Bret Hart come to mind.
Jericho discusses Jericho vs. The Old Man extra on the WWE Jericho DVD and doing some improve comedy to close out TV Tapings for the live crowd. He got the word that night that Vince McMahon wanted Jericho to mess with an older fan who was really angry at Jericho. He said he wanted it on th DVD because it was so preposterous and unique.
When asked about the change from pants to trunks, Jericho said he wanted to reinvent himself for his return 2007. He talked about being inspired by The film No Country for Old Man and how one villain was psycho but talked slowly and methodically, so he incorporated it into his WWE persona. He wanted to make a lot of changes and was nervous walking out of the locker room in his tights.
When asked if he was impressed with the newer stars, he said Miz is doing a real good job and is great. He knew Wade Barrett was going to be a star right off the bat. He talked about John Morrison, Jack Swagger and Sheamus. He said Swagger hasn't even tapped into what he has yet.
He talked about the promo where he gave a list of everyone he had beaten and how it was a take on his WCW Man of 1004 holds promo.. He said Vince wanted to see how long he could go with the promo and they cut Jericho off.
On TNA, Jericho said you have to be happy TNA exists because a monopoly isn't good for the fans or the wrestlers. He said he's familiar with it but doesn't watch it a lot today. He said you never want to say never because he could get into a huge fistfight with Vince McMahon tomorrow or something but at this stage in his life he only wants to wrestle for WWE and that includes Japan and anywhere else.
In regard to tips for being a wrestler, he said just keep doing it if that's your dream. People mocked him when he wanted to be a wrestler but they were the ones that were bitter or failed at their dreams. He said that he kept working at it and he's been able to accomplish his wrestling and music dreams. He said if his "dumb ass" can do it, anyone can.
Jericho was asked about the horror film "Albino Farm". He said during his first break, he did a lot of studying for acting, which greatly helped him when he returned to WWE. It was a fun role he was able to do and play a unique character.
When asked about advice asked by NXT Rookies, he said that Wade Barrett really didn't need advice because he obviously had it. He said that some of them asked but he offered to everyone because he has the experience and has been wrestling longer than most of the roster except Goldust and Undertaker. He said that he'd tell them the truth and sort of has the reputation of being a Simon Cowell type who gives harsh criticism but when someone improves, you know when he praises them, its earned.
Jericho said that he wishes the old Christopher Reeve hockey benefit in the Garden was still taking place.
When asked about favorite Tag partners, Jericho said his favorite was Big Show. He said that online fans wanted to see a young guy and it needed to be a young guy when Edge was hurt, but the Jericho character would want the biggest guy. He suggested Kane but Vince McMahon wanted Big Show. He said he had to eliminate a lot of the comedy that Big Show was doing because he's a big monster. Jericho said he really enjoyed the team but hated the Jerishow name, although he never told anyone how much he hated it at the time.
When asked who beat him up the most by a child, Jericho said Rob Van Dam gave him 35 stitches and its usually Rob's kicks and punches that get him the most.
When asked about preferring to return as a face vs. Heel, he didn't care because the secret is to get people to keep hating you but at some point, the time is right and people turned you. He purposely didn't want merchandise other than action figures the last run because fans shouldn't be supporting his character.
Jericho noted he is now 39 years old.
When asked about the night he became Undisputed champion, Jericho said that winning a belt is like winning an Oscar but in that situation it was really huge because of the scenario. He said he was floundering at the time and even being in the tournament was huge. He didn't believe he was going to win and didn't have his family there because he thought WWE would change their minds. He said that he thought it wasn't his best work as that came later.
When asked about his favorite match of the Attitude era, he asked when that ended. A fan yelled, "When Cena won the belt" and Jericho said they aren't allowed to be called belts anymore and they are titles. He also said the fans are now the WWE Universe and he'll never say that term on TV.
Jericho was asked about the intercontinental championship and winning it nine times. Jericho talked about how the IC belt used to mean you were the workhorse of the company and that was one of the only goals he had coming into the business because Ricky Steamboat was the IC champ.
His favorite Wrestlemania match was Mania 19 vs. Shawn Michaels.
His inspirations were Owen Hart and Ricky Steamboat although before them he was a Hulk Hogan fan. He talked about his love for 80s metal frontmen like David Lee Roth and Paul Stanley and how he would incorporate it into his work because he loved them and was inspired by it all.
A fan asked about the Dairy Queen incident in SMW. Jericho joked about how archaic the tape trading scene was with the changes in technology and told the infamous Jim Cornette story.
He was asked about how your mindset changes when the fans reverse who's being cheered and booed, like his John Cena match where fans backed Jericho. He said it doesn't effect your mindset but you know its magical and you have to keep your wits about you. He said its hard as a babyface even if one or two people are booing you. He said Austin would freak if even a few weren't cheering him in a 19,000 seat building and you start to question yourself.
Jericho was asked about training under Stu Hart. He said that he trained with Stu a few years in but he learned discipline at the Hart Family camp which used a Stu Hart written training manual. He talked about some of the crazier stuff that he did while training which was designed to show that you had the mental discipline. He talked about all the insane things and that once they endured that and were allowed into the ring, taking bumps was way easier. He said that fans online ripped the NXT thing where Rookies had to cut a promo on a word and that fans didn't understand it was about showing you could be ready for anything.
Jericho was asked about balancing WWE and Fozzy. Jericho said that he's been in a band since he was 12 years old and its part of who he has been his entire life. He said he'll be doing it when he's 65. He said that he built Chris Jericho in wrestling and he's trying to build Fozzy now. He's happy fans overseas have really taken to the band.
Jericho was asked if Ronnie James Rio or Alberto Del Rio is a bigger star. Jericho liked that one and had a funny promo about how Del Rio may be bigger in stature but when he's back selling tacos, James Dio will still be known as one of the best singers of all time.
Jericho was asked about his book and said he's in the final revision now and it will be out in February.
Jericho said he prefers Raw to Smackdown as he likes it being live and even when he was on Smackdown, he felt that way.
Jericho talked about Fozzy having great gigs in NYC and loving playing here.
He was asked about a WWE return and said he has no time table and when the time is right, everyone will know.
Jericho said the last question had to be one he was never asked before. The question was why did you work in McDonalds. He said TMZ wanted to interview him, so Jericho came up with the idea of filming him working in McDonalds and the second person who came in was a Jericho fan that recognized him and asked if he was Jericho. Jericho said that it was and since leaving WWE, times were tough.
An extremely entertaining back and forth discussion where Jericho seemed to really enjoy himself.
The Identity Of The iMPACT! 'Trainer' Revealed
-- The man that played the trainer on Thursday's TNA iMPACT! was former WWE Creative Director of On Air Promotions David Sahadi. He worked for WWE from 1994 through 2003 and then came to TNA.
Report: WWE Re-Signs Val Venis
WWE has reportedly resigned Sean 'Van Venis' Morley, according to indy promoters who have attempted to book him in recent weeks.
According to a source, WWE is supposedly flying Morley to Europe on 11/7 to join up with the RAW crew. He may be coming in as an agent/producer but we're not sure about that just yet.
More as we get it.
According to a source, WWE is supposedly flying Morley to Europe on 11/7 to join up with the RAW crew. He may be coming in as an agent/producer but we're not sure about that just yet.
More as we get it.
Backstage News On Y2J's WWE Return + How Old Is Edge?
-- Chris Jericho took part in an interview with Norwich Evening News 24 to discuss the latest news concerning Fozzy. You can read it at http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/
-- Regarding Chris Jericho's possible return to World Wrestling Entertainment, it could take place around the holiday season, likely right after. He does have 'Fozzy' tours set in February and March, so a WrestleMania return is possible, but not definite.
-- Edge celebrates his 37th birthday today.
-- Speaking of Edge, he defeated Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio last night on SmackDown! to earn a shot at Kane's World Heavyweight Championship at the Survivor Series. One other match has been announced in Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, with John Cena as the special guest referee. We posted the updated card here on the website earlier today.
-- Regarding Chris Jericho's possible return to World Wrestling Entertainment, it could take place around the holiday season, likely right after. He does have 'Fozzy' tours set in February and March, so a WrestleMania return is possible, but not definite.
-- Edge celebrates his 37th birthday today.
-- Speaking of Edge, he defeated Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio last night on SmackDown! to earn a shot at Kane's World Heavyweight Championship at the Survivor Series. One other match has been announced in Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, with John Cena as the special guest referee. We posted the updated card here on the website earlier today.
Report: Wrestler Leaves WWE Over Financial Issues
Adam Atherton, who performed as Rudy Parker in WWE's developmental promotion Florida Championship, apparently asked to be released from his contract earlier this month because he was denied a raise by organization officials and was therefore unable to afford to pay back his student loans.
UPDATE: Rudy Parker addressed these release rumors via his Facebook page: "Answering the question that seems to be on most people's mind...I RESIGNED b/c the WWE didn't give me the raise that i had been told about when i signed the contract. when i wasn't making enough to pay back my student loans, i had no choice but to resign."
UPDATE: Rudy Parker addressed these release rumors via his Facebook page: "Answering the question that seems to be on most people's mind...I RESIGNED b/c the WWE didn't give me the raise that i had been told about when i signed the contract. when i wasn't making enough to pay back my student loans, i had no choice but to resign."
Saturday, October 30, 2010
WWE Star Repackaged As Evil Doctor - Video & Photos
WWE developmental wrestler Cable Jones, who has largely worked in a preliminary role since debuting in Florida Championship Wrestling in March, was recently repackaged as a villainous chiropractor.
During an interview segment with Ashley Valance on a recent episode of FCW Wrestling, he requested that she refer him as "Dr. Cable Jones, Chiropractor... with a specialty in pain." He then vowed to redefine the meaning of pain on all of the FCW Superstars. You can click here to view a video of his gimmick debut as well as 8 photos of the doctor gimmick.
The persona is based off Jones' real-life background as he graduated with a Doctorate of Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College in 2008.
During an interview segment with Ashley Valance on a recent episode of FCW Wrestling, he requested that she refer him as "Dr. Cable Jones, Chiropractor... with a specialty in pain." He then vowed to redefine the meaning of pain on all of the FCW Superstars. You can click here to view a video of his gimmick debut as well as 8 photos of the doctor gimmick.
The persona is based off Jones' real-life background as he graduated with a Doctorate of Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College in 2008.
This Week's TNA iMPACT! Rating Is In
Last night's TNA iMPACT scored a a 1.13 (1.1) cable rating. This is down slightly from last week's 1.16 (1.2) cable rating. The show had VERY strong competition with the Jersey Shore reunion special, the MLB World Series (game two), and several major NBA basketball games on TNT. We'll have more ratings updates shortly.
WWE Denies MVP's New Look Request
-- MVP mentioned on Twitter that he wanted to change his appearance with a new haircut, but was denied permission by WWE officials due to likeness issues with action figures, video games and other merchandise. The SmackDown Superstar called it "a can of worms."
New WWE Survivor Series Poster Revealed + The NXT Wedding
-- Next week's episode of NXT on WWE.com will feature another elimination and the Goldust/Aksana wedding.
-- The promotional poster for Survivor Series has been updated to solely feature Wade Barrett. The previous poster featured the seven member slate of Nexus; two of which are inactive due to injury (Skip Sheffield and Michael Tarver), while Darren Young is no longer affiliated with the group. You can click here to view both posters.
Desmond Wolfe's TNA Future + Kurt Angle Taking A Vacation
-- Plans are in place to bring Desmond Wolfe back to TNA Wrestling programming. Since taking time off for undisclosed reason, he has performing stand-up comedy at open mic spots in the Tampa/Orlando area. This led to rumors that he was going to retire and become a stand-up comedian, but he has no plans to retire for the time being.
-- Kurt Angle is taking a vacation to Thailand since he has time off and no current movie projects. He's currently out to nurse several nagging injuries. It's good to see this guy finally getting some rest and enjoying a personal vacation.
-- Kurt Angle is taking a vacation to Thailand since he has time off and no current movie projects. He's currently out to nurse several nagging injuries. It's good to see this guy finally getting some rest and enjoying a personal vacation.
WWE Veteran Inks 42 Month Extension + Masters' Graphic Injury
-- William Regal has signed a 42 month contract renewal with World Wrestling Entertainment. Now 42, he would be under contract until 2014, when he's 46 – providing he isn't released.
-- Todd Grisham said over commentary during the Chris Masters vs. Tyler Reks match on this week's episode of WWE Superstars that "The Masterpiece" was offered the week off to heal from his gruesome eye injury on the previous week's show, but declined. As noted last week here on the website, Masters suffered a NASTY black eye at the conclusion of his WWE Superstars tag team match with MVP against Drew McIntyre and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes last week. You can click here to view 5 *extremely graphic* photos of Chris Masters' eye. You've been warned. OUCH x 1000!!
WWE Talent Frustrated w/ Vince McMahon, Orton-Hardy
-- As noted earlier here on the website, there is some frustration in WWE that Vince McMahon's top priority these days is the "Stand Up For WWE" campaign - and the television product is suffering as a result. WWE employees and superstars have been voluntarily "standing up for WWE" and recording video testimonials about how great the company is, but the overall feeling is that Vince's time would be much better spent developing better storylines and feuds. People are optimistic that things will get better after Linda McMahon's Senate campaign ends next week (Election Day is next Tuesday night).
-- Earlier this week, we reported that current WWE Champion Randy Orton had taken a dig at former WWE star Matt Hardy on Twitter. Orton was asked if he planned to start a YouTube channel, to which he replied, Earlier in the week, a fan asked Orton if he was going to open a YouTube page. Orton took a shot at Hardy and replied, "And do what? Eat grapes?". This is a shot at Hardy, who was eating (and raving about) grapes in one of his recent YouTube videos. Hardy has already responded to Orton's remark. Hardy, who is still operating two separate Twitter accounts (one as "Matt" and one as "Matthew"), wrote the following (As Matthrew): "Make sure to check out the Matt Hardy brand youtube channel because their is going to be an entry on there, a can't miss entry which is going to be about a current WWE champion, and actually one who might think about eating grapes for breakfast."
-- Earlier this week, we reported that current WWE Champion Randy Orton had taken a dig at former WWE star Matt Hardy on Twitter. Orton was asked if he planned to start a YouTube channel, to which he replied, Earlier in the week, a fan asked Orton if he was going to open a YouTube page. Orton took a shot at Hardy and replied, "And do what? Eat grapes?". This is a shot at Hardy, who was eating (and raving about) grapes in one of his recent YouTube videos. Hardy has already responded to Orton's remark. Hardy, who is still operating two separate Twitter accounts (one as "Matt" and one as "Matthew"), wrote the following (As Matthrew): "Make sure to check out the Matt Hardy brand youtube channel because their is going to be an entry on there, a can't miss entry which is going to be about a current WWE champion, and actually one who might think about eating grapes for breakfast."
Jeff Hardy Is A New Daddy + Velvet Sky's New Boyfriend
-- For those who missed it here on the website, current TNA Champion Jeff Hardy announced on Twitter this week that he and his girlfriend Beth are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl. We're guessing this is the reason he missed the most recent TNA iMPACT! tapings.
-- Cookie has opened a new Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/tnacookie She also lists a booking contact of tnacookie@hotmail.com.
-- TNA mentioned Velvet Sky and Chris Sabin's romantic relationship on this week's TNA iMPACT!. At the conclusion of a brawl between the TNA Knockouts, Velvet said she was going to "call Chris" before she got too upset.
-- Cookie has opened a new Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/tnacookie She also lists a booking contact of tnacookie@hotmail.com.
-- TNA mentioned Velvet Sky and Chris Sabin's romantic relationship on this week's TNA iMPACT!. At the conclusion of a brawl between the TNA Knockouts, Velvet said she was going to "call Chris" before she got too upset.
Goldberg: Undertaker/Brock Confrontation 'Looked Weak'
Former WWE & WCW star Bill Goldberg has posted several messages on his Twitter account. Bill addressed the Undertaker-Brock Lesnar confrontation, returning to WWE at WrestleMania 27 and more.
Regarding the Brock Lesnar-Undertaker deal from the UFC 121 pay-per-view, Goldberg says it "looked weak." He added, "it served it's purpose" but was "ill timed."
When asked by a Twitter follower if he'd wrestle Brock Lesnar again, he said he'd do it "in a second."
Goldberg also said he'd wrestle The Undertaker "in a NY minute," so he could be a possible opponent for the Dead Man next year. When asked if he would return at WrestleMania, he said "not really up to me right now".
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross also recently wrote about Goldberg through a blog on his website. Ross noted the following: “Yes I do think that Goldberg could be a nice edition to WM27 in Atlanta if all the stars were aligned correctly. Bill is still in good shape and certainly n adequate enough shape to go out and have a solid match with the right guy. (No, I don’t know who the right guy is but I do know that it isn’t the Undertaker.) I get asked Goldberg questions several times a week for the record. The second question is would Goldberg be a nice addition to the WWE Hall of Fame TV presentation in Atlanta? Absolutely and particularly if he were wrestling the next day.”
Goldberg also called Edge's spear "weak," said his favorite wrestler growing up was Bruiser Brody.
Regarding the Brock Lesnar-Undertaker deal from the UFC 121 pay-per-view, Goldberg says it "looked weak." He added, "it served it's purpose" but was "ill timed."
When asked by a Twitter follower if he'd wrestle Brock Lesnar again, he said he'd do it "in a second."
Goldberg also said he'd wrestle The Undertaker "in a NY minute," so he could be a possible opponent for the Dead Man next year. When asked if he would return at WrestleMania, he said "not really up to me right now".
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross also recently wrote about Goldberg through a blog on his website. Ross noted the following: “Yes I do think that Goldberg could be a nice edition to WM27 in Atlanta if all the stars were aligned correctly. Bill is still in good shape and certainly n adequate enough shape to go out and have a solid match with the right guy. (No, I don’t know who the right guy is but I do know that it isn’t the Undertaker.) I get asked Goldberg questions several times a week for the record. The second question is would Goldberg be a nice addition to the WWE Hall of Fame TV presentation in Atlanta? Absolutely and particularly if he were wrestling the next day.”
Goldberg also called Edge's spear "weak," said his favorite wrestler growing up was Bruiser Brody.
Linda McMahon Criticized For 'Bark Like A Dog' Segment, More
On MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Olbermann talked about women's issues in the midterm elections.
He said Vince McMahon is fed up with "misleading and malicious attacks" on WWE. "Presumably it's where one can stand up for his right to order a female performer to get on all fours and bark like a dog."
They then showed a clip of the infamous Vince McMahon-Trish Stratus skit. He then showed Linda McMahon defending the segment in an ABC interview.
When asked if she would stop such negative portrayals of women, Linda said she believes in First Amendment rights. Linda said that people shouldn't have a problem with it because they choose to watch the show.
He said Vince McMahon is fed up with "misleading and malicious attacks" on WWE. "Presumably it's where one can stand up for his right to order a female performer to get on all fours and bark like a dog."
They then showed a clip of the infamous Vince McMahon-Trish Stratus skit. He then showed Linda McMahon defending the segment in an ABC interview.
When asked if she would stop such negative portrayals of women, Linda said she believes in First Amendment rights. Linda said that people shouldn't have a problem with it because they choose to watch the show.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Goldust Says NXT Diva Had Bad Attitude + How Old Is MVP?
-- In an interview with MichelleMcCool.net, the Co-WWE Divas Champion answered a number of "Girl Talk" type questions such as where she's most ticklish, which of her fellow Divas she feels has the best body, how often she gets manicures, and whether she shaves or waxes. She also shares a disturbing restaurant story. To read the interview, go to http://michellemccool.net/
-- MVP celebrates his birthday today as the "Ballin'" Superstar turns 37 years old. Happy B-Day to Alvin! As noted earlier, MVP recently developed heat backstage for moaning about the company's younger performers being promoted ahead of him. The SmackDown! Superstar garnered more heat for recent Twitter remarks complaining about his lack of a push with the organization.
-- WWE NXT Pro Goldust gave his take on the contestants of NXT today on Twitter, noting Naomi, AJ and Aksana as the program's standout performers. He also feels Kaitlyn has "come around," while Maxine has yet to impress him. When questioned about the first Rookie Diva to be eliminated from the contest, Jamie Keyes, he stated, "She's gone and she had a bad attitude." However, in a follow-up tweet regarding Keyes, he wrote: "I wish her good luck in whatever she does."
-- MVP celebrates his birthday today as the "Ballin'" Superstar turns 37 years old. Happy B-Day to Alvin! As noted earlier, MVP recently developed heat backstage for moaning about the company's younger performers being promoted ahead of him. The SmackDown! Superstar garnered more heat for recent Twitter remarks complaining about his lack of a push with the organization.
-- WWE NXT Pro Goldust gave his take on the contestants of NXT today on Twitter, noting Naomi, AJ and Aksana as the program's standout performers. He also feels Kaitlyn has "come around," while Maxine has yet to impress him. When questioned about the first Rookie Diva to be eliminated from the contest, Jamie Keyes, he stated, "She's gone and she had a bad attitude." However, in a follow-up tweet regarding Keyes, he wrote: "I wish her good luck in whatever she does."
UFC Officially Announces The WEC/UFC Merger
The UFC sent out the following today…
Las Vegas, NV (USA) – In a media conference call today, Ultimate Fighting Championship® President Dana White announced the UFC is adding two new championship divisions at bantamweight (135lbs.) and featherweight (145lbs.), while also announcing a new television deal with the VERSUS Network to air four UFC fights in 2011.
"As the UFC continues to evolve and grow globally, we want to be able to give fans title fights in every weight division," said White. "This is a big day for the sport and the athletes who will have the opportunity to fight on the biggest stage in the world."
The two new divisions feature WEC featherweight champion Jose Aldo who will now be recognized as the reigning UFC featherweight champion, and WEC bantamweight champion Dominick Cruz. White confirmed that the winner of the Dec. 16 lightweight title fight between WEC champion Ben Henderson and top contender Anthony Pettis live on VERSUS will take on the winner of the UFC 125 main event title bout between champion Frankie Edgar and Gray Maynard. This upcoming fight will serve as a UFC lightweight title unification bout to be held next year.
White also stated the UFC is expanding its presence on the VERSUS Network in 2011, and will increase its number of UFC events from two to four per year. Versus is scheduled to air the two remaining live WEC events in 2010 on Nov. 11 and Dec. 16. The Nov. 11 event in Las Vegas will feature "The California Kid" Urijah Faber's debut at bantamweight as he takes on Takeya Mizugaki, while the Dec. 16 event in Glendale, Ariz. will feature Henderson-Pettis and a bantamweight title clash between Dominick Cruz and challenger Scott Jorgensen with the winner becoming the new UFC bantamweight champion.
"We have a great relationship with the VERSUS network, and we look forward to working with them to give UFC fans even more free fights in 2011," said White.
Las Vegas, NV (USA) – In a media conference call today, Ultimate Fighting Championship® President Dana White announced the UFC is adding two new championship divisions at bantamweight (135lbs.) and featherweight (145lbs.), while also announcing a new television deal with the VERSUS Network to air four UFC fights in 2011.
"As the UFC continues to evolve and grow globally, we want to be able to give fans title fights in every weight division," said White. "This is a big day for the sport and the athletes who will have the opportunity to fight on the biggest stage in the world."
The two new divisions feature WEC featherweight champion Jose Aldo who will now be recognized as the reigning UFC featherweight champion, and WEC bantamweight champion Dominick Cruz. White confirmed that the winner of the Dec. 16 lightweight title fight between WEC champion Ben Henderson and top contender Anthony Pettis live on VERSUS will take on the winner of the UFC 125 main event title bout between champion Frankie Edgar and Gray Maynard. This upcoming fight will serve as a UFC lightweight title unification bout to be held next year.
White also stated the UFC is expanding its presence on the VERSUS Network in 2011, and will increase its number of UFC events from two to four per year. Versus is scheduled to air the two remaining live WEC events in 2010 on Nov. 11 and Dec. 16. The Nov. 11 event in Las Vegas will feature "The California Kid" Urijah Faber's debut at bantamweight as he takes on Takeya Mizugaki, while the Dec. 16 event in Glendale, Ariz. will feature Henderson-Pettis and a bantamweight title clash between Dominick Cruz and challenger Scott Jorgensen with the winner becoming the new UFC bantamweight champion.
"We have a great relationship with the VERSUS network, and we look forward to working with them to give UFC fans even more free fights in 2011," said White.
Backstage Update - The Huge UFC-WEC Merger
The UFC Twitter (http://twitter.com/ufc) made the following posts today, giving more details on the merger of the WEC and the UFC…
* All WEC fighters to be rolled into the UFC starting after the event in Phoenix in December
* Winner of Henderson/Pettis on 12/16 will face the winner of Maynard/Edgar in a unified title fight
* First fight with lighter weight divisions - 1/1 Jose Aldo will defend his title at UFC 125
* All WEC fighters to be rolled into the UFC starting after the event in Phoenix in December
* Winner of Henderson/Pettis on 12/16 will face the winner of Maynard/Edgar in a unified title fight
* First fight with lighter weight divisions - 1/1 Jose Aldo will defend his title at UFC 125
Vince McMahon Wants You To Wear WWE Merchandise To Poll
-- Yesterday's report of WWE signing St. Louis based independent wrestler "The Future" Donovan Ruddick to a developmental contract is incorrect as he was merely offered a deal but had not yet signed. Those close to Ruddick are said to be "freaked" that word of him joining the company leaking online may have canceled the deal.
-- On January 17th, the WWE returns to the Four States Entertainment Center in Texarkana, Arkansas. Tickets will go on sale on December 4th at 10AM.
-- The WWE sent out the following today…
STAMFORD, Conn., October 28, 2010 – To celebrate the victory of restoring voters' right to wear WWE® clothing at the polls, World Wrestling Entertainment® will be giving away WWE merchandise near select Connecticut poll locations on Election Day, this Tuesday, November 2nd.
"I can't think of a better way for WWE fans to celebrate their constitutional rights and freedom of expression while voting than to proudly wear the WWE merchandise that Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz attempted to prohibit from the polls," said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, World Wrestling Entertainment.
Out of respect for voters from all political parties, WWE will not be handing out merchandise within 75 feet of polling locations, and merchandise will be available on a first come, first served basis.
-- On January 17th, the WWE returns to the Four States Entertainment Center in Texarkana, Arkansas. Tickets will go on sale on December 4th at 10AM.
-- The WWE sent out the following today…
STAMFORD, Conn., October 28, 2010 – To celebrate the victory of restoring voters' right to wear WWE® clothing at the polls, World Wrestling Entertainment® will be giving away WWE merchandise near select Connecticut poll locations on Election Day, this Tuesday, November 2nd.
"I can't think of a better way for WWE fans to celebrate their constitutional rights and freedom of expression while voting than to proudly wear the WWE merchandise that Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz attempted to prohibit from the polls," said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, World Wrestling Entertainment.
Out of respect for voters from all political parties, WWE will not be handing out merchandise within 75 feet of polling locations, and merchandise will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Breaking UFC News: WEC & UFC Merging
The WWE doesn't have to worry, the UFC is not starting a cable network, at least not yet. The UFC announced that they would be merging the WEC into the UFC starting in January.
Reason For Substandard Divas Match + MVP's Backstage Heat
-- It was reported last week that MVP developed heat backstage for moaning about the company's younger performers being promoted ahead of him. The SmackDown! Superstar garnered more heat for recent Twitter remarks complaining about his lack of a push with the organization.
-- The reason given for the substandard outcome of the Kaitlyn vs. Maxine bout on last week's episode of NXT was because the ring was late in being set up and the Rookie Divas had no time to plan their match move-for-move beforehand like they usually do. The ring setup was delayed because it had to be rigged for The Undertaker to pull Kane down through it for the evening's SmackDown! taping.
-- The reason given for the substandard outcome of the Kaitlyn vs. Maxine bout on last week's episode of NXT was because the ring was late in being set up and the Rookie Divas had no time to plan their match move-for-move beforehand like they usually do. The ring setup was delayed because it had to be rigged for The Undertaker to pull Kane down through it for the evening's SmackDown! taping.
TNA Knockouts News: An Engagement, Mickie James, SoCal Val
-- TNA Knockouts Chelsea and SoCal Val are advertised to appear at MegaCon 2011, which is taking place March 25-27, 2011 at the Orange County Convention Center Hall in Orlando, Florida. More information is available at http://www.megaconvention.com/
-- TNA Knockout Mickie James is participating in an auction benefitting the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital this Friday at Bailey's Pub & Grille in Richmond, Virginia. Advertising for the event reads: "Not only will some of Richmond's sexiest singles be up for auction but country singer and wrestling sensation Mickie James will be auctioned off too!" For more information on the auction, visit www.mickiejames.com
-- TNA Knockout Taylor Wilde announced Monday on Twitter that she is engaged to be married. She wrote, "I can't contain my joy and excitment anymore! I'm engaged to @olivermitchell."
-- TNA Knockout Mickie James is participating in an auction benefitting the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital this Friday at Bailey's Pub & Grille in Richmond, Virginia. Advertising for the event reads: "Not only will some of Richmond's sexiest singles be up for auction but country singer and wrestling sensation Mickie James will be auctioned off too!" For more information on the auction, visit www.mickiejames.com
-- TNA Knockout Taylor Wilde announced Monday on Twitter that she is engaged to be married. She wrote, "I can't contain my joy and excitment anymore! I'm engaged to @olivermitchell."
Vince McMahon's Top Priority These Days - 'Stand Up For WWE'
WWE has continued to film "Stand Up For WWE" spots with fans, wrestlers and staff members.
The project is said to be the top priority in Vince McMahon's eyes right now, and may go on beyond this week.
Also, appearing in the video is a voluntary thing, and there have been no repercussions for those turning down the offer to be involved.
Vickie Guerrero Confirms Her Daughter Has Signed With WWE
-- Vickie Guerrero wrote the following on Twitter, confirming our report that her and Eddie Guerrero's 20-year-old daughter Shaul has signed with WWE: “I am proud and happy for my daughter getting signed! She has heart and commitment. Eddie would be so proud of her!” You can click here to view 9 photos of Shaul Marie Guerrero. Wow.
WWE Signs New Developmental Talent - Details
World Wrestling Entertainment has signed Heritage Championship Wrestling Champion "The Future" Donovan Ruddick to a developmental contract. The St. Louis based wrestler, who's real name is Brian McGhee, was on hand for Bragging Rights and this week's television tapings.
Ruddick is known in the St. Louis wrestling area, has worked with HCW and The Lethal Wrestling Alliance, and recently had bouts with Tyler Black and Claudio Castagnoli. You can check out his MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/futureprevails
Ruddick is known in the St. Louis wrestling area, has worked with HCW and The Lethal Wrestling Alliance, and recently had bouts with Tyler Black and Claudio Castagnoli. You can check out his MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/futureprevails
Backstage Details Behind R-Truth's Theme + MVP's New Theme
-- MVP debuted a new theme song prior to his Superstars match last night at the SD! tapings.
-- Vince McMahon is reportedly the person behind R-Truth's new theme song. The idea is that like a real hip hop performer, R-Truth will release a few songs a year that will get played on WWE programming.
-- William Regal has an interview online with the UK Sun where he talks about his rise and fall in wrestling due to drugs and alcohol. You can check it out at http://www.thesun.co.uk/
-- WWE.com has a "zombie page" up for Halloween, with WWE Superstars Photoshopped to look like zombies. There is a "Mortuary" page with past zombie photos, many of whom are no longer with the company such as Matt Hardy and Tommy Dreamer.
-- Vince McMahon is reportedly the person behind R-Truth's new theme song. The idea is that like a real hip hop performer, R-Truth will release a few songs a year that will get played on WWE programming.
-- William Regal has an interview online with the UK Sun where he talks about his rise and fall in wrestling due to drugs and alcohol. You can check it out at http://www.thesun.co.uk/
-- WWE.com has a "zombie page" up for Halloween, with WWE Superstars Photoshopped to look like zombies. There is a "Mortuary" page with past zombie photos, many of whom are no longer with the company such as Matt Hardy and Tommy Dreamer.
McIntyre's Dream Opponent Revealed + CM Punk Injury Update
-- Matt Hardy, who was released from his contract with World Wrestling Entertainment on Oct. 15, has been added to the company website's Alumni section.
-- Former WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre revealed in an interview with WWE Magazine that his dream opponent is The Undertaker as he would put his cherished hair on the line for a chance to break his undefeated streak at WrestleMania. "Undertaker and The Streak—a Hair vs. Streak Match. I would absolutely risk my hair for a chance to break 'Taker's record," he replied in response to a question asking who he would put his hair on the line against and what type of match. "Even if I lost, I'd still have main-evented 'Mania against 'Taker. Either way it goes, I'm a winner. Maybe a bald winner, but it'd be worth it." Earlier in the interview, McIntyre jokingly said he plans on being buried with his hairbrush.
-- We reported earlier this week that CM Punk appeared to suffer a back or hip injury at Sunday's Bragging Rights pay-per-view. Punk noted on Twitter that he underwent an MRI yesterday on his birthday. Punk has been pulled from the next few WWE live events as a precaution and the results of the MRI should be available in the next few days. We'll follow up on this at that point.
-- Former WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre revealed in an interview with WWE Magazine that his dream opponent is The Undertaker as he would put his cherished hair on the line for a chance to break his undefeated streak at WrestleMania. "Undertaker and The Streak—a Hair vs. Streak Match. I would absolutely risk my hair for a chance to break 'Taker's record," he replied in response to a question asking who he would put his hair on the line against and what type of match. "Even if I lost, I'd still have main-evented 'Mania against 'Taker. Either way it goes, I'm a winner. Maybe a bald winner, but it'd be worth it." Earlier in the interview, McIntyre jokingly said he plans on being buried with his hairbrush.
-- We reported earlier this week that CM Punk appeared to suffer a back or hip injury at Sunday's Bragging Rights pay-per-view. Punk noted on Twitter that he underwent an MRI yesterday on his birthday. Punk has been pulled from the next few WWE live events as a precaution and the results of the MRI should be available in the next few days. We'll follow up on this at that point.
Backstage Update - Ken Anderson's Concussion & Plans
Due to Ken Anderson suffering a concussion, he will not be working the November 7th TNA Turning Point PPV.
SPOILER: TNA shot an angle at last night's tapings, putting Matt Morgan into the match to challenge for the TNA Title against Jeff Hardy.
UPDATE: There is currently no timetable for when Ken Anderson will return to action in TNA. Anderson suffered a concussion, and was going to get it checked out this week. Once he is examined, he and TNA will have a better idea of when he can return to the ring.
The word is that TNA wants to be careful with the concussion issue for obvious reasons, and that is why they decided to go with Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy.
SPOILER: TNA shot an angle at last night's tapings, putting Matt Morgan into the match to challenge for the TNA Title against Jeff Hardy.
UPDATE: There is currently no timetable for when Ken Anderson will return to action in TNA. Anderson suffered a concussion, and was going to get it checked out this week. Once he is examined, he and TNA will have a better idea of when he can return to the ring.
The word is that TNA wants to be careful with the concussion issue for obvious reasons, and that is why they decided to go with Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy.
Ex-WWE Diva Serena Reveals Why She Had Her Head Shaved
Former WWE Diva Serena recently took part in an interview with www.serena-deeb.com where she answered a variety questions concerning her time with World Wrestling Entertainment including why she went through with the angle to shave her head, working with CM Punk & Luke Gallows, whether she thought she would never make it to the main roster, her lone televised match, and much more.
Regarding her future in professional wrestling, she commented:
"I still have many goals in wrestling that I haven’t fulfilled yet. Wrestling in Japan would be the biggest of those. The respect for wrestling over there is a precious thing and I would be honored to wrestle in front of those crowds. I also think it’s something that I want to prove to myself because not everyone can wrestle that style. The best times in my career so far were my times spent overseas, so I also would love to do more tours abroad. Mexico would be great because I am fluent in Spanish so I would be able to use that skill as well. I want to continue to focus on professional growth, as well as personal. I am still very young with a lot I haven’t seen in the world. We owe it to ourselves to become a better person with each day. The world hasn’t even seen how talented I am yet, but I promise that it will."
When asked to comment on the story behind her head being shaved, she claimed to be unsure of the 'whole story', only noting that she was asked to do it and complied to fulfill her lifelong dream.
"I was approached with the idea of shaving my head and although it took some thinking (being a woman with long hair my whole life), when you are given an opportunity to live your lifelong dream, you will do almost anything. I have no idea if others were asked to do it or not."
The entire interview can be read at http://www.serena-deeb.com/
Regarding her future in professional wrestling, she commented:
"I still have many goals in wrestling that I haven’t fulfilled yet. Wrestling in Japan would be the biggest of those. The respect for wrestling over there is a precious thing and I would be honored to wrestle in front of those crowds. I also think it’s something that I want to prove to myself because not everyone can wrestle that style. The best times in my career so far were my times spent overseas, so I also would love to do more tours abroad. Mexico would be great because I am fluent in Spanish so I would be able to use that skill as well. I want to continue to focus on professional growth, as well as personal. I am still very young with a lot I haven’t seen in the world. We owe it to ourselves to become a better person with each day. The world hasn’t even seen how talented I am yet, but I promise that it will."
When asked to comment on the story behind her head being shaved, she claimed to be unsure of the 'whole story', only noting that she was asked to do it and complied to fulfill her lifelong dream.
"I was approached with the idea of shaving my head and although it took some thinking (being a woman with long hair my whole life), when you are given an opportunity to live your lifelong dream, you will do almost anything. I have no idea if others were asked to do it or not."
The entire interview can be read at http://www.serena-deeb.com/
Maryse Speaks Out - Real-Life Boyfriend, PG, Fans Spitting
WWE Diva Maryse was interviewed by the UK Sun last week and had some interesting things to say about her on-screen character, being a sexy Diva in today's "PG" environment, whether she has a boyfriend and fans spitting at her. Here are some highlights of what Maryse said about:
Being a Sexy Diva in Today's "PG" Environment:
"We do wear revealing outfits but it's not like wearing a g-string like in the past. I'd never wear that - I don't think it would be very comfortable. Our outfits are sexy but not provocative to the point where people will say, 'oh my God, my kids can't watch this.'"
Her Personal Life - Does She Have A Boyfriend?
"I'm not married but I'm dating. I have a great boyfriend, he's not a wrestler."
The rigorous WWE travel schedule:
"What we do is physical and very hard on the body. I travel 300 days a year which is tough. Sometimes we're up at 4am for a flight. The show stays brilliant because all the stars compete to keep it interesting."
Her on-screen character and fans spitting at her:
"I would compare what I do to being a rock star, a movie star and professional wrestling star combined together. I don't take anything seriously. But Maryse's ring character is like, 'you want to look like me, be like me, have everything I have but you can't.' I'd like to get my character to point where people really, truly want to fricking kill me."
Fans Spitting On Her:
"Fans know my hair is my thing - I flip my hair every time I get in the ring - and believe it or not some spit in my hair. They can't touch to you so they spit on you. They get really into it."
Being a Sexy Diva in Today's "PG" Environment:
"We do wear revealing outfits but it's not like wearing a g-string like in the past. I'd never wear that - I don't think it would be very comfortable. Our outfits are sexy but not provocative to the point where people will say, 'oh my God, my kids can't watch this.'"
Her Personal Life - Does She Have A Boyfriend?
"I'm not married but I'm dating. I have a great boyfriend, he's not a wrestler."
The rigorous WWE travel schedule:
"What we do is physical and very hard on the body. I travel 300 days a year which is tough. Sometimes we're up at 4am for a flight. The show stays brilliant because all the stars compete to keep it interesting."
Her on-screen character and fans spitting at her:
"I would compare what I do to being a rock star, a movie star and professional wrestling star combined together. I don't take anything seriously. But Maryse's ring character is like, 'you want to look like me, be like me, have everything I have but you can't.' I'd like to get my character to point where people really, truly want to fricking kill me."
Fans Spitting On Her:
"Fans know my hair is my thing - I flip my hair every time I get in the ring - and believe it or not some spit in my hair. They can't touch to you so they spit on you. They get really into it."
Randy Orton Says He Would Never Quit WWE + Lots More
The latest issue of WWE Magazine, which hits newsstands next Tuesday, features a candid interview with Randy Orton. The interview was formatted for the reigning WWE Champion to finish a variety of open-ended statements. Highlights from the interview are as follows:
The difference between a good match and a great match in WWE is always...
How I leave the live audience and how they respond or react. At this past SummerSlam, Sheamus and I had what I consider to be a very good match—the crowd, however, was just kind of down. It was weird. If we contested that same match a month earlier or a week later, even in the same arena, the reaction might've been 10 times louder. Even though a match is technically good, if it's the last one during a three-hour show...well, sometimes the crowd is spent.
The biggest improvement I have made in the ring since my debut is...
That my confidence level has gone up. I'd have to say that that's one of the most important attributes to have in this business. If you're not confident in yourself and your abilities, as soon as you walk through the curtain, the fans can sense that right away.
The best part about Twitter is...
It lets fans know who Randy Orton really is. There are a lot of fans out there who think I'm an arrogant jerk, or hard to talk to. It's humanized me a little more, which may or may not be a good thing.
At WrestleMania XXVII I want to...
Win. Hopefully I'll still be the champion. I think I'd like to face John Cena. We started in OVW together 10 years ago and came up through the ranks. We have quite the history, of course. I think that the two of us going at it at 'Mania would be epic. We have so many things in common and, at the same time, there's so much contrast between us as well.
If I quit WWE tomorrow, on my last day I would...
That's impossible to answer, on the grounds that I'd never quit under any circumstances.
The difference between a good match and a great match in WWE is always...
How I leave the live audience and how they respond or react. At this past SummerSlam, Sheamus and I had what I consider to be a very good match—the crowd, however, was just kind of down. It was weird. If we contested that same match a month earlier or a week later, even in the same arena, the reaction might've been 10 times louder. Even though a match is technically good, if it's the last one during a three-hour show...well, sometimes the crowd is spent.
The biggest improvement I have made in the ring since my debut is...
That my confidence level has gone up. I'd have to say that that's one of the most important attributes to have in this business. If you're not confident in yourself and your abilities, as soon as you walk through the curtain, the fans can sense that right away.
The best part about Twitter is...
It lets fans know who Randy Orton really is. There are a lot of fans out there who think I'm an arrogant jerk, or hard to talk to. It's humanized me a little more, which may or may not be a good thing.
At WrestleMania XXVII I want to...
Win. Hopefully I'll still be the champion. I think I'd like to face John Cena. We started in OVW together 10 years ago and came up through the ranks. We have quite the history, of course. I think that the two of us going at it at 'Mania would be epic. We have so many things in common and, at the same time, there's so much contrast between us as well.
If I quit WWE tomorrow, on my last day I would...
That's impossible to answer, on the grounds that I'd never quit under any circumstances.
Early WWE Night Of Champions Buyrate?
The early PPV buyrate numbers are in for WWE's Night of Champions 2010 pay-per-view and once again - the downward trend continues. According to early estimates, this year's event drew 169,000 buys, down from 267,000 last year. This year's number is expected to rise a bit before the final results are in, but it's becoming more apparent by the month that WWE's pay-per-view business is in bad shape and big changes are needed. The final number for the show will likely be announced in the next quarterly report.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
**SPOILERS** TNA iMPACT! Results For Next Thursday
Thanks to Eric for these TNA iMPACT spoilers from tonight’s tapings in Orlando. These iMPACT spoilers will air next Thursday night, November 4th:
Dark Matches:
* Madison Rayne beat Jennifer Blake.
* Jay Lethal beat Brad Idol.
* Eric Young is on commentary.
* Jeremy Buck beat Jesse Neal.
* Abyss vs. The Pope went to a no contest after Abyss attacked fans. Pope challenged Abyss to a match where his congregation would be lumberjacks. Abyss accepted.
* Eric Bischoff came out in karate gear with Ric Flair. They announce that Matt Morgan is not an Immortal and not good enough to be with them. Mr. Anderson must pin Bischoff tonight to get a shot at Jeff Hardy tonight. Bischoff gets into it with a referee and kicks him in the head, fires him and leaves.
* Backstage segment with Brian Kendrick and EV 2.0. Rob Van Dam comes in and argues. Fortune comes in and tells EV 2.0 to finish each other off. Rhino goes to hit the Gore on Styles but accidently hits RVD.
* Sarita beat Velvet Sky.
* Segment backstage with Fortune.
* Mickie James and Ink Inc. defeat Tara and Generation Me. The heels attacked the winners after the match.
* Jeff Jarrett comes out and cuts a promo on Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Jarrett finishes but Joe comes out and attacks him. Jarrett’s security comes out to stop him but Joe takes them out.
* AJ Styles defends the TV Title against Rhino and RVD in a three-way and wins. RVD and Rhino get into it after the match. EV 2.0 comes out and RVD gets into it with Raven. Tommy Dreamer vs. RVD is announced for Turning Point.
* Douglas Williams lost to Kazarian. Ric Flair was on commentary and Beer Money watched from ringside. Storm got on the apron and Williams ran into him on accident. Everyone got into it after the match but Flair came in and got them on the same page again.
* Eric Bischoff comes out and calls Mr. Anderson to the ring. Bischoff is announced as the TNA kickboxing champion. Borash has to do ring introductions here and has to insult Anderson reluctantly. Bischoff ends up beating Borash up. Anderson’s music hits but Matt Morgan comes out instead. Morgan lays Bischoff out and pins him. Morgan signs the contract and says he will see Jeff Hardy at Turning Point. Ric Flair comes out and cuts on Morgan. Flair helps Bischoff out of the ring and to the back.
Dark Matches:
* Madison Rayne beat Jennifer Blake.
* Jay Lethal beat Brad Idol.
* Eric Young is on commentary.
* Jeremy Buck beat Jesse Neal.
* Abyss vs. The Pope went to a no contest after Abyss attacked fans. Pope challenged Abyss to a match where his congregation would be lumberjacks. Abyss accepted.
* Eric Bischoff came out in karate gear with Ric Flair. They announce that Matt Morgan is not an Immortal and not good enough to be with them. Mr. Anderson must pin Bischoff tonight to get a shot at Jeff Hardy tonight. Bischoff gets into it with a referee and kicks him in the head, fires him and leaves.
* Backstage segment with Brian Kendrick and EV 2.0. Rob Van Dam comes in and argues. Fortune comes in and tells EV 2.0 to finish each other off. Rhino goes to hit the Gore on Styles but accidently hits RVD.
* Sarita beat Velvet Sky.
* Segment backstage with Fortune.
* Mickie James and Ink Inc. defeat Tara and Generation Me. The heels attacked the winners after the match.
* Jeff Jarrett comes out and cuts a promo on Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Jarrett finishes but Joe comes out and attacks him. Jarrett’s security comes out to stop him but Joe takes them out.
* AJ Styles defends the TV Title against Rhino and RVD in a three-way and wins. RVD and Rhino get into it after the match. EV 2.0 comes out and RVD gets into it with Raven. Tommy Dreamer vs. RVD is announced for Turning Point.
* Douglas Williams lost to Kazarian. Ric Flair was on commentary and Beer Money watched from ringside. Storm got on the apron and Williams ran into him on accident. Everyone got into it after the match but Flair came in and got them on the same page again.
* Eric Bischoff comes out and calls Mr. Anderson to the ring. Bischoff is announced as the TNA kickboxing champion. Borash has to do ring introductions here and has to insult Anderson reluctantly. Bischoff ends up beating Borash up. Anderson’s music hits but Matt Morgan comes out instead. Morgan lays Bischoff out and pins him. Morgan signs the contract and says he will see Jeff Hardy at Turning Point. Ric Flair comes out and cuts on Morgan. Flair helps Bischoff out of the ring and to the back.
**SPOILERS** Quick WWE SD! Results For Friday
The show opened with the funeral The Undertaker. Standard Kane stuff. Alberto interrupts. He wants a title match. Rey Mysterio did a run in . Edge did a run in and was the last man standing.
There will be a Number One's Contender Match later between Alberto, Rey and Edge.
Vickie Guerrero is dressed as cougar. Happy Halloween. Dolph Ziggler will take on Daniel Bryan.
Bryan won after Dolph had the match won but the ref was out and couldn't make the count.
Kane and Paul Bearer were out. Bearer did an interview saying whoever gets the World Title match will pay.
Kelly and Cody Rhodes were backstage. Big Show enters to challenge Cody. It becomes a tag match. Cody and Drew McIntyre will take on Big Show and a mystery partner.
Jack Swagger beat Kaval with The Ankle Lock.
A 9 Divas costume contest next. It turned out to be a 8 divas match and the faces won. The divas were The Bellas, Kelly Kelly, Melina, Laycool, Rosa and Alicia Fox. Vickie didn't come out for contest.
Time for Cody and Drew vs. Big Show and Kofi Kingston, as the mystery partner. Show pinned Cody. After the match, Drew and cody split up.
Edge won the Number One Contender's match in the main event.
Dark Main Event:
Edge, Rey Mysterio and The Big Show took on Kane, Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio. The faces won.
Brock Lesnar Suspended 180 Days
-- Following his loss to Cain Velasquez, Brock Lesnar was issued a 180 day medical suspension. This is normal for post-UFC fights and no that doesn't mean he's free to work for WWE now.
This Week's RAW Rating Is In + Backstage Heat On Melina
-- Melina's quick loss Monday night on RAW in her tag team match against Lay-Cool apparently came about as a result of her being in the doghouse with management. The exact reason is unclear.
-- This week's 10/25 WWE Monday Night RAW telecast drew a 3.1 cable rating. That is all we have right now. The show went head-to-head with a big Dallas Cowboys/New York Giants "Monday Night Football" game on ESPN which drew a 13.0 rating with 18 million viewers. That made it the fourth highest watched program in cable history. It was also the largest audience for ESPN so far this year.
-- This week's 10/25 WWE Monday Night RAW telecast drew a 3.1 cable rating. That is all we have right now. The show went head-to-head with a big Dallas Cowboys/New York Giants "Monday Night Football" game on ESPN which drew a 13.0 rating with 18 million viewers. That made it the fourth highest watched program in cable history. It was also the largest audience for ESPN so far this year.
Even More On WWE Signing Eddie & Vickie Guerrero's Daughter
Regarding the report of Eddie and Vickie Guerrero's 20-year-old daughter, Shaul Marie, signing a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment, it appears to be legit as she has it noted in the "About Me" section of her MySpace page an intention to move from her El Paso, Texas residence to Florida to pursue a professional wrestling career with the company's farm league, FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling). The 20-year-old had been pursuing a musical career since graduating from high school and entering college in 2009.
Also, according to her mother Vickie Guerrero, the beautiful young model / singer is already traveling on the road with WWE. Earlier this month, Vickie was asked by a fan who she was riding with to a live WWE event, to which she responded, "my oldest daughter."
According to a source, she was signed last week and will be reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling's headquarters in Tampa shortly.
Also, according to her mother Vickie Guerrero, the beautiful young model / singer is already traveling on the road with WWE. Earlier this month, Vickie was asked by a fan who she was riding with to a live WWE event, to which she responded, "my oldest daughter."
According to a source, she was signed last week and will be reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling's headquarters in Tampa shortly.
Batista Notes Distaste For Cena, Talent Added To RAW Roster
-- WWE.com has added Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty to its RAW Superstars page. Both second generation wrestlers were inducted into The Nexus by group spokesman Wade Barrett last night on RAW Meanwhile, the website has yet to add Alex Riley to the roster page despite his appearances on RAW the past several weeks.
-- WICB Radio SportsTownChicago.com recently conducted an interview with former WWE Superstar Batista. "The Animal" discussed his strong distaste for WWE's "PG" direction, working on NBC's Chuck, his future prospects in the film industry, and the scathing promo he cut on John Cena the week before WrestleMania. Regarding the promo, he said several colleagues praised him afterwards for it, but noted Vince McMahon hating it. The former WWE Champion also noted receiving much grief for his "hugging fat girls" line in another Cena themed promo on RAW earlier this year. To listen to the eight minute long interview, go to http://sportstownchicago.com/batista.cfm
-- Players of WWE's SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 video game, which is officially released today, can access the Tribute to the Troops Arena via passcode. The code to unlock the setting is '8thannualtribute'.
-- WICB Radio SportsTownChicago.com recently conducted an interview with former WWE Superstar Batista. "The Animal" discussed his strong distaste for WWE's "PG" direction, working on NBC's Chuck, his future prospects in the film industry, and the scathing promo he cut on John Cena the week before WrestleMania. Regarding the promo, he said several colleagues praised him afterwards for it, but noted Vince McMahon hating it. The former WWE Champion also noted receiving much grief for his "hugging fat girls" line in another Cena themed promo on RAW earlier this year. To listen to the eight minute long interview, go to http://sportstownchicago.com/batista.cfm
-- Players of WWE's SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 video game, which is officially released today, can access the Tribute to the Troops Arena via passcode. The code to unlock the setting is '8thannualtribute'.
WWE Signs Eddie & Vickie Guerrero's Daughter (Pics)
Shaul Marie Guerrero, the 20 year old daughter of Vickie Guererro and the late Eddie Guerrero, has reportedly signed a developmental deal with World Wrestling Entertainment.
According to sources, Shaul Marie Guerrero has reportedly been telling fans at recent FCW live events that she’s signed to a deal and waiting to begin her training.
Guerrero been seen at ringside at several WWE shows over the years, including the annual Hall of Fame ceremonies. She has also done some modeling.

According to sources, Shaul Marie Guerrero has reportedly been telling fans at recent FCW live events that she’s signed to a deal and waiting to begin her training.
Guerrero been seen at ringside at several WWE shows over the years, including the annual Hall of Fame ceremonies. She has also done some modeling.

Backstage News - Undertaker's WM27 Opponent + Surgery?
With all the buzz surrounding the Brock Lesnar - Undertaker confrontation at UFC 121 last weekend, it's becoming more apparent that the chances of the two men actually wrestling in a WWE ring are virtually zero. The match would have been a blockbuster, but Lesnar is under UFC contract and UFC President Dana White says it ain't' happening.
There's been a lot of discussion by WWE creative in recent months about who will wrestle the 'Dead Man' at WrestleMania. Two names that have been rumored are John Cena and Sheamus. More recently, the front-runner is Nexus leader Wade Barrett. At Sunday's Survivor Series pay-per-view, Barrett's Nexus group interfered in the Undertaker's Buried Alive match, attacking him and costing him the victory. WWE is very behind Wade Barrett right now and are confident he's on the verge of being solidified as a new heel main eventer.
We reported here that The Undertaker's shoulder is injured and he is being evaluated this week to determine whether it will require surgery to repair. Surgery would keep him out of action for around four months and the feeling is that if surgery is needed - he should get it over with now so he can be back in time to kick off WrestleMania season in a few months.
There's been a lot of discussion by WWE creative in recent months about who will wrestle the 'Dead Man' at WrestleMania. Two names that have been rumored are John Cena and Sheamus. More recently, the front-runner is Nexus leader Wade Barrett. At Sunday's Survivor Series pay-per-view, Barrett's Nexus group interfered in the Undertaker's Buried Alive match, attacking him and costing him the victory. WWE is very behind Wade Barrett right now and are confident he's on the verge of being solidified as a new heel main eventer.
We reported here that The Undertaker's shoulder is injured and he is being evaluated this week to determine whether it will require surgery to repair. Surgery would keep him out of action for around four months and the feeling is that if surgery is needed - he should get it over with now so he can be back in time to kick off WrestleMania season in a few months.
Triple H & Stephanie Celebrate Anniversary + TNA Knockout Engaged
The Latest Update On John Cena's Nexus Future, More
On Monday’s RAW, it was announced that John Cena will be the special guest referee for Randy Orton’s WWE title defense against Wade Barrett at Survivor Series. The match stipulation states that if Cena can help Barrett win the belt, he will be relieved from his duties as a member of Nexus.
To update how long John Cena will be a part of Nexus, a commercial that aired during Monday’s WWE RAW announced Randy Orton & Mark Henry are scheduled to face Sheamus & Wade Barrett in a tag team match at the Raw World Tour house show to be held in Biloxi, Mississippi on December 12. The ad stated John Cena would be in the corner of Sheamus and Barrett during the match.
While these TV ads are always subject to change, it’s worth noting that WWE is advertising Cena as a member of Nexus as far off as December.
To update how long John Cena will be a part of Nexus, a commercial that aired during Monday’s WWE RAW announced Randy Orton & Mark Henry are scheduled to face Sheamus & Wade Barrett in a tag team match at the Raw World Tour house show to be held in Biloxi, Mississippi on December 12. The ad stated John Cena would be in the corner of Sheamus and Barrett during the match.
While these TV ads are always subject to change, it’s worth noting that WWE is advertising Cena as a member of Nexus as far off as December.
Randy Orton Takes A Shot At Matt Hardy - Details
A fan asked Randy Orton over the weekend on Twitter whether he has plans to open a YouTube Channel. "The Viper" snarked, "And do what? Eat grapes?"
Orton's comment is in reference to Matt Hardy posting a video entry last month on YouTube of himself eating grapes while "shooting from the hip" on his uncertain status — at the time — with World Wrestling Entertainment.
Orton's comment is in reference to Matt Hardy posting a video entry last month on YouTube of himself eating grapes while "shooting from the hip" on his uncertain status — at the time — with World Wrestling Entertainment.
How Old Is Perry Saturn? + MTV Celebrates CM Punk’s Birthday
-- MTV is celebrating CM Punk's birthday today with an article upon the website. They discuss his current work for WWE, his tattoos, his previous work with ROH and Samoa Joe and more. You can check out the full article at MTV.com. Happy birthday Punk!
-- Yesterday was Perry Saturn's birthday. He turned 44 years old. Jim Ross confirmed on his website today that the former WWE star was backstage at Sunday night's Bragging Rights pay-per-view in Minneapolis. Ross was also backstage at the pay-per-view.
The Latest Chris Jericho-WWE Update Inside Here
Chris Jericho is now considered a former WWE Superstar as his profile on WWE.com has been moved to the Alumni section.
Jericho, who has been touring Europe with his band Fozzy since his departure from the organization, will be taking parting in a WWE function this Saturday at Ringside Collectibles' Ringsidefest this Saturday at Caroline's on Broadway in New York City. He will be signing autographs and taking part in a Q&A session. Kane and The Miz are also scheduled to appear.
Jericho, who has been touring Europe with his band Fozzy since his departure from the organization, will be taking parting in a WWE function this Saturday at Ringside Collectibles' Ringsidefest this Saturday at Caroline's on Broadway in New York City. He will be signing autographs and taking part in a Q&A session. Kane and The Miz are also scheduled to appear.
Backstage News: Paul Bearer's Uphill Climb At Bragging Rights
According to a fan seated behind the stage for the Buried Alive Match at Bragging Rights, a stairwell was built into the the faux cemetery at the convenience of Paul Bearer, who's mobility is greatly limited these days due to his advanced age and large frame.
The fan noted Bearer's strenuous climb up the stairs — to hide behind a tombstone — as "beyond unintentionally hilarious."
The fan noted Bearer's strenuous climb up the stairs — to hide behind a tombstone — as "beyond unintentionally hilarious."
Goldust Ends Drought, DiBiase & Maryse, Boogeyman-WWE
-- The WWE website quietly added The Boogeyman to its Alumni section Monday.
-- Ted DiBiase and Maryse are advertised to appear at the Best Buy in Miami, Florida on Saturday, November 20 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
-- Battle royals notwithstanding, Goldust's match with Ted DiBiase at Bragging Rights was his first bout on a pay-per-view broadcast since the December 2002 event Armageddon. Additionally, he had not competed in a singles bout on pay-per-view since February 2002 — against Rob Van Dam.
-- Ted DiBiase and Maryse are advertised to appear at the Best Buy in Miami, Florida on Saturday, November 20 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
-- Battle royals notwithstanding, Goldust's match with Ted DiBiase at Bragging Rights was his first bout on a pay-per-view broadcast since the December 2002 event Armageddon. Additionally, he had not competed in a singles bout on pay-per-view since February 2002 — against Rob Van Dam.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
**SPOILERS** TNA iMPACT! Results For This Thursday
Thanks to Eric for the following TNA spoilers from last night's tapings in Orlando:
Dark Matches:
* Brian Kendrick defeated Neicko, who was a student of Booker T’s.
* Stevie Richards beat Okada.
* Magnus comes out with Chelsea to take on Orlando Jordan. Jordan wins with a sleeper.
* Kazarian beat Rhino.
* Ric Flair is backstage talking to a woman. Matt Morgan comes in and asks if Eric Bischoff is really making Mr. Anderson wrestle with a concussion. Morgan says it’s not right. Flair says in his day they were men and took care of their business.
* Robbie E. defeated X Division Champ Jay Lethal in a non-title match. After the match, Cookie sprayed something in Lethal’s eyes after the match and Robbie hit his finisher.
* We see Tara attacking Mickie James at catering. They brawl all over the place. Madison Rayne comes to help Tara while The Beautiful People show up for Mickie. Sarita also comes out also and they brawl into the iMPACT Zone. Ric Flair and his security come break things up. Tara hits Flair and he goes nuts. Mickie slaps Flair and he flops. The brawl continues and Mickie, The Beautiful People vs. Madison, Tara and Sarita is set for later.
* Backstage segment with Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair. Bischoff says Hulk Hogan is away working on major deals. Bischoff threatens security with firing them. A TNA trainer comes in and talks with Bischoff about making Anderson wrestle with a concussion. More concussion talk and this isn’t cool.
* A casket is brought to the ring before The Pope comes out. Pope cuts a promo on Abyss, who shows up in the crowd. Abyss says Hogan and Bischoff told him to take care of Pope. The Last Rites match is on for Turning Point.
* Tommy Dreamer comes out with EV 2.0 and says Rob Van Dam hasn’t returned their calls or anything. RVD comes out and Dreamer wants to end the beef. RVD says he doesn’t know who he can trust. It ends up with RVD and Raven getting into it. Fortune comes out and Flair laughs them off. Fortune vs. EV 2.0 is announced for the PPV. The winner gets to pick an opponent to be fired. Raven and RVD vs. AJ Styles and Douglas Williams is announced for tonight.
* The Motor City Machineguns beat Generatio Me and Ink Inc. in a Tag Team Title match. Team 3D come out after the match and puts over TNA’s tag teams. They talk about retiring and want to go out with the best, against the Guns. Guns accept the challenge for the PPV. It’s Guns vs. Team 3D with the belts on the line.
* Matt Morgan talks more to Eric Bischoff about concussions and Mr. Anderson. Bischoff says it’s a great idea but Morgan disagrees.. Anderson vs. Jarrett is still on.
* Sarita, Tara and Madison beat The Beautiful People and Mickie James when Sarita pins Velvet.
* Matt Morgan tries to talk with Mr. Anderson backstage.
* AJ Styles and Douglas Williams beat Raven and RVD when Williams pins RVD. Ric Flair busted Raven with the TV Title during the match. After the match, RVD and Raven had words.
* Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett in a Chain Match. Jarrett comes out and calls Anderson to the ring. Matt Morgan comes out instead and says it’s up to them to look out for the next generation of wrestlers safety. Jarrett says it’s all about survival in TNA and tells Morgan to leave. It’s going to be Morgan vs. Jarrett in a Chain Match now. Jarrett gets the win with The Stroke. Morgan attacks Jarrett after the loss but Fortune comes out and beat down Morgan.
Dark Matches:
* Brian Kendrick defeated Neicko, who was a student of Booker T’s.
* Stevie Richards beat Okada.
* Magnus comes out with Chelsea to take on Orlando Jordan. Jordan wins with a sleeper.
* Kazarian beat Rhino.
* Ric Flair is backstage talking to a woman. Matt Morgan comes in and asks if Eric Bischoff is really making Mr. Anderson wrestle with a concussion. Morgan says it’s not right. Flair says in his day they were men and took care of their business.
* Robbie E. defeated X Division Champ Jay Lethal in a non-title match. After the match, Cookie sprayed something in Lethal’s eyes after the match and Robbie hit his finisher.
* We see Tara attacking Mickie James at catering. They brawl all over the place. Madison Rayne comes to help Tara while The Beautiful People show up for Mickie. Sarita also comes out also and they brawl into the iMPACT Zone. Ric Flair and his security come break things up. Tara hits Flair and he goes nuts. Mickie slaps Flair and he flops. The brawl continues and Mickie, The Beautiful People vs. Madison, Tara and Sarita is set for later.
* Backstage segment with Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair. Bischoff says Hulk Hogan is away working on major deals. Bischoff threatens security with firing them. A TNA trainer comes in and talks with Bischoff about making Anderson wrestle with a concussion. More concussion talk and this isn’t cool.
* A casket is brought to the ring before The Pope comes out. Pope cuts a promo on Abyss, who shows up in the crowd. Abyss says Hogan and Bischoff told him to take care of Pope. The Last Rites match is on for Turning Point.
* Tommy Dreamer comes out with EV 2.0 and says Rob Van Dam hasn’t returned their calls or anything. RVD comes out and Dreamer wants to end the beef. RVD says he doesn’t know who he can trust. It ends up with RVD and Raven getting into it. Fortune comes out and Flair laughs them off. Fortune vs. EV 2.0 is announced for the PPV. The winner gets to pick an opponent to be fired. Raven and RVD vs. AJ Styles and Douglas Williams is announced for tonight.
* The Motor City Machineguns beat Generatio Me and Ink Inc. in a Tag Team Title match. Team 3D come out after the match and puts over TNA’s tag teams. They talk about retiring and want to go out with the best, against the Guns. Guns accept the challenge for the PPV. It’s Guns vs. Team 3D with the belts on the line.
* Matt Morgan talks more to Eric Bischoff about concussions and Mr. Anderson. Bischoff says it’s a great idea but Morgan disagrees.. Anderson vs. Jarrett is still on.
* Sarita, Tara and Madison beat The Beautiful People and Mickie James when Sarita pins Velvet.
* Matt Morgan tries to talk with Mr. Anderson backstage.
* AJ Styles and Douglas Williams beat Raven and RVD when Williams pins RVD. Ric Flair busted Raven with the TV Title during the match. After the match, RVD and Raven had words.
* Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett in a Chain Match. Jarrett comes out and calls Anderson to the ring. Matt Morgan comes out instead and says it’s up to them to look out for the next generation of wrestlers safety. Jarrett says it’s all about survival in TNA and tells Morgan to leave. It’s going to be Morgan vs. Jarrett in a Chain Match now. Jarrett gets the win with The Stroke. Morgan attacks Jarrett after the loss but Fortune comes out and beat down Morgan.
SD! Main Event Segment Revealed, New Nexus Members, More
-- Announced for this week’s WWE Friday Night SmackDown! on SyFy is a funeral segment for The Undertaker, brought to us by the World Heavyweight Champion Kane. Awesome! The show ill be taped later tonight along with the rest of WWE Superstars and NXT on WWE.com.
-- Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty have officially been inducted into Nexus. The group now consists of Harris, McGillicutty, Wade Barrett, John Cena, David Otunga and the WWE Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel.
-- Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton for Orton’s WWE Title has been confirmed for the Survivor Series pay-per-view in November. Per the stipulations on this week’s RAW, John Cena will serve as the special guest referee for the match. Barrett added that if he doesn’t win the WWE Title, Cena will be fired. If he does win, Cena will be relieved of all responsibilities he has with Nexus.
-- Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty have officially been inducted into Nexus. The group now consists of Harris, McGillicutty, Wade Barrett, John Cena, David Otunga and the WWE Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel.
-- Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton for Orton’s WWE Title has been confirmed for the Survivor Series pay-per-view in November. Per the stipulations on this week’s RAW, John Cena will serve as the special guest referee for the match. Barrett added that if he doesn’t win the WWE Title, Cena will be fired. If he does win, Cena will be relieved of all responsibilities he has with Nexus.
Next Week's RAW Guest Host + New WWE Tag-Team Champions
-- The dark match before RAW this week saw Yoshi Tatsu defeat Primo Colon.
-- Matches taped for Superstars before RAW were Mark Henry vs. Jey Uso and Tyson Kidd vs. Zack Ryder. Spoilers for the show are posted on the main newsboard several posts under this one.
-- Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are your new WWE Tag Team Champions after winning the belts from John Cena and David Otunga on this week’s RAW. The storyline was that Wade Barrett didn’t feel like Cena and Otunga could co-exist, so he made Otunga lay down in the ring and get pinned by Slater.
-- It sounds like Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz is in the works for next week’s Monday Night RAW. We'll keep you posted during the week.
-- Pee-Wee Herman will be the special guest star of next week’s RAW from Long Island. They will be doing 'Pee-Wee's Playhouse' segments throughout the show. Yup.
-- Matches taped for Superstars before RAW were Mark Henry vs. Jey Uso and Tyson Kidd vs. Zack Ryder. Spoilers for the show are posted on the main newsboard several posts under this one.
-- Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are your new WWE Tag Team Champions after winning the belts from John Cena and David Otunga on this week’s RAW. The storyline was that Wade Barrett didn’t feel like Cena and Otunga could co-exist, so he made Otunga lay down in the ring and get pinned by Slater.
-- It sounds like Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz is in the works for next week’s Monday Night RAW. We'll keep you posted during the week.
-- Pee-Wee Herman will be the special guest star of next week’s RAW from Long Island. They will be doing 'Pee-Wee's Playhouse' segments throughout the show. Yup.
A Big RAW Match Confirmed + The Final SD! Rating
Friday's SmackDown! did a 1.74 (1.7) cable rating, with 2,662,000 viewers. That is down slightly from last week.
The only match announced for tonight's RAW is US Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler in a rematch Bragging Rights. That should be good as their match last night to open the PPV was easily the best match of the night. It actually generated a 'This Is Awesome' chant from a WWE crowd which rarely happens. As noted earlier, tonight's episode of WWE RAW will take place from the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The show will be hosted by country music star Toby Keith, who will be promoting his new "Bullets in the Gun" album. You can also expect plenty of fallout from Bragging Rights as we begin the road to Survivor Series on 11/21. The dark match main event after RAW goes off the air will see WWE Champion Randy Orton defending against John Cena and Sheamus in a triple threat match.
The only match announced for tonight's RAW is US Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler in a rematch Bragging Rights. That should be good as their match last night to open the PPV was easily the best match of the night. It actually generated a 'This Is Awesome' chant from a WWE crowd which rarely happens. As noted earlier, tonight's episode of WWE RAW will take place from the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The show will be hosted by country music star Toby Keith, who will be promoting his new "Bullets in the Gun" album. You can also expect plenty of fallout from Bragging Rights as we begin the road to Survivor Series on 11/21. The dark match main event after RAW goes off the air will see WWE Champion Randy Orton defending against John Cena and Sheamus in a triple threat match.
Jim Ross Comments - Lesnar vs. Undertaker At WM27?
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is the latest person to chime in on the possibility of Brock Lesnar returning to WWE at WrestleMania 27 to battle The Undertaker. Ross wrote on Twitter:
"Do people actually believe Brock Lesnar is going to lv UFC & meet Undertaker @ WM 27? Really? Some do. Amazing.
"If I were advising Brock, I'm not btw, I'd say finish ur UFC run as WWE is always a 1 off option. Brock will NEVER go back on rd full time."
"Some fans come off as desperate when 'got's 2 have Taker-Lesnar @ wm 27. Wishful thinking by & large. Brock's still ufc's 'face' & ppv guy."
"Do people actually believe Brock Lesnar is going to lv UFC & meet Undertaker @ WM 27? Really? Some do. Amazing.
"If I were advising Brock, I'm not btw, I'd say finish ur UFC run as WWE is always a 1 off option. Brock will NEVER go back on rd full time."
"Some fans come off as desperate when 'got's 2 have Taker-Lesnar @ wm 27. Wishful thinking by & large. Brock's still ufc's 'face' & ppv guy."
The Latest On Lesnar & WWE + Chavo Guerrero vs. A Fan
-- Brian sent this one along: It looks like Chavo Guerrero's temper is getting the best of him again on Twitter (http://twitter.com/mexwarrior). He seems to have started a flame war with a fan. His attacking post is his most recent one. This looks like it could get ugly. Especially since he isn't staying PG! Here is his latest tweet, directed at a fan who called him out: @Krispinwah thinks he's tough... He's a pussy just like all the other haters! Ok Chavo twit universe.. Unleash hell on him!! For that it's worth, the fan tweeted the following to Chavo which caused his response: @mexwarrior You have big internet b*lls, sp*c.Talk sh*t to Brock's face and he will f*ck you. Literally, he will f*ck you up that brown a*s. We all know Eddie didn't die. He just got deported.
-- There remains the possibility that Brock Lesnar could appear for WWE in a non-physical capacity, but so far there's no word out of Lesnar's camp as to whether he is interested in working with WWE again. We do know that WWE contacted Brock Lesnar about wrestling at WrestleMania 27, but the latest is that most people in the company knew nothing about it until this weekend. If Lesnar decides he wants to do it, (and that is a BIG if and highly unlikely), then WWE would have to work with UFC on setting up some kind of deal that would allow him to compete. The offer was kept secret from many within the company as noted. Also as noted late last night here on the website, Lesnar received several stitches to his face following his fight with Cain Velasquez and said he did not attend the post-fight press conference because he wanted Velasquez to get the spotlight. Early indications are that UFC 121 had a tremendous amount of buys, with some predictions saying it could be the second most purchased UFC PPV of all time. Brock Lesnar is a HUGE draw and the belief is that Cain Velasquez brought in a lot of Mexican-American viewers similar to what boxing draws with Mexican fans. It's a HUGE semi-new fanbase for the UFC. Velasquez will be on comedian George Lopez' show "Lopez Tonight" on TBS tonight. Cain also just appeared on 'TMZ Live' on their website. (Some of the above is re-posted from last nights report.)
-- There remains the possibility that Brock Lesnar could appear for WWE in a non-physical capacity, but so far there's no word out of Lesnar's camp as to whether he is interested in working with WWE again. We do know that WWE contacted Brock Lesnar about wrestling at WrestleMania 27, but the latest is that most people in the company knew nothing about it until this weekend. If Lesnar decides he wants to do it, (and that is a BIG if and highly unlikely), then WWE would have to work with UFC on setting up some kind of deal that would allow him to compete. The offer was kept secret from many within the company as noted. Also as noted late last night here on the website, Lesnar received several stitches to his face following his fight with Cain Velasquez and said he did not attend the post-fight press conference because he wanted Velasquez to get the spotlight. Early indications are that UFC 121 had a tremendous amount of buys, with some predictions saying it could be the second most purchased UFC PPV of all time. Brock Lesnar is a HUGE draw and the belief is that Cain Velasquez brought in a lot of Mexican-American viewers similar to what boxing draws with Mexican fans. It's a HUGE semi-new fanbase for the UFC. Velasquez will be on comedian George Lopez' show "Lopez Tonight" on TBS tonight. Cain also just appeared on 'TMZ Live' on their website. (Some of the above is re-posted from last nights report.)
Perry Saturn & Others Backstage At Bragging Rights
Former WWE performers Perry Satullo (a/k/a Perry Saturn), Bill Irwin (a/k/a The Goon), Buck Zumhoff, Blackjack Lanza, and Greg Gagne were backstage visiting former colleagues at last night's Bragging Rights pay-per-view event in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is believed to be Satullo's first wrestling related appearance since 2004.
The former WCW World Tag Team Champion seemingly disappeared from public view for a number of years as family, friends, and his three ex-wives reportedly had no information as to his whereabouts. Furthermore, due to the fact that he missed the funerals of two of his good friends (Chris Candido and John Kronus), and the funeral of his mentor "Killer" Kowalski, some speculated that he may have been dead. However, it was reported last November that he had been found alive and well and was residing in Albert Lea, Minnesota.
You can click here to see a new photo of Perry Saturn with his wife and kids.
The Undertaker Injured - Original Buried Alive Plans Revealed
Wade Barrett is not the only WWE superstar who was scheduled to win gold at Sunday's Bragging Rights PPV only to have the plans changed.
According to insider sources, the Undertaker was originally scheduled to win the World Heavyweight Title in his Buried Alive match with Kane. Those plans were changed recently when it was found out that he will need surgery to repair his nagging shoulder injury, which is rumored to be a torn rotator cuff. The Undertaker is going to be checked out this week and everybody hopes he won't require surgery.
Instead of the originally planned finish of Taker choking out Kane and burying him alive, WWE instead went with Nexus coming out and attacking Taker, allowing Kane to get the win. Kane needing Nexus' help to defeat the Dead Man was a way to protect the Undertaker, who had lost the two previous matches between the two of them (No Holds Barred at Night of Champions and the Hell in a Cell match last month).
According to insider sources, the Undertaker was originally scheduled to win the World Heavyweight Title in his Buried Alive match with Kane. Those plans were changed recently when it was found out that he will need surgery to repair his nagging shoulder injury, which is rumored to be a torn rotator cuff. The Undertaker is going to be checked out this week and everybody hopes he won't require surgery.
Instead of the originally planned finish of Taker choking out Kane and burying him alive, WWE instead went with Nexus coming out and attacking Taker, allowing Kane to get the win. Kane needing Nexus' help to defeat the Dead Man was a way to protect the Undertaker, who had lost the two previous matches between the two of them (No Holds Barred at Night of Champions and the Hell in a Cell match last month).
Backstage News: WWE Nixes Barrett Title Win + Tough Enough
-- To update the news that WWE's Tough Enough reality show is likely returning to television, it's come out that WWE producer Kevin Dunn has been one of the driving forces behind its return. While some influential people in WWE are not behind the idea, Vince McMahon is said to be on board.
-- WWE's creative brass had planned last week for Wade Barrett to win the WWE Championship last night at Bragging Rights. Though the British wrestler ultimately won the match, he did not win the title due to interference from fellow Nexus member John Cena. Thus, Orton retained the gold.
The Undertaker Speaks - Lesnar's Loss & Future, Batista/Lashley
WWE legend The Undertaker conducted a rare out-of-character interview with FightMagazine.com following Saturday night's UFC 121 PPV in Anaheim, California. The Undertaker spoke mostly about mixed martial arts, saying once again that he would have almost certainly become an MMA fighter if the sport was this popular 25 years ago when he was getting into wrestling. He also said he's near the end of his wrestling career and hopes to work behind the scenes after his days in the ring are over.
Here are some highlights of what 'Taker said about:
Brock Lesnar's Loss at UFC 121: "I didn't think it would go that way that early. I thought he would be able to overpower Cain and use his strength against him. It kind of caught me off guard the way it ended up"
What's Next For Brock: "I think he showed how he rebounds after he loses a fight. This is what, Brock's sixth fight? What he's accomplished with six fights is remarkable. That goes back to his incredible strength and wrestling background. You study your film, you study your tape, you get back in the gym, and you make your corrections. I think Brock will be a better fighter. Things happen. I figure he'll go back and look at this fight and make some tweaks to his game plan. I can't wait to see it again."
Batista vs. Bobby Lashley: "It's an attraction. I don't know which way to call it.. Bobby was doing good. He didn't look too great his last time out. I guess he was sick or something like that. And Bautista is just getting started. I know Bautista is really motivated to fight. I think he should get a couple fights under his belt before he steps in there with somebody of - Bobby has a tremendous wrestling background. ... I think that might give Bobby the edge. But, you never know what's going to happen."
Here are some highlights of what 'Taker said about:
Brock Lesnar's Loss at UFC 121: "I didn't think it would go that way that early. I thought he would be able to overpower Cain and use his strength against him. It kind of caught me off guard the way it ended up"
What's Next For Brock: "I think he showed how he rebounds after he loses a fight. This is what, Brock's sixth fight? What he's accomplished with six fights is remarkable. That goes back to his incredible strength and wrestling background. You study your film, you study your tape, you get back in the gym, and you make your corrections. I think Brock will be a better fighter. Things happen. I figure he'll go back and look at this fight and make some tweaks to his game plan. I can't wait to see it again."
Batista vs. Bobby Lashley: "It's an attraction. I don't know which way to call it.. Bobby was doing good. He didn't look too great his last time out. I guess he was sick or something like that. And Bautista is just getting started. I know Bautista is really motivated to fight. I think he should get a couple fights under his belt before he steps in there with somebody of - Bobby has a tremendous wrestling background. ... I think that might give Bobby the edge. But, you never know what's going to happen."
Beth Phoenix' SD! Return?, The Goldust/Aksana Wedding, Masters-Twitter, Finlay's Film
-- Betah Phoenix will be returning to the SmackDown! brand soon.
-- As noted earlier here on the website, Fit Finlay, who still works behind the scenes for World Wrestling Entertainment, is the focus of a new film from director Ronan McCloskey, reports SunSport. The biopic looks at Irish wrestling in general while also concentrating on the WWE Superstar's family. The film, called The Finlays, will air on Setanta Ireland and the BBC in the UK.
-- Chris Masters has rejoined Twitter at http://twitter.com/Wwemasterp His previous account was quietly deleted over the summer.
-- Goldust revealed on Twitter that his wedding with Aksana would take place on next week's episode of NXT.
-- As noted earlier here on the website, Fit Finlay, who still works behind the scenes for World Wrestling Entertainment, is the focus of a new film from director Ronan McCloskey, reports SunSport. The biopic looks at Irish wrestling in general while also concentrating on the WWE Superstar's family. The film, called The Finlays, will air on Setanta Ireland and the BBC in the UK.
-- Chris Masters has rejoined Twitter at http://twitter.com/Wwemasterp His previous account was quietly deleted over the summer.
-- Goldust revealed on Twitter that his wedding with Aksana would take place on next week's episode of NXT.
The Undertaker Taking Time Off, CM Punk Injured Last Night?
-- It was originally believed that CM Punk may have injured his back or his hip during the RAW vs. SmackDown! match at Sunday's Bragging Rights PPV, but he was okay and walking around backstage after the match.
-- The Undertaker will be taking time off to deal with a shoulder injury. He will be getting it looked at this week, and the hope from the company is that he can return around the Royal Rumble so that he can begin his WrestleMania program.
-- The Undertaker will be taking time off to deal with a shoulder injury. He will be getting it looked at this week, and the hope from the company is that he can return around the Royal Rumble so that he can begin his WrestleMania program.
Interviewer Says Undertaker-Lesnar Confrontation Was Legit
Fanhouse.com interviewer Ariel Helwani, who was interviewing The Undertaker at UFC 121 on Saturday when he went face-to-face with Brock Lesnar, has responded to speculation that the Lesnar-Undertaker confrontation was staged.
Helwani denies taking any part in a worked confrontation and says he believes thew whole thing was "genuine." Helwani wrote on Twitter:
"Just want to note that if anyone thinks I was in on some kind of angle last night, they are HIGHLY mistaken. Seriously now.
haven't watched WWE in a couple years, don't know about storylines. All we were doing was intv. som1 who I thought was there 2 support Brock
I am still confused by it, to be honest. Nothing was planned in advance and I would NEVER, EVER be a part of something like that.
Anyhow, as far as I know, the whole thing was genuine. Same as when we talked to the guys after 116, The Rock, Booker etc."
For that it's worth, I know Ariel Helwani personally and he is a very respected journalist. I believe him when he says he had no part in any storyline.
Helwani denies taking any part in a worked confrontation and says he believes thew whole thing was "genuine." Helwani wrote on Twitter:
"Just want to note that if anyone thinks I was in on some kind of angle last night, they are HIGHLY mistaken. Seriously now.
haven't watched WWE in a couple years, don't know about storylines. All we were doing was intv. som1 who I thought was there 2 support Brock
I am still confused by it, to be honest. Nothing was planned in advance and I would NEVER, EVER be a part of something like that.
Anyhow, as far as I know, the whole thing was genuine. Same as when we talked to the guys after 116, The Rock, Booker etc."
For that it's worth, I know Ariel Helwani personally and he is a very respected journalist. I believe him when he says he had no part in any storyline.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bragging Rights Live Notes and Dark Match Result
Reader Kent Hrbek attended the WWE Bragging Rights pay-per-view in Minneapolis, Minnesota and sent along the following dark match result and notes.
Dark match result:
1. MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero. No specific match details.
Various show notes and observations:
-The building looked close to being sold out.
- Daniel Bryan was very over with the live crowd.
-John Cena received a huge pop but was booed during the tag team championship match.
-Undertaker was over huge as he normally is in Minnesota. The crowd hated the finish to the Kane vs. Taker match.
-R-Truth received absolutely no reaction.
-C.M. Punk was very over and the crowd loved the elimination match, especially the finish.
-Randy Orton was more over than anyone else on the show.
-Good heat for The Nexus.
-After the show, Orton continued to pose for the cameras.
Dark match result:
1. MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero. No specific match details.
Various show notes and observations:
-The building looked close to being sold out.
- Daniel Bryan was very over with the live crowd.
-John Cena received a huge pop but was booed during the tag team championship match.
-Undertaker was over huge as he normally is in Minnesota. The crowd hated the finish to the Kane vs. Taker match.
-R-Truth received absolutely no reaction.
-C.M. Punk was very over and the crowd loved the elimination match, especially the finish.
-Randy Orton was more over than anyone else on the show.
-Good heat for The Nexus.
-After the show, Orton continued to pose for the cameras.
Chris Masters' Eye Injury (Graphic) + New WWE Champions
-- John Cena and David Otunga are your new WWE Tag Team Champions after defeating Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre at the WWE Bragging Rights pay-per-view on Sunday night.
-- During the Buried Alive match, Joey Styles tweeted: I'm not surprised Kane is taking a beating in this Buried Alive Match. Undertaker has been ready to throw a punch for at least 24 hrs.
-- Chris Masters suffered a NASTY black eye at the conclusion of his WWE Superstars tag team match with MVP against Drew McIntyre and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. You can click here to view 5 *extremely graphic* photos of Chris Masters' eye. You've been warned. OUCH x 1000!!
-- During the Buried Alive match, Joey Styles tweeted: I'm not surprised Kane is taking a beating in this Buried Alive Match. Undertaker has been ready to throw a punch for at least 24 hrs.
-- Chris Masters suffered a NASTY black eye at the conclusion of his WWE Superstars tag team match with MVP against Drew McIntyre and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. You can click here to view 5 *extremely graphic* photos of Chris Masters' eye. You've been warned. OUCH x 1000!!
Even More On WWE's WrestleMania Offer To Brock Lesnar
-- MMA fans Steve Austin and Jim Ross were not in attendance at the UFC 121 pay-per-view event.
-- We can now confirm that World Wrestling Entertainment has made an offer to Brock Lesnar to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania. As noted earlier, the news was kept secret from the majority of the creative team, and there has been a lot of talk today with people asking what the latest was. It's thought that Lesnar will not be saying anything publicly for at least two weeks.
-- The offer to Brock Lesnar is for a one-night only return at WrestleMania 27.
-- Many people who worked for WWE at the time Lesnar decided to leave aren't happy that the UFC star is being offered a big payday to return (if that is the case - we're still not sure) for WWE's biggest event of the year. Many feel that he "crapped on the business" by walking away, especially after being given the big build up as a monster star.
-- There is no deal currently in place between WWE and Lesnar but the company has definitely contacted him. Lesnar's current deal with UFC wouldn't allow him to work a WWE match so Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon and Dana White would need to work something out if anything were to happen.
Update - Team 3D Sign New TNA Contracts
Team 3D signed new multi-year deals with TNA Wrestling last week. They were expected to remain with the company, but there was communication between WWE & Team 3D about them coming in to revitalize their tag team division.
There was also an interest in WWE signing Brother Ray as a producer down the line. There was also talk about how WWE could use Team 3D's wrestling academy in Florida to help train some of the newer developmental talents.
In the end, they both wound up re-signing with TNA. The travel schedule in TNA also played a role in their decision to sign with TNA.
The Very Latest Backstage Update On Lesnar-UFC-WWE + Mysterio Joins Twitter
-- WWE confirmed this afternoon that Rey Mysterio has opened an account on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ReyMysterio
To follow up on the news that WWE has contacted Brock Lesnar about wrestling The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27, the latest is that most people in the company knew nothing about it until this weekend. We have now learned that World Wrestling Entertainment did indeed make an offer to Brock to face 'Taker at Wrestlemania. If Lesnar decides he wants to do it, (and that is a BIG if), then WWE would have to work with UFC on setting up some kind of deal that would allow him to compete. The offer was kept secret from many within the company as noted.
At this point, Lesnar's future is unclear. His next opponent is rumored to be Frank Mir in what would be their third showdown, with each man holding a victory over the other.
Lesnar received several stitches to his face following his fight with Cain Velasquez and said he did not attend the post-fight press conference because he wanted Velasquez to get the spotlight.
Early indications are that UFC 121 had a tremendous amount of buys, with some predictions saying it could be the second most purchased UFC PPV of all time. Brock Lesnar is a HUGE draw and the belief is that Cain Velasquez brought in a lot of Mexican-American viewers similar to what boxing draws with Mexican fans. It's a HUGE semi-new fanbase for the UFC. New UFC Heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez will be on comedian George Lopez' show "Lopez Tonight" on TBS this Monday night.
As you can imagine, Lesnar losing the UFC Heavyweight title Saturday night and having a face-to-face encounter with The Undertaker was a big topic of discussion backstage at Bragging Rights.
To follow up on the news that WWE has contacted Brock Lesnar about wrestling The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27, the latest is that most people in the company knew nothing about it until this weekend. We have now learned that World Wrestling Entertainment did indeed make an offer to Brock to face 'Taker at Wrestlemania. If Lesnar decides he wants to do it, (and that is a BIG if), then WWE would have to work with UFC on setting up some kind of deal that would allow him to compete. The offer was kept secret from many within the company as noted.
At this point, Lesnar's future is unclear. His next opponent is rumored to be Frank Mir in what would be their third showdown, with each man holding a victory over the other.
Lesnar received several stitches to his face following his fight with Cain Velasquez and said he did not attend the post-fight press conference because he wanted Velasquez to get the spotlight.
Early indications are that UFC 121 had a tremendous amount of buys, with some predictions saying it could be the second most purchased UFC PPV of all time. Brock Lesnar is a HUGE draw and the belief is that Cain Velasquez brought in a lot of Mexican-American viewers similar to what boxing draws with Mexican fans. It's a HUGE semi-new fanbase for the UFC. New UFC Heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez will be on comedian George Lopez' show "Lopez Tonight" on TBS this Monday night.
As you can imagine, Lesnar losing the UFC Heavyweight title Saturday night and having a face-to-face encounter with The Undertaker was a big topic of discussion backstage at Bragging Rights.
Backstage Update - The Undertaker-Brock Lesnar Confrontation
No one seems to have a definitive answer in regards to the post-fight confrontation between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar at last nights UFC 121 PPV in Anaheim, CA.
As you all know by now, the confrontation was captured during an interview that Ariel Helwani was conducting with Undertaker as Lesnar walked by. UFC President Dana White didn't have an answer for the confrontation either when asked by Helwani as well. 'Taker also kept quiet when asked about it backstage and simply kept stating that it 'was personal'.
We can report that according to one reliable source in WWE, there was heavy discussion within WWE about wanting to book Undertaker vs. Lesnar for Wrestlemania 27 in a "streak vs. UFC title" type match. Of course this would not be possible due to Lesnar's contract with UFC, unless some kind of a rare deal was made. Also, nothing had been confirmed and it had only been talked about within WWE.
Either way, the confrontation caught many off guard and more questions still remain. We'll keep you posted as we get more.
As you all know by now, the confrontation was captured during an interview that Ariel Helwani was conducting with Undertaker as Lesnar walked by. UFC President Dana White didn't have an answer for the confrontation either when asked by Helwani as well. 'Taker also kept quiet when asked about it backstage and simply kept stating that it 'was personal'.
We can report that according to one reliable source in WWE, there was heavy discussion within WWE about wanting to book Undertaker vs. Lesnar for Wrestlemania 27 in a "streak vs. UFC title" type match. Of course this would not be possible due to Lesnar's contract with UFC, unless some kind of a rare deal was made. Also, nothing had been confirmed and it had only been talked about within WWE.
Either way, the confrontation caught many off guard and more questions still remain. We'll keep you posted as we get more.
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